Nine idlers

Chapter 925 The Source of Chaos

Seeing Xu Changqing's expression, old man Qi could also guess what he was thinking.After Xu Changqing invited him over, he mentioned to him many times that he wanted to borrow his pier to transfer some things, and it would be best if he could make some more friends and have more contacts in the temple star.At that time, the old man Qi thought that Xu Changqing wanted to find another buyer for the artifact he had cut off. After all, the price would be controlled for those who only sold it to Zhanshen City, and one more bidder would relatively increase the final price. income.

It's just that old man Qi doesn't see it that way now, he already has a faint feeling that Xu Changqing should have other ideas, which also makes him more determined to leave this circle of right and wrong.

So I heard him take the initiative to say before Xu Changqing opened his mouth: "I have some friends in the temple star that I haven't seen for a long time. I don't know when I will come out this time. If you have time to go to the temple star, help me meet Meet them!"

After finishing speaking, he saw a crystal clear bead spit out from the mouth of Old Qi, on which was engraved the name of a person written in divine script.This person's name, Xu Changqing, is also known. He is the fire-guarding elder of a large god family in the temple star, and he can also be called the inheritance elder. After the death of the family god, he guards the fire until the next inheritor appears.Although this person is not well-known, he is a real power faction. Almost all the children of the great god family have close relations with him, or have received his favor, or received his advice. Very high, at least not inferior to the head of the Yuan family.Seeing that old man Qi threw out such a big man, and looking at his resolute eyes, Xu Changqing knew that it was impossible for him to keep old man Qi.There is no reason to speak out to stay.Although the other party did not fully disclose the influence it possessed as Xu Changqing wished.But willing to help him build a bridge.It is enough for him to have the opportunity to enter the big circle of the temple star.He believed that with his own means, as long as he entered that circle, he would be able to make most of the foreign gods in that circle work for him in a short time.

Xu Changqing was not pretentious, took the bead as a token in his hand, put it in his pocket, and said indifferently: "Thank you very much!"

Seeing Xu Changqing put away the beads, old man Qi felt a little more relaxed.Hearing Xu Changqing's flat thank you, he didn't feel that he was underestimated. On the contrary, he felt that it should be like this. As the saying goes, the friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. If the response is too solemn, it will make him feel burdened.

The old man Qi, who had settled his mind, began to make the final blood sacrifice for the artifact, and saw that he fixed the ball of firebird blood essence in the air with divine power, and then placed the semi-finished artifact in front of him, just in front of the ball of essence Below the blood, the secret method of blood sacrifice passed down by Xu Changqing was followed to worship the holy market.Following Qi Laolao's blood sacrifice secret method was cast.Immediately over the crater, a group of dark clouds covered the entire volcano, and as time went by.The dark clouds gradually turned white, and when they were already abnormally white and emitted bursts of light, the white began to gradually turn golden again.At the same time, a smoky column of golden air pierced straight down, and under the traction of an invisible force, it injected into the blood of the firebird, and then pierced through again, rushing from the bottom. out, mixed with a trace of essence and blood, it was injected into the semi-finished artifact below.

As the golden clouds became thicker and thicker, the golden color of the air column became thicker and thicker, and the speed of injecting the artifact also increased, while the fire bird's blood essence also decreased.At this time, the originally dim artifact below exudes brilliance, and golden blood energy travels along the inner and outer surfaces of the artifact along the divine script and array, just like the blood of the human body, continuously sending nutrients to the artifact. various parts.An unexplainable force emanated from the artifact, which the old man Qi couldn't explain, gradually spread in all directions, and soon covered the land with a radius of tens of miles.

At this time, all the foreign gods in this force instinctively cast their magic spells to protect their bodies to avoid any accidents.However, their faces turned extremely pale afterwards, because they found that no matter whether they activated the divine circle around them or cast divine spells or artifacts, they could not stop the intrusion of this force, as if under the influence of this force, all other forces All turned into nothingness.

However, before these foreign gods showed panic, the expressions on their faces were all replaced by doubts, bewilderment and other emotions.The reason why they change their faces so frequently is entirely because this force is too weird. Although this force can easily penetrate any other force, including solid rocks, the body of a god, etc., the force seems to have no power. Any other effect will not bring any effect to all the foreign gods surrounded by this force.This power will neither cause any harm to them, nor will it do them any good. It can be said that there is no difference between having this power and not having this power.

All kinds of abnormalities made these foreign gods wonder, what exactly is this power for, and what is its effect?

