Nine idlers

Chapter 92 2 Transactions

Chapter 92 Secondary Transactions

The two came to a small room behind the church. Bishop Matthews took off the extremely cumbersome robe on his body, stretched his muscles and bones, and let out a long sigh of relief. It seemed that what he took off was not a robe , but a hill that weighed him down.He motioned Xu Changqing to sit down casually, then took out a very exquisite tea set from the bedside cabinet, got some hot water, carefully took out a bag of tea leaves, and threw a few pieces down very miserly.After brewing the tea, he handed it to Xu Changqing and said, "Taste the tea I grow myself."

Xu Changqing took the teacup and smelled it. It had a faint tea fragrance. After taking a sip, the taste was slightly bitter. He frowned and didn't take another sip. He put it aside and said, "It's similar to the local tea in the mountains! Father Hughes, you are too stingy to use this kind of tea to honor an old friend you haven't seen for many years!"

"No way! I asked several people and they said that it is the best tea!" Bishop Matthews looked puzzled, took a sip from the teacup, spit it out quickly, smiled awkwardly, and said, "It seems to be moldy. !"

Seeing the appearance of Bishop Matthews, Xu Changqing couldn't help laughing, and said with emotion: "Father Matthews, although you have changed your skin, your personality is still the same. The Holy See is eroded by darkness, and I am really gratified to be your student."

Bishop Matthews also looked at Xu Changqing and said: "I'm old, no matter what, I can't change! But what surprised me is that you have changed a lot. You have become more and more like your master. Maybe you have already surpassed him! The young man who I could see through his mind at a glance back then has become blurred in my eyes now, in your language, this must be unfathomable!"

Xu Changqing smiled, did not express anything, and then asked a little puzzled: "Father, how did you know that I was in Wansheng Commercial Firm? I arrived late last night, and you have already sent me an invitation today." , don’t tell me you guessed it with magic? Although the magic of your Western Holy See has its own unique features, it’s not so magical.”

"When Qingping went to another church for mass this morning, she happened to meet me." Bishop Matthews did not hide anything, sitting next to Xu Changqing, and said with concern: "I didn't expect the ending of the two of you to be like this. Back then If it wasn't for your master..."

"Father, since the past has passed, there is no need to talk about it. Master used secret methods to help me repay my long-cherished wish of fate, so what can I blame him? I know that I owed her too much and hurt her too much. Shen, but this is between me and her, so please don’t meddle in it, Father.” Xu Changqing interrupted Bishop Matthews in a flat tone, and then changed the subject: “Father, why are you so quick? Just promoted to cardinal? As far as I know, it seems that the Western Holy See has been deliberately suppressing your monastery, so how could it give you such an important position?"

Seeing that Xu Changqing was unwilling to continue this topic, Bishop Matthews did not insist any longer. Following Xu Changqing's topic, he said: "Actually, they are using the position of cardinal to block my mouth, because I have discovered a person who can overthrow the Holy See. The big secret of authority, and they have no way to make me disappear without a sound, so they have to give me the title of cardinal, and then send me to South America to preach, away from the center of the Holy See."

"South America?" Xu Changqing frowned and said, "Why don't you live here?"

"I'm afraid!" Bishop Matthews smiled bitterly, and said with a tired expression: "If it wasn't for your master, I might have been buried here. If I was still young, I might have died here again. Fight hard, but now I'm too tired, the so-called glory of God doesn't seem to have much to do with me, I just want to have a good rest and find a comfortable place to spend my old age."

"Don't you even want the holy cross of your Holy See?" Xu Changqing suddenly had an idea in his mind, smiled, and suddenly took out the cross from the universe in his sleeve, put it on the table, and said: "I remember the priest You came to my land of China because of this thing, don't you want it now?"

When Bishop Matthews saw the cross, his eyes widened, as if he had seen a ghost. Perhaps he was even more surprised than seeing a ghost. He almost stopped breathing. He stretched out his hands trembling, and held the cross respectfully.The cross in Xu Changqing's hands did not respond at all, but in the hands of Bishop Matthews, there was a burst of white light, and the spiritual power contained in the cross, which was like stagnant water, was surging at this moment, ready to come out.

