Nine idlers

Chapter 941

"Master, why don't you let me check the news of the Pantheon for you?" Seeing the figure of the sun god An disappearing on the ice wall, Anubis couldn't help asking: "Although I haven't been in the clan all year round, In my capacity, I can also enter the library."

Among the two main gods who put God's Domain in the Ice Sea of ​​Death Hell, Hades, the king of Hades, may have formed a semi-subordinate alliance with Daoist Yuanxu just because the environment of the Ice Sea of ​​Death Hell is conducive to him to improve his divine power and divine fire. relation.But Anubis is completely different, he really took refuge in the real person Yuanxu, and now he only retains the identity of a clan member and the seat of the chief god in the Nine Pillars God Clan, which is also semi-public in the Holy Ruins secret.

"If you go, the whole holy market will know what I want to check without the next day." Daoist Yuanxu was sealed in a piece of black ice, and the ice flames on his body rose and shrank like breathing generally.

Anubis' jackal-headed face showed a puzzled expression, and he said, "It's just that the master asked us, the god-king, to investigate this matter, wouldn't it be..." He didn't finish his sentence, and turned to And reminded, said: "After all, An is not your subordinate. If he finds out something [top^point^novel][], I'm afraid he will hide it and use those things to make a deal with the other two." , not good for you."

"He won't, he knows very well that if he does this, he will really be finished." Yuanxu said with some approval: "Anubis, don't underestimate your fellow race, his wisdom It's not as simple as you imagine, otherwise he wouldn't be able to develop the Nine Pillars God Race to where it is today, if we hadn't been restricting it all the time. I'm afraid the Nine Pillars God Race has surpassed the Olympus God Race to become the number one in the Holy Market Protoss."

Although Master Yuanxu clearly stated the actions of several Supreme Gods to suppress the Nine-Pillar God Race, Anubis didn't care at all, as if he himself was not from the Nine-Pillar God Race.

At this time, Master Yuanxu asked again: "Are you also curious about why we suppress the Nine Pillars God Race and support the Olympus God Race?"

Anubis hesitated for a moment, and said truthfully, "I'm really curious."

"It's not just you who are curious, but me and the other two supreme gods are also curious about this." Yuanxu Zhenren gave a surprising answer.

"Ah?" Anubis couldn't help but let out an exclamation, then slightly raised his head to look at the frozen Daoist Yuanxu who didn't show any expression, a little at a loss.

"For a long time, the suppression of the Nine Pillars God has always been dominated by Chu, and we just cooperated from the sidelines. As for the reason, we have never known." Yuanxu said in a deep voice: "We have always felt dissatisfied with this It’s just that it’s not suitable to directly ask Xiangchu about the reason. But according to my estimation, the abnormality that appeared in the abandoned ancient temple before should be related to this, and the specifics depend on whether your god king can find out clearly .”

Anubis was silent for a while, and volunteered: "Master, since this matter is so important, then shall I also search for clues secretly. Maybe..."

"No need! I have something else for you to do." Daoist Yuanxu interrupted Anubis, and said, "Not long ago, that beast master Bell who received three titles and was about to enter the temple star, you Know?"

"Although I was in the ice sea during that time, I also heard about this person. He can be said to be a legend of the beast gods. In a short period of time, he jumped from an unknown forging craftsman of the third star ring to a temple. The person in charge of the Star One Temple, and also occupies an important position in the fusion plan, is really enviable and jealous." Anubis did not hide his feelings, with a strong jealousy in his eyes, and said: "If I remember correctly, you, master, also contributed to the discussion of granting those titles at the Royal Council, the Senate, and the altar of the gods. Does the master want me to remind the master of Bell whose instep he should kiss? ?”

"No. Anubis, although you are very loyal, sometimes you are too self-righteous, and you always guess what I mean in vain. This is the reason why I have never let you leave my side." Yuan Xu is a little rude He criticized Anubis for a while, and then said: "Leave the matter of the beast craftsman to Neodar, and you don't want to interfere. What I want you to do is to find out who except me, the Asa protoss and the God of War Outside of the city, who else has contributed to conferring the title of master craftsman on Bell?"

Although Anubis knew that it was enough to accept the task like this, the curiosity in his heart still made him unable to help asking: "Master, is there a mistake in the title?"

Master Yuanxu did not reprimand Anubis for his curiosity, but instead asked: "When you heard the news of the awarding of the title, did you feel that the title given to that master Bell was too much?"

