Nine idlers

Chapter 938 Unexpectedly

If Xu Changqing is the only forging master in the forging workshop of the temple star, then even if someone helps him, the power and influence he can form is probably very limited.Because compared with the real Protoss, the advantages of the forging workshop are too single, and the disadvantages are too obvious, or it can be said that his advantages and disadvantages are one.As long as someone can restrict the sale of the artifacts he forges, and at the same time completely prohibit the sale of all kinds of spiritual materials used in the forging of artifacts, no matter how much influence and power he has, he will also collapse in a short time.

However, if there are two or more master craftsmen in the forging workshop, and one of the two craftsmen is a real master craftsman, and the other is the number one craftsman who once mastered all the secrets of forging in the Holy Ruins, then this The potential and hidden power of the forging workshop are too great.Because as we all know, only two forging masters are needed to perform a ceremony, and the forging skills of one of the forging masters are passed on to the other forging craftsman, so that their skills can instantly enter the ranks of master craftsmen. That is to say, Xu Changqing's forging workshop can be passed down in an orderly manner like the main god at the top of the protoss, and it will never be cut off.

With the inheritance of skills, coupled with the various titles that Xu Changqing is now bestowed, Yuan Yuan hardly needs to think too much, it is enough to judge that as long as Xu Changqing has enough time to accumulate, the forging workshop he controls will definitely become comparable to any one. The powerful existence of the gods and spirits.

Just when Yuan Yuan was reassessing Xu Changqing's strength, he suddenly remembered a rumor that had been acknowledged but had never been acknowledged by the person involved, and the expression on his face changed suddenly, a little worried.Some doubts hurriedly said to Xu Changqing: "You actually told me such a secret. Don't you know what kind of disaster will be caused by the news that the key troll master craftsman is here?"

"We are partners now. The forging workshop has been built in the area of ​​Zhanshen City. You will know about this sooner or later." Xu Changqing smiled lightly and said: "And we are also friends. There are some things that are related to each other's interests between friends. It shouldn't be hidden, should it?"

Perhaps it was because Xu Changqing's tone and demeanor were so sincere that Yuan Yuan, who was used to intrigue and lies, was also quite moved after hearing the words of his friend.

However, before Yuan Yuan's emotion could be revealed, Xu Changqing changed the subject of his words.Said: "The Asa Gods also know about this matter, so it is not a secret. Let me tell you so that you can be prepared, so as not to be implicated because of this matter, and you still don't understand the reason."

" really don't know how to say it!" Yuan Yuan stared at Xu Changqing with a strange face, took a few deep breaths, calmed down the abnormality in his heart, and said a little dumbfounded.

Xu Changqing smiled, and suddenly said seriously: "I am very satisfied with the gift, and I also agree to the requests of those aristocratic families in the God of War City. I will create a batch of artifacts specially for the City of God of War every month. You only need to submit the list of artifacts you need one month in advance. Just leave it to me. As for the issue of delivery, I will leave it to your Yuan family, right? Your Yuan family is also responsible for drawing up the list. After the artifacts are forged, they will all be sent to the Yuan family. How to distribute them will be done according to your wishes. "

"Thank you!" Yuan Yuan knew very well that this matter was a troublesome matter, and it would offend many god families in the God of War City, but it was also a rare opportunity to expand the influence of the Yuan family. If you can make good use of this opportunity, maybe the Yuan family can surpass the other god families in God of War City who are comparable in strength to the Yuan family.

"You don't have to thank me!" Xu Changqing shook his finger and said, "You Yuan family just need to help me find out a piece of news."

Yuan Yuan asked, "What news?"

Xu Changqing said in a deep voice, "Who is helping me secretly?"

"Isn't the Asa Protoss helping you?" Yuan Yuan was stunned for a moment, and looked at Xu Changqing in doubt.It is no secret that the Asa Gods and Xu Changqing secretly reached a certain agreement in the temple star, otherwise the other pure-blooded gods on the temple star would find it hard to believe that the Asa gods would be so kind as to help a turbid beast god, even at the expense of selling some of them In the interest of the temple star, Xu Changqing should also be sent to the temple star.

Xu Changqing said: "You need to investigate this."

Yuan Yuan wondered, "Why don't you ask the Asa Gods to help you investigate? With the ability of the Asa Gods, there is nothing that can't be found in the Holy Ruins."

Xu Changqing didn't speak, but just looked at Yuan Yuan blankly, a kind of invisible pressure immediately appeared in the hall, making Yuan Yuan's forehead involuntarily burst into cold sweat.

"Okay! I see. I will tell those old guys your request." Under the pressure, Yuan Yuan dared not look at Xu Changqing, turned his head aside, and said.

Xu Changqing nodded, waved to Yuan Yuan, and said, "If you have nothing to do, you can leave! I have been busy moving these two days, and I don't have extra time to entertain you."

