Nine idlers

Chapter 947

During this period of time, Neodar has been carrying out the tasks assigned by Anubis for Yuanxu Zhenren, secretly monitoring Xu Changqing's every move, and asking Xu Changqing how to catch the spies sent by the pure-blooded gods, how to refine mortals can The forging artifacts controlled and so on are all in the eyes.If Neodar only regarded Xu Changqing as a general collaborator when he was on the ancient god planet, then now he has raised Xu Changqing's status to the level of the main god like Anubis.

With Neodar's wisdom, it is not difficult to see how great the potential value of those forged artifacts is. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Xu Changqing's forging workshop is fully operational, the supply of low-level artifacts in the Holy Ruins will be monopolized by him. The main Opalodi family will inevitably be greatly affected, even if it does not suffer from a setback, it will also be severely damaged.As for the forging groups of the other protoss, it is likely that they will be completely destroyed under the impact, and finally Xu Changqing's forging workshop will become a headache-intensive behemoth like the God of War City.

Of course, if you want to develop the forging workshop to the level of a behemoth, the whole process needs to be smooth sailing, which is difficult to achieve with Xu Changqing's identity and situation.In this way, Neodar thought of the second development situation, that is, the pure-blood gods of the Holy Ruins put pressure on Xu Changqing, seized his forging workshop, and forced the forging workshop to completely surrender to the city of God of War, which made the city of God of War stronger. The increase made up for the biggest flaws and flaws in the city of God of War, making it free from the shackles of the pure-blooded gods.Since this beast god can create a forging artifact that mortals can operate now.Then he may not be able to create a killing artifact that mortals can use in the future.One or two mortals who can compete with the real gods may not cause any trouble, but the problem is that there are hundreds of millions of mortals in the entire holy market, and the gods in the holy market are only more than [-]. There is not much difference between a quasi-god who has just lit a divine fire and a mortal powerhouse.Compared with the two, the strength and weakness stand out.It is conceivable that once all the mortals in the Holy Ruins have the power of gods, even if it is only the quasi-gods at the bottom, it will be a disaster for the entire god race in the Holy Ruins.

then.Niodar thought about destroying Xu Changqing before he grew up, but now that there are countless eyes on the Holy Ruins, and Xu Changqing's position is next to the God of War City, he has no certainty that Xu Changqing can escape into the city. Take it down before the city of God of War.Although Xu Changqing will pose a great threat to the gods and protoss of the Holy Ruins when he grows up, but Neodar also believes that at least before he poses a threat, Xu Changqing is the most suitable partner he can find.As for whether he will raise a tiger as a trouble, he is not worried about it, because he is very confident. By the time Xu Changqing develops into a serious trouble, he has already completed his plan. By then, it will not matter whether the Holy Ruins or the God Race will exist. have any effect on him.

Neodar came to meet Xu Changqing this time because he wanted to persuade Xu Changqing to become his collaborator when the Anubis scarab lost contact with Anubis due to the appearance of the Supreme God's divine sense, and the surveillance relaxed.This kind of collaborator is no longer a pseudo-cooperator who didn't even make an oath as before, but will write down the detailed content in a very rare scroll of Dao divine text contract, and then sacrifice to heaven and earth to complete the alliance ceremony.In this way, it is impossible for the two parties to betray and betray before the conditions of the contract are completed, and he can fully trust Xu Changqing, and even hand over the most important secrets to each other.

However, after the conversation just now, Neodar found that he seemed to have messed up things a bit.Originally, he thought that there was a great threat to Xu Changqing, such as Xu Changqing's true identity, the true identity of the troll master craftsman, the pressure formed by the supreme god and the pure-blooded gods, etc., all of which did not pose any threat, on the contrary, it was at the end , the hostility and killing intent that were still very obvious on Xu Changqing's face felt a little faded.

It's just that Niodar didn't expect that things would go wrong, which made him a little confused about how to end it.

The reason for this is that Niodar did not expect Xu Changqing to collide with him so stubbornly.From the moment he came in, as long as he said a wrong sentence, Xu Changqing's attack would fall without hesitation, so that he had to give up his original preparation to clarify the matter straight to the point, and instead thought about words, always Let yourself walk on the edge of touching the bottom line and put pressure on Xu Changqing, which also makes the pressure that could break through Xu Changqing's defense less intense, and the opponent can bear it and never let go.

