Nine idlers

Chapter 943 Home Delivery

Half a month after Xu Changqing entered the Temple Star, he was known to be rejecting many invitations and visitors on the grounds of tidying up house affairs.

When dealing with certain things, the gods are not much different from ordinary people, and they all have a pair of cheap bones.If Xu Changqing took the initiative to contact the pure-blooded gods who made friends with the temple star after coming to the temple star, he might be despised and rejected by others, and would soon be forgotten in a corner.But what Xu Changqing did now not only did not annoy those rejected pure-blood gods, but aroused their curiosity and wanted to know more about Xu Changqing.

Out of curiosity, some pure-blooded gods secretly sent many eyes and ears to investigate Xu Changqing's situation.

However, Xu Changqing's location is too special, and he can only enter from War God City and Asa God Clan God Realm.Although the pure-blooded gods entered the area of ​​God of War City, although they would not be attacked on the surface, there were quite a few gods who hated the pure-blooded gods in private. They could set up ambushes in the outer areas of God of War City.Losing soldiers and generals out of curiosity is really not worth it, so they can only focus on the Asa Protoss.

However, the vast majority of the pure-blooded protoss in the temple star know that the Asa protoss surrendered their identity to cooperate with the turbid beast master craftsman, and they don't think it is feasible to take the path of the Asa protoss.But what is surprising is that the Asa Protoss did not refuse their request, but they did not expressly agree to it. They just told them not to make trouble in the Asa Protoss God's Domain, and ignored them.Also due to the change in the attitude of the Asa protoss, many pure-blooded protoss who originally dismissed Xu Changqing, a new master craftsman, also began to have other thoughts.

Although the pure-blooded gods can obtain a lot of resources in the holy market, except for the spiritual materials that can temper the divine fire and divine power, most of the remaining spiritual materials are of no use to them and can only be piled up in the warehouse.

In fact, these spiritual materials are not useless, on the contrary, these spiritual materials are very precious and useful, and they are all needed for forging divine weapons.It's just that pure-blood gods can only become forging craftsmen through their innate divine fire inheritance. They are not like hybrid gods and turbid beast gods.Able to use learning methods to change their abilities.A deity who was born to fight let him learn forging skills, it is very likely that he will not be able to forge an inferior artifact until he dies.This is true of the Olympus Protoss, let alone other Protoss. Only the pure-blooded Protoss like the Asa Protoss who began to change the core system gradually improved the status of forging craftsmen in the clan.

For these reasons.There are actually very few forging craftsmen in each of the pure-blooded protoss, and almost all the forging craftsmen of the pure-blooded protoss are concentrated in the three major pure-blooded protoss and the forging family Opalodine.Once the pure-blooded protoss needs most of them, they will order from these four.

It's just that, with the changes in the situation in the Holy Ruins, each pure-blooded god race has increasingly felt that it is necessary to have a forging group of their own within their own group.Ever since, they began to secretly train forging craftsmen within their own ethnic group, but some deep-rooted cognitions of the pure-blooded gods and the defects of their own divine fire inheritance made the effect of this training plan very unsatisfactory.

After that, these pure-blooded gods began to select from the second star ring and the third star ring, the beast gods and hybrid gods who could become forging craftsmen, and cultivated them.However, due to the discrimination of the pure-blooded gods against the other two gods, it is difficult for these forging craftsmen to get the full support of the pure-blooded gods, and because of qualifications and other reasons, they finally cultivate forgings that can forge ordinary divine weapons. There are not many craftsmen, and there is not even a forging master who can forge supreme artifacts.

In the battle of the gods in the holy market, a supreme artifact represents the key to victory or defeat, and its importance is self-evident.Most of the supreme artifacts in the pure-blooded gods are left by the predecessors, and few of them are ordered from the three pure-blooded gods and the Opalodi family, because the people who use the supreme artifacts must be the most powerful among the gods. The existence of the top, if there is any loophole in the supreme artifact they ordered from other people, the consequences will be disastrous.

