Nine idlers

Chapter 945 Forging the Artifact

After sending Yuan Yuan away, Xu Changqing started to install treasures that would turn those mortal slaves into forging craftsmen, able to forge rough embryonic artifacts with the least amount of divine power.

The idea of ​​letting ordinary mortals to forge and refine some low-grade and simple artifacts and magic weapons has long been born in Xu Changqing.At that time, when Zhu Yan's avatar had just been named the Lord of the Demon God's Hall, although the Immortal Palace provided ample resources, it would obviously take a lot of effort to turn the resources into usable instruments and treasures.Even with the assistance of Zao Tianmen, Xu Changqing spent a lot of time and energy to forge the magic weapon. Up to now, this big hole has not been filled. On the contrary, because of the expansion of the Demon Temple, the hole has become bigger and bigger. The magic weapons used by the immortal army in the temple are only their own magic weapons, not the standard magic weapons that are more suitable for the army formation.

At that time, Xu Changqing thought about using the many War Demons and Three Realms lairs living in the War Demon City and the Three Realms Lair, and tried to refine some magical weapons, but the final effect was not satisfactory.

Although the result "" .s. is not satisfactory, it is not that there is no result at all.Xu Changqing imitated the mechanical technology invented by the West in the secular world, and created a forging magic weapon that combines smelting and forging, which is similar to the steam engine in the secular world.The operation of this kind of magic weapon is very simple, and it doesn't require any magic power. It only needs a few mortals with a little practice to operate it.As for its flaws, there are many, the biggest ones are only two points, one is that the geographical conditions for placing the magic weapon are very harsh, only the place full of fire spirit can make the magic weapon fully use, another flaw is that this magic weapon can only use those Raw ore spiritual materials are refined into ordinary rough embryos of spiritual materials. To turn the rough embryos of spiritual materials into magic weapons, it needs to be further refined by immortals, Buddhas and demons.have to say.This forging magic weapon really helped Xu Changqing a lot.Let Zaotianmen free up a lot of manpower.Specialized in forging ordinary low-grade magic weapons.It's just that there are very few places where the fire spirit energy gathers in Zhanmoya, and there are only three volcanoes in total, so Xu Changqing has no place to use even if he wants to set up a few more such forging magic weapons.

When he was still on Ancient God Planet, Xu Changqing thought about using this kind of forging magic weapon in the forging workshop, but at that time there were not enough manpower, and the dominant strategy was to act in a low-key manner, so he didn't take any further actions.But now, he is in control of this volcano group.After spending two days carefully planning the layout of the forging workshop, it was decided that perhaps a forging artifact should be placed in the forging room of the furnace built in each volcano.

It is impossible to directly move the forging magic weapon to the holy market for use. After all, forging the magic weapon requires the use of various magic circles and talismans. If these things are used under the heavenly way of the holy market, they will either be useless or their effectiveness will be reduced.Xu Changqing could only reforge a kind of artifact according to the principle of forging magic weapons. Fortunately, with previous experience, and many magic circles and talismans can be replaced by magic circles and divine characters, it didn't take him too much time to finally A forging artifact that is suitable for use in the Holy Market and controlled by ordinary people in the Holy Market has been refined.The complete forging artifact improved by Xu Changqing is composed of ten sets of artifact components with the same function.Each set of artifact components excludes the connection array for guidance and the transformation furnace for transforming ground fire.The rest is formed by three important large components, which are the forging table.Smelting mouth and traction God ring.

The forging craftsman wears the traction god ring, and only needs to introduce a very small amount of divine power into the control divine script on the god ring to form two giant arms of divine power transformed from earth fire.These two giant arms can help ordinary mortals easily pick up all kinds of spiritual materials. According to Xu Changqing's test, the weight of less than 30 catties will not cause any burden on the giant arms.Afterwards, the giant arm puts the spiritual material into the smelting mouth to soften it, and then puts the softened spiritual material on the forging platform. The forging craftsman controls the hammer on the forging platform to beat the spiritual mine, and the divine formation on the control platform will go to the forging platform at the same time. Introduce the divine power transformed from the earth fire into the spiritual material until it is forged into an embryonic ore ingot.

Maybe it's because of the difference between the Divine Formation runes and the Magic Formation runes, or maybe it's because of the difference between the Holy Ruins Fire Spirit Qi and the Kunlun Three Realms Fire Spirit Qi. The magic weapon of forging is far superior in terms of effect.

The forging magic weapon of the Kunlun Three Realms can only forge the lowest-quality rough embryos of spiritual materials at most, but the forging artifacts of Shengxu can refine ore spiritual materials into higher-quality concentrated ore embryos.This kind of concentrated ore embryo does not need further refining. It can be directly forged by the forging craftsman into a rough artifact according to the shape of the artifact, and then engraved with the gods and gods. An ordinary standard artifact is forged. The time and cost His divine power has been reduced by more than four or five times compared to before.