The second reason is that Xu Changqing's strength is really unexpected. This strength includes not only Xu Changqing's own strength, but also the overall strength of Xu Changqing's forging workshop.

When Neodar directly broke into Xu Changqing's main hall, he was already ready to fight against the four turbid beast gods who knew the combined attack magic technique, and he was absolutely confident that he could fight against the four turbid beast gods who knew how to attack together. Repel them before the power of the magic technique is exerted, and take the opportunity to give Xu Changqing a blow.

However, Niodar soon discovered that just a short period of time had passed since that day's confrontation on the ancient god planet, the strength of the four turbid beast gods had improved again, and the cooperation of the joint strike magic had become more seamless , none of his previous preparations could be used, and he was already locked in shape by the spiritual thoughts of the four of them.Afterwards, the other eight newly added spirits of the turbid beasts also cooperated tacitly to suppress them. The aura they formed made him feel as if he was facing Wedell, Zeus and other gods, kings and gods with all their strength. He had no doubts If he fought these beast spirits head-on, the first blow would probably be enough to seriously injure him.

The strength of these turbid beast gods was beyond Niodar's expectations, but it was still within the acceptable range because of their previous fights, and the strength Xu Changqing showed at this moment was far beyond his expectations.From the moment Xu Changqing showed his killing intent, he already felt that his life and death were completely controlled by the other party, even if he used his life-saving magic power, he might not be able to escape.Although on the surface, his words and actions seem to be well-founded, as if he is completely in control of the situation, but in fact he is suffering and can't say it, so he has stepped into the bottom line of Xu Changqing's heart. He must carefully consider every word before he can say it. export.During the whole process, his body was tense, and the divine power in his body was filled with every drop of blood in his body, which would burst out at any time. It wasn't until Xu Changqing's attitude changed slightly that the tension eased a little. .

In the face of Xu Changqing's contempt and disdain for the Asa Protoss, Neodar did not show any anger. Although this time his actions were a bit too exaggerated and put himself in this passive state, he did not stop there. Give up, but feel that now may be the best time.

So, after Xu Changqing's voice fell, Niodar said calmly: "The words of your Excellency Bell are meaningless to me, you should be very clear that my situation is not much better than yours, and do I believe you?" Your origin and identity are meaningless, you need other people to believe in order to get rid of suspicion and regain what should belong to you."

Xu Changqing has gradually understood that Neodar came here not to expose his identity. Although Neodar must have doubts about himself and even found out some things, he has no real evidence, let alone thought of himself. It is not the god of the Holy Ruins at all.

Now there is no shortage of hints in Neodar's words, so Xu Changqing pushed the boat along the way, while letting his killing intent subside and relieve his anger, he asked back: "Who is that other person you are talking about?"

"Anubis." Neodar didn't make any excuses at this time, and said directly: "The loyal disciple of the Lord of the Frozen Hell."

"Lord of the Frozen Hell? Is it Othello?" Xu Changqing deliberately said the name of the supreme god without any respect, while he focused his attention on Neodar, feeling its movements and seeing him There was no response, and another name was abruptly said, "Or is it Daoist Yuanxu?"

Neodar, who had always seemed extremely calm, tried his best to control his abnormal reaction after hearing the name Yuanxu Zhenren, but his eyebrows still frowned, which formed a very sharp contrast with the situation of no reaction when he heard the name Othello contrast.

Xu Changqing said bluntly again: "Speaking of disciples, you Neodar should also be that disciple, right? And you are a very close disciple, or a disciple, otherwise he would not pass on his unique magic. for you."

Hearing what Xu Changqing said, Neodar couldn't hide his expression any longer. He looked at Xu Changqing in horror, as if he saw something terrifying, and he calmed down after a while, and said in a suspicious tone: "You Who the hell? Why do you know about this?"

Now Neodar would not regret taking this trip. If he had known that there would be such a result, and the other party knew his situation clearly, and even knew this big secret enough to make him irreparable, he would never dare to take the risk. However, those who ran to Xu Changqing would definitely hide as far away as possible.

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