Originally, Xu Changqing, the master craftsman who appeared suddenly, did not attract too much attention from other pure-blooded protoss, because he was born in a forging workshop under the Opalodi family, and he had already been branded with the mark of the Opalodi family. Has been regarded as a member of the Opalodi family by those pure-blooded protoss.However, there was news that the Asa protoss cooperated with him later, which made all the pure-blooded protoss realize that Xu Changqing did not belong to a certain ethnic group or family, but a person who had not formally joined any protoss and could create his own lineage An independent master craftsman of the protoss.

However, the Asa protoss had already attacked first, and with it blocking the front, even if those pure-blooded protoss wanted to attack Xu Changqing, they would not be able to touch it.However, the change of attitude of the Asa Protoss now gave a signal to other pure-blooded Protoss, making them feel that they had a chance to win over Xu Changqing.

As a result, the eyes and ears sent by the pure-blooded gods to the place where Xu Changqing is stationed have changed from destructive investigations to collective investigations. Their ultimate goal is to collect as much information about Xu Changqing as possible, so that the people in the clan can You can use this as a reference to make a wooing plan.

Because these pure-blooded protoss knew that they were not the only ones who coveted Xu Changqing's forging skills, so after getting vague hints from the Asa protoss, they sent their best eyes and ears to Xu Changqing's Stationed place.They never thought that they would fail before they sent out the gods in the clan. They just regarded Xu Changqing as a lucky and talented ordinary blacksmith. No matter how powerful they were, it was impossible for the gods they sent threatening.

However, under such a confident state of mind, the news that these pure-blooded gods received was that the people they sent disappeared one by one after entering the volcanic group. They swallowed them all, and none came out, not even a little news.

If it hadn't been for these pure-blooded gods to see from the altar of the gods that the aura of the divine fire left by the people they sent had not dissipated, they might have decided that all these people had fallen.But even though they all knew that the eyes and ears they sent had fallen into the hands of others, they had no way to rescue them, and they were completely caught in a dilemma.At this moment, they all agreed that they might have fallen into the scheme of the Asa Protoss, and their eyes and ears should have fallen into the hands of the Asa Protoss.

Those pure-blooded gods who sent out their ears did not believe that a turbid beast god with no origin could capture those eyes and ears alive. Although those eyes and ears were not the strongest gods among the pure-blooded gods, their abilities were They are also very unique, each of them is good at one or two ways of escaping, even if they can't fight, they can escape, and they have never been captured alive before.In their view, this must be the plan that the Asa Protoss set up from the very beginning, deliberately using Xu Changqing as a bait, and then setting traps in the volcano group, so as to catch all the elite spies of the pure-blooded Protoss.

As for why the Asa Protoss did this, those pure-blooded Protoss also speculated, they just wanted to know some secrets about their clan from the elite spies of various races.Although each of these protoss has secret magic spells to ensure that the spies will not speak even if they are caught, but they are not sure how long those magic spells can last.

Just when all the pure-blood protoss of the Temple Star were trying to find a way to fish out the spies they had captured, and the Asa protoss didn't know that they had become other people's scapegoats, Xu Changqing was very concerned about these live materials that were automatically sent to the door. I am happy, at least this saves him a lot of trouble in collecting various information on the Temple Star.

When the eyes and ears of these pure-blooded gods entered the volcano group, Xu Changqing had already noticed it. During these days, Xu Changqing was not busy with other things, but focused on arranging the defense around the volcano group.This place is different from other places, it is the core place of the Holy Ruins. In terms of what Xu Changqing has done, it is no exaggeration to say that all the pure blood gods around him will be his enemies, and even the people of God of War City may also be here. sometimes become enemies.Therefore, in such a place where enemies are everywhere, a fortification that can isolate any detection becomes particularly important. At least with such a fortification, he does not have to worry about outside prying when he is working in his forge.

Although the time to discover these intruders was very early, in order to wipe out these people, Xu Changqing had to postpone the time of action until the intruders had completely entered the depths of the volcano group, and then he personally took action to kill these guys. A catch.Although the whole process was very smooth, Xu Changqing had to admit that the strength of these pure-blood gods was very extraordinary. If he hadn't personally acted, it is very likely that none of these people would be able to catch them in the end.

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