Nine idlers

Chapter 928

Vedel and the others ended the discussion and planned to use this day to persuade other forces in the Asa Protoss to give up a core quota for the fusion plan, so that when they meet Xu Changqing tomorrow, they can have a powerful bargaining chip.

At the same time, Xu Changqing had also completed the transformation of the artifact, returned to his office, and looked through the Asa protoss materials he had asked his subordinates to collect in the past few days.

It is not difficult for Xu Changqing to transform that artifact of chaos and hide its fatal weakness. The difficulty is that he cannot always detect the flaws of this artifact. One can see at a glance the harm caused by this artifact's chaos in the Holy Ruins.

If these flaws and weaknesses were just modified on the already finished artifact, it would take a lot of time to do it with Xu Changqing's ability.When Xu Changqing started to transform the artifact, he quickly discovered it, so he changed his thinking, and did not touch him with the already finished artifact. Instead, he recreated several artifacts with similar functions but An artifact with greatly reduced efficacy.

Because of the prototype, it is much easier to redesign the artifact. In a few days, Xu Changqing easily designed several trap artifacts that are enough to make all the gods of the holy market fall into the net.Among these artifacts, the one with the weakest effect is what Xu Changqing intends to use as a stepping stone to join the fusion plan.Although this artifact has the weakest effect, it is most in line with the current interests of the gods of the holy market or the pure blood gods. Its effect as a stepping stone is far better than that of the complete artifact at the beginning.

This artifact was designed in the shape of an ordinary token, and its function should be regarded as a shielding armor after being castrated.The shielding armor that Xu Changqing sent up before.Very powerful.It can allow the gods of the Holy Market to perform divine spells as usual in places other than the Holy Market.It can also transform the spiritual energy of the outside world and supplement the wasted consumption of the gods of the holy market. This artifact is not only used by the beast gods and hybrid gods, but also pure blood gods.

However, this artifact is difficult to forge, and the core of the forging method is in the hands of Xu Changqing, and only Xu Changqing can make this artifact, and Xu Changqing's forging workshop is working at full capacity.At most, more than 20 such artifacts can be built in a month, which is a drop in the bucket compared to the number required by the Holy Ruins.In addition, the material used for this artifact is also extremely precious, and the quantity is so numerous that even a pure-blooded god race with a deep foundation can hardly support such a large cost.If some of the spiritual materials that Xu Changqing secretly withheld and exploited were added, the materials needed for an artifact would probably be close to the materials used for a middle-grade true god artifact.In fact, when creating this artifact, Xu Changqing also incorporated the idea of ​​using this artifact to consume the materials stored in the Holy Ruins for many years, which is why he made this shielding armor so complete.In fact, for the pure-blood gods of the Holy Ruins who lead the fusion plan, there is no need for such a perfect shielding armor.Or more correctly, the turbid beast gods and hybrid gods who are used as cannon fodder do not need such a perfect shielding armor at all.Even if Xu Changqing doesn't have any plans, it won't be long.The Wang Zhengyuan of the Holy Ruins will issue an order to ask Xu Changqing to simplify the shielding armor. What Xu Changqing is doing now is just to advance this time a little bit.

The turbid beast spirits and mixed-breed spirits themselves have the blood of the fairy, demon, Buddha, and demon of the Kunlun Three Realms. In addition, over the years, Shengxu has been trying to integrate the turbid orc and mixed-race people into the Kunlun Three Realm, and collected a large number of fairy, demon, Buddha, and magic gates for modification. Some results have also been achieved for the orcs and mixed races.This makes it possible for the turbid beast gods and hybrid gods to enter the Kunlun Three Realms, so long as they don't use the sacred fire power of the holy market, there will be no great rejection.Xu Changqing can see this from the situation of the orcs and mixed-race people in the forbidden area of ​​Zhanmoya.

Now Xu Changqing has come up with a kind of artifact that has weakened efficacy but is very suitable for the spirits of turbid beasts and hybrid gods. The material used to make this artifact is only one-tenth of the material used for shielding artifacts. At the same time, ordinary forging craftsmen can also forge this artifact. Artifact.For the pure-blood gods of the Holy Ruins, it is definitely a timely help, solving a big problem for them. If so, Xu Changqing will inevitably be drawn into the integration plan and work for the big plan.At that time, if Xu Changqing throws out the complete forging method of the shielding artifact at the right time, his position in the plan will be increased. With a little more external support, it is not impossible for him to become the core figure of the plan.

It's just that Xu Changqing designed this castrated concealing artifact not to make the gods of the holy market stronger and more stable, but to pave the way for him to not be suspected when he took out the artifact in the future.