"It's really a holy thing! It's really a holy thing!" Bishop Matthews looked a little excited, holding the cross with both hands, knelt on the ground, raised it above his head, and chanted prayers very devoutly , Drop by drop of old tears fell on the ground.Bishop Matthews spent half of his life fighting for this cross, and almost lost his life. Now that he saw this cross that haunted him so much, how could he not be very excited.

After Bishop Matthews finished praying, he raised his head and looked at the cross in his hand carefully. His expression gradually calmed down from excitement, and he took out a handkerchief to wipe the tears on his face.At this time, he suddenly thought of something, his expression froze for a moment, he suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Changqing, hesitated for a moment, and asked: "Changqing, based on my understanding of your Yizhuang lineage, your lineage Successors have never been kind enough to help others for free! Presumably you have also inherited the tradition of your master, so you are taking out this cross in front of me now for some other purpose, right?"

"It seems that the priest has lived in Chen Jiachong for more than ten years! He already knows us very well." Xu Changqing smiled, and then said with a serious look: "I think you, the priest, also know that there are four descendants of our lineage. Ten deadlines, seeing my final deadline is getting closer and closer, there is still no trace of the heaven and earth spirits, and those caves and blessed places have been occupied by the orthodox immortals and Buddhas, so naturally I will not be allowed to look for them, so I can only Put my hope in a foreign land. As long as you, Father, can help me find the heaven and earth spiritual objects I need through the power of the Western Church, this cross will be returned to you."

"What? Spiritual things of heaven and earth?" Bishop Matthews' complexion suddenly changed, and the enthusiasm in his heart that had just been stirred up by the cross immediately cooled down.He is not the kind of stunned young man who doesn't know anything. He has been in Chen Jiachong for more than ten years, and after reading some classics of Xu Changqing's family's memoirs, he naturally knows what the heaven and earth spirits are. Religious significance, perhaps in terms of its value, is far less precious than the spiritual objects of heaven and earth.A person with great powers like Yizhuang's successors in the past can't find any spiritual objects in the world. He has self-knowledge, and even if he asks the entire monastery to search for spiritual objects in the world, he will not gain anything, unless he cooperates with the Holy See. There is a silver lining.

Bishop Matthews looked at the cross in his hand reluctantly, sighed, put it on the table, and said calmly: "It seems that I, Matthews, are destined to miss this cross, you Take it back! Although there is no way to get it, I am satisfied to see the sacred object before death."

Xu Changqing looked at Bishop Matthews, held the cross in his hand, smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, since your Western Holy See is not willing to exchange with me, naturally someone is willing, such as the Western demon who is opposing you!"

"What? Changqing, you can't do this. Doing so will bring disaster to the whole world!" Bishop Matthews was startled, stood up immediately, grabbed Xu Changqing's arm, and said urgently.

"Wrong! It should be to bring the whole of Europe into disaster." Xu Changqing gently broke the hand of Bishop Matthews and said, "Father, don't worry, they won't find the spirits of heaven and earth so easily. They don't even know what is the spirit of heaven and earth." You can’t even figure out things, you have a lot of advantages over them, as long as you can find the spiritual objects of heaven and earth faster than them, then the cross is still yours.”

Bishop Matthews suddenly looked at Xu Changqing with a strange expression, smiled, and said, "Changqing, you must be bluffing me, right? Western demons never come to the East, so why would you do anything to them?" What about the deal?"

Looking at the smiling face of Bishop Matthews who thought he could expose his lies, Xu Changqing calmly and slowly told what happened in Majiapu, and Bishop Matthews' expression became more and more serious.When he heard that Samuel was eliminated by Xu Changqing, his expression relaxed a little, but when he heard that Lilith was pregnant with the magic baby, his expression became tense again, and his expression changed again and again. It wasn't until he heard about the deal Xu Changqing made with Lilith that his face slowly darkened.He knew very well in his heart that the demonic forces in the West were no worse than the Holy See's at all, and in many ways stronger than the Holy See's. If they were looking for something, it would be difficult for them to compare with the demonic forces.