Each set of components has twenty sets of forging tables, melting ports, and traction rings, and each set forms a forging room, and each forging room requires at least three people to operate, and more than nine people to work in turns, so that it can continue day and night. run.Usually, three sets of forging artifacts can be installed in a crater with sufficient ground fire aura, while only one set can be installed in a crater that is close to it. If you want to use all the volcanoes under Xu Changqing's control, you need at least a hundred sets of forging artifacts. Artifact.

In the past few days, Xu Changqing instructs the beast gods and slave gods under him to hollow out all his volcanoes and arrange the smelting and casting platforms according to the shape of the artifacts. At the same time, he hastened to forge the artifacts. Before Yuan Yuanyuan, he had forged [-] Set of forging artifacts.

These thirty sets of forging artifacts can set up more than 20 volcanic furnaces, which are controlled by 6 people in three shifts, and can refine two thousand high-quality spiritual material ingots in about a month.So many spiritual material ore ingots are almost enough to support Xu Changqing's forging workshop to forge the spiritual materials.But Xu Changqing is not going to let the other volcanic furnaces be idle. He is going to wait for the forging workshop to be fully built, so that all the volcanic furnaces will be equipped with this kind of forging artifact, and all [-] mortals will be used to fight against the demons in places such as Moya. The spiritual material smelting process is also put here, so that the effect of this forging workshop will be spread to the entire Holy Market and Kunlun Three Realms.

In the few days after Yuan Yuan left, Xu Changqing concentrated on directing his forging craftsmen to place each set of forging artifacts.Those turbid beast craftsmen were also curious about this artifact created by Xu Changqing, but because of the restriction of the forbidden seal in their bodies, they dared not ask Xu Changqing any questions.

It's just that those turbid beast gods didn't know that Xu Changqing didn't intend to hide this set of forging artifacts. After all, after the spread of the forging workshop, it might be difficult to hide this set of forging artifacts.

It was precisely because Xu Changqing had this idea of ​​not keeping secrets that when Dagut came to Xu Changqing and told him the result of the negotiations on the redemption of those god captives by the pure-blooded gods, he easily saw this set of forging artifacts .

At that time, Dagut didn't know the function of this set of forging artifacts. He was just surprised by the large area covered by the artifacts. He even thought that this might be the first time he had seen such a large artifact. Because after the entire artifact is arranged, it will cover the smelting and forging area inside the entire volcano, covering half of the volcano in terms of area.

Afterwards, Dagut learned from Xu Changqing that this set of artifacts was specially used to refine and forge various spiritual materials, and he was a little amazed at Xu Changqing's whimsical ideas, just because there were already artifacts such as shielding armor as a foreshadowing , so the amazement did not last long.On the contrary, after he knew that this set of forging artifacts could only forge ordinary-quality spiritual material ore ingots, a look of disappointment appeared between his brows.

The fire giants were born for forging. Even the fire giants who were born not long ago would pick up a hammer to beat things, so the fire giants never needed to worry about the spiritual materials needed to forge the artifact.They have enough manpower to forge all kinds of spiritual materials, not to mention ordinary low-level spiritual materials, even the top-quality spiritual materials specially used to forge supreme artifacts are full of various warehouses.

What interests Dagut is the combination of this forging artifact, because as long as the core array covering the entire crater of the artifact is not damaged, any damage to any component will not have any impact on the operation of the entire artifact. The damaged part can be replaced with the same component, and the replacement work can be done by ordinary people.

There was a similar combined artifact in the Holy Ruins, and it was so powerful that it was considered an artifact that could affect the entire situation of the Holy Ruins for a long time.However, someone later discovered that this combination artifact has a fatal shortcoming, that is, it cannot be disassembled, but the entire artifact seems to be scattered, but in fact it is a whole. As long as one component is broken, the entire artifact will be destroyed. It will also be damaged and needs to be refined before it can be used.It is precisely because of this defect that this combined artifact was finally eliminated by the gods of the Holy Ruins.

In Dagut's view, Xu Changqing's forging artifact just solved the drawbacks of that combination artifact. If the combination method of forging artifact can be put on that combination artifact, then that combination artifact will definitely shine again.

After hearing Dagut's thoughts, Xu Changqing quickly poured cold water on him.When Xu Changqing was researching the artifacts of the Holy Ruins, he also saw the records of the combined artifacts. He also made the following comparisons between the combined artifacts and his own forging artifacts, and soon he discovered that they were fundamentally different from each other.The combination artifact is fundamentally a god artifact, which can be taken away by the gods like other artifacts, but Xu Changqing's forging artifact is closer to the god array disk. Once it is installed, it cannot be moved, and the artifact can be maintained. The divine power required is enormous.Without the support of the power of heaven and earth, relying solely on the support of the gods' own divine power, I am afraid that even the top gods like Xu Changqing and Dagut can only keep the artifact running for about a quarter of an hour.

So after hearing Xu Changqing's explanation, Dagut also felt a little disappointed, but he didn't seem to intend to give up. Instead, he asked Xu Changqing for some refining methods of this kind of forging artifact, and he seemed to be ready to try the following when he went back.

Chapter 940 ?? Forging artifacts.

Chapter 940 Five? Forging artifacts,

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