Compared with other people who don't know why, or even where this power comes from, Old Man Qi, who is directly stimulating this power by blood sacrifice to the artifact, feels the most deeply.Others felt that this force seemed to have no effect, but he knew very well how powerful this force was.Under the influence of this power, he could feel that the blood of the monster race in his body was operating in an unprecedented way, and at the same time it formed a power different from divine power.Being well-informed, he easily recognized that this kind of power was the mana of the monster clan in the three realms of Kunlun, and this mana circulated in his body without being affected by divine power, divine fire, etc. Generally, it coexists in his body, and he even feels that if he can display it, this demonic power will not be suppressed by the Heavenly Dao of the Holy Market.

Except for the pure-blooded people in the Holy Ruins, the rest of the mixed-race people and the orcs will produce powers that are different from divine powers, such as mana power and demon power, due to their own blood.It's just that, after most mixed-race people and turbid orcs ignite the divine fire and step into the realm of the gods, the other powers in their bodies will be assimilated by the divine power of the divine fire of their own destiny, and transformed into another kind of demon divine power and fairy divine power. Only a few of their natal blood Only a strong enough ethnic group can allow divine power and demon power to coexist.It's just that the power of the demon power or mana that coexists with the divine power will be limited due to the suppression of the Holy Ruins of Heaven and the rejection of its own divine power and divine body. It is far less powerful than divine power, so even if someone can possess two kinds of power, They will also give up on their own for various reasons, allowing it to merge with divine power.

Old man Qi quickly understood from the special situation of mixed-race people and turbid orcs in the Holy Market, what kind of impact Xu Changqing's artifact would have on the Holy Market.Although he is still not completely sure of this, he already estimates that this artifact can definitely change the current situation of the pure-blooded people, mixed-race people, and turbid orcs in the Holy Market, and may even become the source of chaos in the Holy Market.

This artifact can allow the mixed-race people and the turbid orcs to use their own mana and demon power without being suppressed by the law of heaven in the Holy Ruins. Before igniting their own divine fire, people from the other two races were able to cultivate mana and demon power. The difference in power would challenge the status of pure-blooded people.

In addition, the monster power and mana obtained by the training of some groups with strong bloodlines are far more powerful than the divine power of the divine fire they inherited, but because of the suppression of the heavenly way of the holy market, they had to transform the more powerful bloodline power into the divine power of the divine fire inheritance , also because of their weak divine power, the status of these races in the holy market is not high.Once the artifact refined by Xu Changqing spreads, these ethnic groups with strong blood and weak fire will inevitably become the biggest beneficiaries of this artifact, and their strength will also increase rapidly in a short period of time, and become powerful by then. They will definitely seize the interests that match their status, and the object of the seizure will most likely be the pure-blooded people who occupy [-]% of the resources of the Holy Market.

However, these two points are not enough to make Old Man Qi think that there will be chaos in the Holy Ruins. After all, the Holy Ruins have the supreme god on top of them, and no matter how big the chaos is, it can be calmed down quickly.The real reason that made him feel that the Holy Ruins would be so chaotic that even the Supreme God could not suppress it was that this artifact would break the deadlock of the Holy Ruins' integration into the Kunlun Three Realms, and would make the plan he knew easier, and the planned The biggest beneficiary will not be the pure-blooded people who dominate the holy market.

The mixed-race people and the turbid orcs are some preparations made by the layout of the holy market for thousands of years to integrate into the three realms of Kunlun. It is not difficult to go to other places from the magic cliff.It's just that once they ignited the divine fire and accepted the inheritance of the gods, the Kunlun Three Realms began to reject them, and they were also trapped in the holy ruins in disguise like other pure-blooded gods.

However, Xu Changqing's artifact now solves this problem. Not only does the artifact prevent the owner from being rejected by the Heavenly Dao of the Three Realms of Kunlun, but even the suppression of the gods, demons, Buddhas and demons of the Three Realms of Kunlun by the Heavenly Dao of the Holy Ruins has disappeared.In this way, the strength of the mixed-race people and the turbid orcs will be doubled in a short period of time. As for the pure-blooded gods, they may still have an advantage in the Holy Ruins, but once they leave the Holy Ruins and go to the Kunlun Three Realms, they will inevitably be confused. Humans and orcs countered.There were already many disputes among the three major ethnic groups in the Holy Ruins, but they were maintained in a balanced state due to various reasons, but this artifact completely broke this balance. I am afraid that even the Supreme God of the Holy Ruins cannot suppress this civil strife.

However, the internal turmoil in the Holy Ruins is still minor. What really worries the old man is that the forging method of this kind of artifact will be lost in the Kunlun Three Realms. The number of powerhouses in the Three Realms, I am afraid that it will not be a problem to destroy the Holy Ruins a dozen times back and forth, the Holy Ruins are in danger!

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