Nine idlers

Chapter 96 Evergreen Corpse Refining

Chapter 96 Evergreen Corpse Refining

Xu Changqing was a little worried about the bronze-armored corpse in the house at the moment. He ignored the surprised eyes of the people around him and was about to enter the house, but a foreigner stopped him immediately. He was probably a high-ranking official like the chief patrol officer.Chen Zhangping saw Xu Changqing showing a displeasure expression when he was stopped, and hurriedly stepped forward to smooth things over, and introduced: "Sir, this is Sir Robinson from the police station in the British Concession. He just cares about the concession area very much." Anwei, there is no other meaning." Then he introduced Xu Changqing to the foreigner, and emphasized that "Xu Changqing is a very important person to the Chen family", in order to remind the foreigner not to go too far.

Luo Bianchen was able to achieve his current position, so he was naturally not a fool who didn't move.Although he doesn't know how powerful the Chen family really is, as far as he knows, the eldest son of the Chen family is friends with many members of Parliament in the UK, and there are also many members of the House of Representatives who secretly support them. What will happen if he offends the Chen family? It is very clear in my heart.Seeing that Chen Zhangping, who was in charge of the wind and rain in the concessions of Tianjin and Shanghai, respected this strangely dressed person in front of him so much, he naturally understood that this person in front of him was something he could not afford to offend, so he immediately changed his attitude, showing that he was neither humble nor overbearing, But in a humble tone, he asked Xu Changqing what happened here.

"There is a demon living in this house. The two of them were possessed by the demon just now. I am the exorcist invited by the Chen family to subdue the demon." Xu Changqing covered up the matter lightly in simple and clear English, and then ignored it With the attitude of a foreigner, he turned his head and told Chen Zhangping: "After I go in, before I come out, don't let anyone in, remember!"

"Yes, Zhang Ping knows." Chen Zhangping nodded quickly.

Without any hesitation, Xu Changqing secretly pinched the seal to open a hole in the shield of the Xuanwu spirit guard formation, walked in, opened the door and walked into the room under the eyes of everyone.When Xu Changqing closed the door, he was cut off from the outside secular world and became a world of his own.Inside the house, the corpse aura that could not be accommodated by the array filled the entire room. Xu Changqing took out the jasper gourd, used a method to absorb the overflowing corpse aura, and quickly passed through the corridor to the living room.I saw that in the living room, the bronze-armored corpse was still sitting intact in the array, and the surrounding Liujia and Liuding talisman long flags were fine, but Xu Changqing stabbed the corpse with the three fingers on the body, body and mouth to isolate the corpse pill and corpse energy before going out. A coffin nail had been pulled out and fell to the ground.

Xu Changqing immediately stepped forward to check the situation of the bronze armored corpse, and found that after the corpse pill of the bronze armored corpse lost the restriction of the coffin nails, it automatically borrowed the formation map, aroused the evil energy of the land of six evil spirits to refine itself, and within a short time had already Practice yourself to become mature.If Xu Changqing came back one step later, the corpse pill might break apart and turn into the corpse spirit of his own life, and it would be very troublesome to catch this bronze armored corpse.

Xu Changqing walked quickly to the opposite side of the bronze armored corpse, sat down cross-legged, knotted the upper clear exorcism seal in his hands, and quickly drew a dozen exorcism talismans with his true energy, and pushed the talisman power on the copper The heart of the armor corpse was imprinted on the corpse pill, driving away all the corpse aura around the corpse pill.Then he took off the Maitreya cassock and put it in the universe in his sleeve. He was completely naked, and put on the Dao talisman that had been accidentally wiped off during the fight.When the time was almost up, he took out a mahogany sword, stepped on his feet, circulated his true energy, and lit the seven-star candlestick behind the bronze armored corpse with three flavors of real fire, and then used the Shangqing Zhoutiandi evil star to fight Gang Bu circled around the bronze armored corpse.Every time a round of Zhou Tiangang steps is completed, a corpse refining talisman drawn on Xu Changqing's body will turn into pure power, and under the guidance of the mahogany sword, it will rush into the bronze armored corpse, a yin point on the bronze armored corpse 'It turned into a hollow, and at the same time, a gust of earthly evil spirit drilled out of a coffin nail pierced in the ground, and rushed into the Yin cave.

After Xu Changqing walked 72 rounds of Earth Shagang steps, all the Dao talismans on his body had turned into Dao power and penetrated into the body of the bronze armored corpse, and correspondingly, there were 72 more Yin points on the bronze armored corpse , and Xu Changqing's natal Qimai formed an invisible channel with these yin acupoints at this moment.