"It's indeed a bit too much." Anubis nodded, and said bluntly: "Although his shielding armor is very useful for the fusion plan, he is only a beast god after all, and he has just been promoted from the third star ring." Not long after arriving at the Ancient God Star, it would be fine if it was just a title of master craftsman, but getting two titles later, plus a seat in the fusion plan, is obviously too much."

"Even you can see that the edict is a bit too much, can't we see it?" Yuan Xu said angrily: "At the beginning, what we meant was to give him the false name of a master craftsman, and then in the fusion plan. He is in one position, but the final result has such a weird change, and what's even weirder is that we don't know what went wrong? It's not easy for me and other supreme gods to investigate directly, yours Eyes and ears are all over the entire temple star, it is best for you to investigate this matter. In addition, according to the news from Neodar, the troll master craftsman who should have died is now with the master Bell master. The relationship is not shallow, and both are likely to be descendants of the vanished Titan Protoss. Go and see if the troll artisan has recovered, and if necessary, disclose this news to Zeus. I want to see his reaction. "

"Yes, I'll do it now." Hearing this, Anubis bowed respectfully to Daoist Yuanxu, and after pushing out of the Ice Flame Palace, the whole person disappeared, except for an extra one standing where he was originally standing. The golden beetle was burned to ashes by the raging flames outside the Ice Flame Palace and fell to the ground.It turns out that the person who has been talking to Master Yuanxu since just now is just a clone of Anubis, and his real body is not in the ice sea.

Xu Changqing was unaware of everything that happened at the core of the Holy Ruins. He didn't even know that the sphere forged by the troll craftsman through the instinct of the divine body had been targeted by the highest existence in the Holy Ruins. deep secret.Now he only regards this ball as an unknown artifact and an item for researching forging skills. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by the breath emanating from the ball, he personally forged a box that can isolate all breaths To store this artifact, for this reason he even postponed the date of going to the Temple Star by one day.As a result, some welcome activities originally arranged by the Asa Protoss were cancelled. When he entered the temple star, there was no one to greet him.

Xu Changqing was not dissatisfied with this, and he didn't even take this matter to heart at all. Instead, under the guidance of the servants sent by the Wangzhengyuan, he flew towards the volcano group that was under his control. Carrying the belongings of the forge and the troll artisan who has been sleeping all the time followed closely behind.

After entering the Temple Star, Xu Changqing first felt the changes in the aura here, and was slightly taken aback by it.The aura here is much thicker than that of the ancient god star. If measured by the number ten, the aura of the third star ring should be one to two, and the aura of the second star ring should be three to five. The ancient god star is about six or seven, and the temple star is ten. The aura here is even stronger than that of Xuanyuantian in Immortal Palace. I am afraid that only the aura of Hunyuantian can compare with it.

However, Xu Changqing was not surprised by the strength of the aura. The reason he was surprised was because he felt the existence of the prehistoric aura in the aura of the temple star, and the prehistoric aura was so pure that it was almost comparable to the aura in his hand. Compared with the second room.Although the prehistoric aura is good, not everyone can absorb it. For example, the spirits of the beasts cannot absorb these prehistoric auras. According to Xu Changqing's observations along the way, after the turbid beasts absorb the spiritual energy of the temple stars into their bodies, they can still absorb it. It takes a lot of divine power to separate the Primordial Qi, and then squeeze it out, and the separated Primordial Qi will take away a little divine power from the body of the turbid beast god and integrate it into itself.

Xu Changqing couldn't help thinking in his heart: "No wonder they put those people from the Yuan family who are hostile to the holy market in the temple star. It turns out that this place is a natural prison for those turbid beast gods and hybrid gods."

According to the environment here, the temple star, which is very beneficial to the cultivation of pure-blooded gods, can stop the progress of the cultivation of the turbid beast gods and mixed-race gods, and even make the two races even more difficult when the two gods are slightly slack. The power of the gods has declined.It’s no wonder that the turbid beast protoss and mixed-race protoss who were able to compete with the pure-blood protoss in the city of God of War back then, made the three major pure-blood protoss feel headaches, but after moving to the temple star, after so many years, they have been unknown. The overall strength shows no sign of decline, but it also has not improved significantly. Compared with the second star ring and some of the beast gods and mixed race gods on the ancient god planet, their situation is obviously very abnormal.

"I don't know if they know that they have been calculated. If they know..." Xu Changqing muttered again in his heart, thinking that he might be able to make a fuss about this matter, or he might be able to secretly find out the people who can help the two great gods in the God of War City. The method of living in poverty allows them to secretly accumulate strength, and when necessary, it will explode and become a blockbuster. (To be continued..)

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