Nine idlers

Chapter 930 Beware of Temptation

"What's the matter with you?" The careful Eve first noticed something was wrong with Neodar, so she asked.

"They..." Neodar was about to explain the reason, but the words stopped abruptly as soon as he spoke, because six huge figures with a height of three feet walked out of the six-ray volcano in front of him, standing in front of the four of them like a hill .

Perhaps because of the burning of the flames, the scales around the six turbid beast spirits were all burnt red, and a lot of heat radiated from their bodies, distorting the mirror images behind them.Layers of divine symbols appeared on the surface of the scales, and these layers of symbols protected them from the flames like armor, making them unscathed by Neodar's attack.

"What a strong divine body! How did they do it?" Dagut, who has fought against Neodar many times, is well aware of the power of the attack just now. If it falls, I'm afraid I will suffer a little injury. It is absolutely impossible that the scales are only burnt red like the six turbid beast gods in front of me.

"They have integrated their own divine fire and divine body." Eve is known for her wisdom, and she easily saw the situation of the six turbid beast gods, with a little disdain on her face, but at the same time she The extremely abnormal reminded Neodar: "You'd better deal with them carefully, they are not easy to deal with." As soon as the words fell, the six spirits of the beasts disappeared from the same place at the same time, and then appeared in front of Neodar at the same time, and coincidentally Everyone punched him, smashing down hard like a six-handed sledgehammer.

The speed and strength of the punches of the six turbid beast gods' counterattacks are jaw-dropping.And cooperate with each other tacitly.Although not perfect.But the difference is not far away. The position and the surrounding terrain are integrated, forming a heaven and earth situation, which wraps Neodar in it, does not give Neodar any chance to evade, and forces Neodar to take it head-on. This round of counterattack.

After all, Neodar is one of the main gods of the Asa protoss, and he is the main god with the most actual combat experience. In the past, he did not have real power.He has much more free time than other main gods, so when he has nothing to do, he often disguises himself as other gods and goes to the arena of gods in the God of War City to fight with other gods.In terms of actual combat experience alone, I am afraid that even the Olympus Protoss who inherited the Ares God of War cannot compare with him.

After the initial astonishment, Neodar quickly returned to normal and reacted quickly. His body burst out with a burst of dazzling light, and then divided into six, turning into six divine bodies, each punching.They greeted each falling fist.Although Neodar's punch looks light and flimsy, it is not real.He didn't have much strength, but he easily blocked the punches of the six turbid beast spirits that were powerful enough to smash the earth.The moment the fists of the two sides collided together, the surroundings seemed to have fallen into a strange static state. The divine power of each other gathered at the point where the fists collided, and they were in a stalemate, blooming dazzling brilliance, and then gradually dimmed and disappeared, leaving only the moment when the power collided. The sound of thunder resounded between the fists.

After the initial outburst, each other's divine powers were also rapidly weakening. Neodar seemed to have completely received the counterattack of the six turbid beast gods, and it was extremely easy to receive. Such a huge power even made the dust under his feet Not raised.When the follow-up power of the six turbid beast spirits weakened again, Niodar suddenly exerted force, shaking the fists of the six turbid beast spirits away, and at the same time hit their stomachs with his free hand.The same light fists knocked the six giant-sized, mountain-heavy beast spirits flying out, until they hit the mountain of the volcano, creating a huge dent, before stabilizing their bodies.

"What a tough divine body! This divine fire body is really extraordinary." The six Neodars became one again, and then praised.Although he sincerely admired how powerful the six spirits of the beast spirits were when they merged into the divine fire, his timing and way of speaking were a bit wrong, which made people feel like mocking after hearing it.

In fact, Deville and the others behind him have already seen from their slightly trembling hands that it is obvious that he has not dealt with it as easily as it seems on the surface, which also makes them feel good about this way of self-improvement. A little curious.

In the past, when the holy market was just formed, the broken alien gods were kneaded together like dough. The gods and races in these gods were respected and refused to obey each other, and there were many gods who were feuding with each other, so A war of gods that has been regarded as taboo until now came into being.

At that time, many protoss had to abandon the divine arts that had been passed down for countless years because of the fragmentation of the gods and the incomplete power of the gods, and turned to find another way to find a way to improve their strength faster, so that their protoss could occupy the position in the battle of the gods. Way to prevail.The method of integrating the divine fire into the divine body to increase the power of the divine body several times, or even dozens of times in a short period of time was created at that time.It's just that although this method was effective, it was quickly discarded, because after doing so, the god's inheritance of divine fire would be cut off. Even if the protoss finally won, they could only wait for their demise.