Seeing Bishop Matthews' frown, Xu Changqing smiled and said, "Father, you are my teacher, so I will treat you better." Then, he took a piece of charcoal from the fireplace, and put it on the He drew on the letter paper on the table, drew the stone and the foreign soldier he saw from the spiritual knowledge of the Nine Lives True Monarch, handed it to Bishop Matthews and said, "This foreigner is the Eight-Nation Allied Forces back then. One, he snatched this stone from the palace at that time, I suspect that this stone is a spiritual object of heaven and earth, as long as you can find this stone, Father, I will return the cross to you."

"Do those evil things also know the existence of this stone?" Bishop Matthews immediately took the letter paper, found some soapy water to shape it, then looked carefully, and asked again.

Xu Changqing shook his head and said: "Don't worry, they don't know! I have sent someone to Europe to find this stone, but he may be small and weak, and he will not be of much use, and I don't want to take this matter Trouble the Chen family, so I had no choice but to take this bad strategy. But don't worry, priest, as long as one of you or the person I sent can find this stone, this cross will belong to you. If even those demons can If you find the spirits of heaven and earth before you, then please don't blame me, Father."

"Okay! I'll go back to Europe tomorrow and deal with this matter!" Bishop Matthews knew that Xu Changqing was enough to take care of him, so he shouldn't have made any more demands, but after thinking about it, he still said: "Changqing, if those evil If you want to find the spirits of heaven and earth first, they will send people to trade, can you notify me in advance."

"It seems that the world is as dark as crows, and you priests are not as bright and upright as you say." Xu Changqing couldn't help laughing and mocking, then nodded, and said: "I can tell you, but there is one thing you need You know, no matter how much you fight in the Western practice world, don't make trouble in my Chinese territory, otherwise even if I don't make a move, someone will do it."

Bishop Matthews knew that Xu Changqing was not joking, he had also experienced the advantages and disadvantages of Chinese practitioners, so naturally he did not dare to make the same mistake again, so he nodded, and promised with a serious expression: "Don't worry about this, we will understand Proper."

Xu Changqing nodded, and under Bishop Matthews' longing eyes, he put the cross in his sleeve, then looked at the frustrated Bishop Matthews calmly, and changed the subject: " Father, your divine art has improved again! You were able to break my body binding so easily, it seems that you have not only improved your title over the years."

Bishop Matthews returned to normal, smiled bitterly, and said: "Britain is the gathering place of evil forces in the whole of Europe. If I don't improve my strength, I would have died long ago." Then he tore the collar around his neck a little, Showing a shocking scar, he said: "Although those evil forces are individually weaker than you oriental cultivators, they are more familiar with our battles than you, so it is much more difficult to deal with. "

Seeing the scar of Bishop Matthews, Xu Changqing's face became a little gloomy, and he suddenly asked: "How strong are the fallen angels Samuel and Lilith in your west?"

Bishop Matthews hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully: "Like me, they all belong to the level of priestly judges," he paused, and reminded: "Don't think that these two fallen angels are the strongest. The main reason why they are famous is that they often appear in the classics of the Holy See as tempters, representing the temptation of original sin. If the power of those demons is determined simply by the size of their wings and bodies, They often suffer a lot. Compared with those demons with gorgeous or terrifying appearances, there are some really powerful demons who don’t have much reputation and look similar to ordinary people, but their power is stronger than them. If you meet Don’t take it lightly.”

"Don't worry, their things are not enough to hurt me." Xu Changqing smiled, secretly remembering Bishop Matthews' words in his heart, but he didn't care about it on his face.

Afterwards, Xu Changqing chatted with Bishop Matthews again about his life in England and Chen Jingguo's current situation. After knowing that it was dark, Xu Changqing bid farewell to leave and set up a contact method at the same time.After Xu Changqing left, Bishop Matthews sat in the room blankly. After a while, he slowly stood up, sandwiched the two sketch papers in the Bible, quickly packed his luggage, and went to The clergy apprentice serving outside the door ordered: "Prepare the carriage immediately and go to Hong Kong, England. We will leave for England tonight."

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