Xu Changqing didn't need to spend too much time thinking to guess what the pure-blooded gods in the Holy Ruins would do after they got the castrated version of the concealing artifact.On the grounds that pure-blooded gods are more noble, they will use the perfect covering artifact at the beginning exclusively for pure-blooded gods, and use the best spiritual materials for this covering artifact, and let the forging masters of the pure-blooded god race be responsible. Forging these armors, and the castrated version of the shielding artifact should be handed over to the second or third star ring's beast gods and hybrid gods to be responsible for forging.

As long as Shengxu arranges it like this, Xu Changqing's plan will be almost half completed.No matter how proud the pure-blooded gods are, they can't deny that there are geniuses among the mixed-race gods and beast gods. Xu Changqing only needs to throw out several methods of forging concealed artifacts that are better than the castrated version at the right time. Let everyone think that it is the genius beast god or hybrid god who has improved the previous castrated version of the masking artifact.After everyone has formed such a thinking, Xu Changqing will further spread the modified artifact of chaos together with the forging method to all the beast gods and gods and hybrid gods. Even if someone thoroughly investigates this matter, I am afraid It is also difficult to connect things to him.

Because Xu Changqing made a little modification and cover-up on the artifact of chaos, I am afraid that no one will be able to see what kind of damage this artifact will cause to the power of the Holy Ruins at the beginning, and will only regard it as being further improved by an unknown genius Castration version of the artifact.But when this artifact really works, I'm afraid those pure blood gods have easily stopped it.It's just that if the pure-blood gods don't want to lose their status and power, they will definitely need to stop them, and the beast gods and hybrid gods will definitely not give up this opportunity to rise if they don't want to continue to be slaves.Once the confrontation is formed, even if the Supreme God of the Holy Ruins takes action, it may be impossible to prevent the civil war in the Holy Ruins from happening.

It's just that Xu Changqing's direct handing in of this castrated version of the masking artifact is a bit too abrupt, but it will arouse suspicion from some interested people and make things self-defeating, so he needs to find a reliable reason to throw out the bait.

However, soon he didn't have any trouble finding a reason, because after reading the Asa protoss materials he had collected, he already thought that they were definitely the best pedals he could find now.

A few days ago, Xu Changqing sent the invitation letter and old man Qi's token, mainly for the sake of establishing a relationship with the Asa God Clan, and did not consider other things. Even after the meeting, what can be negotiated, what benefits, etc. Without much thought.After all, even though the Asa Protoss is not as good as it used to be, it is still one of the three pure-blooded Protoss in the Holy Ruins. The people he invited are of extraordinary identities, and they are all the patriarchs of various families of the Asa Protoss.After he sent out the invitation letter, he never expected that the people on the invitation letter would come in person. For him, as long as the Asa gods sent a few gods in charge, it was enough.He is fully confident that he can persuade the visitor to put on a good show in front of everyone, and then use the Asa protoss as his recommender, so that he can join the ongoing plan of the Holy Market.

However, Xu Changqing looked carefully at the materials related to the Asa Protoss collected by his subordinates, but he couldn't help but start to look forward to one of the people in the invitation letter among the people who will come tomorrow, because there are only a few people with real power and true gods Only then have the power to decide to cooperate more with him.

Judging from the data, although the Asa protoss are very powerful, especially among the orcs and hybrids with the influence of the second star ring, they far exceed the other two pure-blooded protoss, but in terms of structure, they are somewhat strong on the outside and dry on the inside.

When we made the development plan for the Asa Protoss, we definitely wanted to build the family into a stable pyramid shape. The top of the family is naturally the Asa Protoss, and the middle is the mixed-race family of gods and beasts who are attached to or befriended with them. God race.This development plan has enabled the declining Asa Protoss to still occupy the position of one of the three pure-blood gods. It can be said that the Asa Protoss has made great contributions to the Asa Protoss, but after so many years of development, the original power structure of the pyramid has also appeared deformed. The change.

The Asa Protoss is still the same Asa Protoss, but the muddy beast gods and hybrid gods that are the foundation have become stronger day by day.Although the overall strength of the two sides is not on the same plane and still maintains a rough pyramid shape, it is developing towards a plane shape.Moreover, as the changes in the laws of heaven in the Kunlun Three Realms began to affect the Holy Ruins, a large number of true gods and powerhouses continued to emerge, and the changes in the power structure were also accelerating.

Although most of the orcs and mixed-race people are still very close to the Asa protoss, and many of them regard them as the suzerain gods, but whether they are humans or gods, they all have ambitions. If it is equal, this kind of intimacy and admiration will disappear.At that time, the Asa Protoss will either give up the glory and power of their pure-blooded gods, or they must use their strength to prove that they are still worthy of such glory and power. It is impossible for the Asa Protoss to choose the first option.So no matter what the current situation is, as long as there are no accidents, the Asa Protoss will inevitably join other pure-blooded gods in the future to fight against mixed-race gods and turbid beast gods. Even the Supreme God can't stop this battle.

Chapter 920: The two sides plan.

Chapter 920: The two sides plan. ,

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