Although it was abandoned, it may be because the effect of this method was so good that the gods of the Holy Ruins at that time preserved this method completely and recorded it in the books of various god groups and families.

In addition to being curious about how far this abandoned method can enhance the power of a god, Vedel and others are also curious about where Xu Changqing obtained this method and silently trained such six gods. The spirit of the turbid beast.Because this method is only available to the pure-blooded gods and families, and it is taboo. Only Eve, who is at the level of the main god among the pure-blooded gods, is eligible to consult books related to it.In their view, Xu Changqing is just a beast god who just climbed up from the bottom, and it is absolutely impossible to see the books that record this method.

It's just that these main gods of the Asa protoss probably never imagined that under Xu Changqing's command, there would be many foreign gods of the main god level working for him, and every foreign god was a candidate for the Supreme God of the Holy Ruins. The so-called ban on them It's of no use at all.

It's a pity that whether it is Savina, Empress Tianshi, or Morgan, they were not very fond of reading when they were in Shengxu, and most of the books they read were selectively forgotten. They also don't remember the method of Shenhuo body completely. It was gradually completed after Xu Changqing integrated the sacred array of the holy ruins.All in all, the method of the fire body practiced by the six turbid beast gods is completely different from the original method of Shengxu. The power after practice may not be as great as that method, but the defects have been made up.At least, after practicing this method, these turbid beast gods can still separate the divine fire from the divine body, and there will be no such phenomenon of complete fusion and no separation of each other.

Xu Changqing also specially designed a combination attack technique for this method, which can gather the power of six people together, and use the power of the surrounding world to attack the enemy together, and at the same time, the enemy's attack power can be evenly distributed to other people, so that In a disguised form, their defense power has been improved.Because of this, although they were sent flying by Neodar at the same time, and their bodies were hit with holes in the mountain, they actually did not suffer much damage.

The six turbid beast gods pulled their bodies out of the sunken mountain, but they did not continue to attack Neodar, but gathered together again, saluted Neodar and others, and then said slowly: " The master has prepared the banquet and waited for a long time, and invited the four gods to follow me in."  …

After finishing speaking, he retreated to the main entrance, waiting for Vedel and others to make a decision.

"Lead the way ahead." Vedel and the others responded without thinking too much.

They didn't seem to care about Xu Changqing's rude behavior that he still didn't show up. Even Neodar, who despised other mixed-race protoss and was most dissatisfied with Xu Changqing's rudeness, acquiesced to his companion's arrangement and retreated to his companion's side, although their expressions He still looked extremely arrogant, but the aura on his body was no longer so domineering, and the atmosphere eased a lot.

Although the four of them have not admitted it yet, they have already begun to agree in their hearts that Xu Changqing is a powerful god who is qualified to have a direct dialogue with them after the appearance of the six turbid beast gods, not just a person who has mastered a useful skill. God craftsman of things.

Although it seemed that Neodar had completely controlled the trend of the situation just now and easily repelled the siege of the six beast spirits, Neodar did not cause any damage to the six beast spirits. Judging from their appearance, they still had enough The strength of the counterattack, so the result of the fight can only be said to be a tie.

These six turbid beast gods who can directly compete with the patriarch of the protoss are only the cause of Vedel and others' change of mind, not the real reason. The real reason is Xu Changqing behind the six turbid beast gods.According to the information they collected, it is not difficult to see that Bell, the beast spirit that Xu Changqing pretended to be, was just a well-known blacksmith before entering the hammer furnace of the third star ring. The inconspicuous guard of the gods in the workshop.However, after Xu Changqing became the master of the forging workshop here, in just a few months, these six muddy beast gods who were absolutely ordinary existences in the ancient god planet became powerful existences that could compete with the patriarch of the pure-blooded god clan. The method of decaying into magic is not to mention the beast gods, even the pure blood gods may be difficult to do.

At this moment, the patriarchs of the four Asa gods are vaguely guessing that Xu Changqing must have mastered some method that can make the power of the gods several times, dozens of times stronger, or something else, which is extremely important for any god race. It is important enough to make any pure-blood god clan patriarch lower his high head.

Chapter 930 ??Beware of temptation.

Chapter 930 ??Beware of temptation. ,

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