"Well, I won't bother you anymore." The purpose of coming here has been achieved, and Yuan Yuan didn't plan to stay any longer. Seeing Xu Changqing's eviction order, he got up consciously and prepared to leave, but after taking two steps, he stopped again. After getting down, he turned to Xu Changqing and asked, "Can I make a deal with you?"

Xu Changqing was stunned, and asked, "What deal? An artifact?"

Yuan Yuan quickly shook his head, and said: "No, no! The artifact trade is too hot, I can still find a way to get some of it when you are here, but if you go to the temple star, it will be under the eyes of those old guys. Doing it is equivalent to snatching food from their bowls, and then I will be out of luck. I actually want to talk to you about the wine you brewed, can you give it to me to sell?"

"Wine?" Xu Changqing was stunned for a moment, and then asked with certainty: "Is it the wine that the chief god patriarchs of the Asa clan drank when they came here?"

"Yes, it's that kind of wine!" Yuan Yuan nodded and said, "After returning from here, Neodar of the Asa protoss held a banquet in his temple. Brewed wine, these wines are very popular with pure-blooded gods, many people are asking about the source of this wine. Later they found out that these wines were brewed by you, those pure-blooded gods couldn't bear to look for you, the gods of our God of War City And most of them have nothing to do with you, and they end up taking advantage of me."

"Is that kind of wine very popular with the pure-blooded gods?" Xu Changqing asked with a surprised expression that he did not expect that the wine he brewed would attract such attention from the pure-blooded gods of the Holy Market.

Yuan Yuan said excitedly: "It's not just a welcome, it's fanaticism! After all, in the Holy Ruins, even the fine wine brewed by the Dionysian family of the Olympus Protoss cannot make the gods a little drunk, and the wine you brewed Although it does not have the effect of divine wine, it can make the gods taste the feeling of being drunk, which is absolutely unique."

"In that case, that kind of wine will definitely earn a lot of money?" Compared to Yuan Yuan's excitement, Xu Changqing seemed very calm.

"Of course it's a big benefit. According to my estimate, even if it can't compare with the benefits of the artifact trade, it won't be much worse." Yuan Yuan looked at Xu Changqing with an expression of ignorance, and was about to give him a detailed review. After calculating the account, he suddenly thought of something, stopped, raised his eyebrows and said: "You won't kick me away, yourself..."

"Of course not! I will leave the sale of this wine to you, but I have one requirement, that is, all drinks can only be traded with spiritual materials, and I don't accept any divine coins." Xu Changqing didn't wait for Yuan Yuan to finish speaking. , spoke out to dispel his doubts, and gave him a satisfactory answer.

Xu Changqing didn't expect someone to send a pillow to him just when he was dozing off. He had always felt that the spiritual materials on hand were scarce, and he would be controlled by others because of this flaw after going to the temple star, and felt a little headache, but now Yuan Yuan's appearance Just solved this problem, it can be said that it was unintentional.

Although Yuan Yuan's own strength is not very good, and he doesn't have any special talents, but Xu Changqing can see that Yuan Yuan has an amazing intuition for merchants, as if he was born to do business. Great interests, then there will be no big mistakes in this matter.

Yuan Yuan did not express any surprises regarding Xu Changqing's additional request. In fact, when he traded artifacts with Xu Changqing before, he had discovered that Xu Changqing was not interested in divine coins that could be absorbed by the gods and improve the grade of the divine fire. All transactions were In exchange for things, the rarer the spiritual material, the better.

Yuan Yuan agreed to Xu Changqing's additional request, and discussed with Xu Changqing about the general plan of cooperation, then left Xu Changqing's forging workshop, went back to the temple star, and prepared for Xu Changqing's arrival. As for the more specific details, everything must Let's talk about it after Xu Changqing has gained a firm foothold in the temple star.

After Yuan Yuan left, Xu Changqing wrote down the process and details of his own brewing process, and then handed it over to a forging craftsman who had assisted him in brewing wine before, and asked him to be responsible for the brewing. There is absolutely no possibility of betraying Xu Changqing's control measures such as banning Daoyin.He is not going to take this matter as a formal matter. Even though these fine wines can earn him a lot of rare spiritual materials, his purpose of going to the temple star is not to earn spiritual materials, but to integrate the plan , He will not do things that put the cart before the horse.

After finishing all kinds of miscellaneous matters, Xu Changqing turned his attention to the troll craftsman who had been quietly looking at the note, and said, "Did you see anything good?"

"Master." The troll craftsman did not answer Xu Changqing's words, but looked at Xu Changqing, and said as if he was talking to himself.

"Master?" Xu Changqing was stunned. He carefully recalled the past deeds of the troll craftsman in his mind. At this time, he realized that neither the rumors and legends about the troll craftsman nor the records of the troll craftsman mentioned anything. I have been to the master of the troll master craftsman, as if this person never existed. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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