After 72 laps of the Earth Shagang Step, the Great Zhoutian Golden Elixir in his body was almost consumed. Xu Changqing's face showed a trace of fatigue. Jiashi performed the Shangqing Zhou Tiangang Star Fighting Step.Every time he walked around this time, the peach wood sword in Xu Changqing's hand gathered his true energy to draw a Hunyuan Zhoutian talisman, and pushed it with the power of gold liquid to hit the Xiantian Bagua diagram on the ceiling, and nailed the Xiantian Bagua diagram One of the coffin nails will be integrated into the Xiantian Bagua diagram, and the Xiantian Bagua diagram will also increase by one point.After 36 rounds, the entire innate gossip diagram filled the ceiling of the living room and turned into nothingness at the same time, forming a diagram of 36 stars in Tiangang, as if the ceiling in the living room and even the upper floors and roofs disappeared. Like, directly communicate with the stars in the sky.

After walking all the steps of the Shangqing Zhoutian Xingdou Gang, even a person like Xu Changqing felt exhausted, big beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and his breathing became a little short, sitting cross-legged on the back of the bronze armor corpse. Opposite.After his breathing stabilized for a while, he formed the Shangqing summoning seal with both hands, silently circulated the true energy, drew the talisman in the void, and sang a sacrificial oration for the four directions of the Shangqing summoning order, saying: "Shangqing Lingbao Tianzun, let me seal the heavenly book, Summon the gods of Liujia Liuding..."

As Xu Changqing recited the entire sacrificial oration, an extremely complicated Shangqing Liujia Liudingtian calligraphy talisman was also drawn at the same time, suspended in front of him, and under the impetus of his true essence, it instantly turned into a stream of supernatural powers. Xiao Wulei even had a huge power, and rushed upwards into the 36 star diagram of Tiangang.Immediately afterwards, 36 strands of starlight burst out from the star map and shone on the Liujia Liuding banners around the house. A golden armored general with various weapons.

"The god will return to his place!" Xu Changqing concentrated his mind to control the seal, and said in a deep voice at the same time.

Twelve golden-armored gods immediately surrounded Xu Changqing and the bronze-armored corpse in the manner of Liujia as the main and Liuding as the auxiliary, forming an isolation protection, preventing the five types of demons from coming out to make trouble during the corpse refining.

After Xu Changqing arranged the altar of Liujia and Liuding, he immediately changed the magic seal, concentrated all the remaining true energy, and cast the spell with all his strength, saying: "The Lord of the South Dipper lives, the Lord of the Big Dipper dies, and all dharmas return to the original, hurry like a law! Get up!"

A stream of pure power rushed straight up, quickly attracting two beams of light, which shot into the bodies of Xu Changqing and the bronze armored corpse respectively. At the same time, the seven-star candlestick behind the bronze armored corpse turned into seven golden lights, rushing into the bronze armored corpse Inside.At this moment, the death qi of the Big Dipper, the qi of the earth, and the qi of the natal corpse in the bronze armor body rushed out together, along the passage of 72 yin acupoints, rushed into Xu Changqing's 72 acupoints of the earth, and passed through the Nandou in Xu Changqing's body at the same time. Zhou Tian's star formation turned into anger, and passed it back, and just like this, the refining of corpses officially began.

Because all kinds of breaths coming from the bronze armored corpse hide all kinds of demons that affect the mind, although there are Liujia Liuding gods in the middle, it is inevitable to miss one or two, so Xu Changqing can only stick to his heart at the moment , Enter the empty and indifferent realm of Dao Xin, and take this rare opportunity to reorganize what you have learned, and perfect the Jiuliu Dao.When Xu Changqing sank the mind and spirit into the realm of Dao Xin, the Jiuliu Dao in the body operated on its own to absorb the weak heaven and earth aura to restore skills, arouse the aspiration of heaven and earth to strengthen the golden body, and circulate the aura of the five elements to refine the viscera.

While the various formulas in the Jiuliu Dao were helping Xu Changqing to practice in their own ways, the spirit treasures in his body that had not moved began to move, and the various negative vitality absorbed from the bronze armored corpse began to produce corresponding changes.The Yellow Spring Banner, which has been repairing itself and refining the battle spirit, emerged from the mind. The Heavenly Ghost in the Banner drew the unrefined Big Dipper Death Qi into the Banner to repair the damage of the Banner. The Yin God Stick also spun, Absorb the evil spirit of the earth into the body of the stick, and gradually refine the two powers of Buddha and demon in the stick, while the Dao map flies out from the sky and merges into the 36 star map above the head, slowly absorbing the borrowed star power, Refining oneself.

In this way, while Xu Changqing was refining the corpse, the spirit treasure in his body was also slowly repairing itself.With the passage of time, the corpse aura and anger on the bronze armored corpse reached a balance, and the swelling on his face caused by the corpse aura also subsided, revealing his true colors, a very rough and mighty face The warrior, with a square face, thick eyebrows, deep pupils, big nose, and thick lips, looks very majestic.When the balance of life and death in the body of the bronze armored corpse was completely reached, the corpse pill in his body split into two and turned into a yin and yang fish. The traction of the 'point' gradually merged into Xu Changqing's body.

At this moment, the three spiritual treasures that had been refined by themselves seemed to sense Xu Changqing's change, stopped functioning, and returned to Xu Changqing's second consciousness of mind and spirit.Outside Xu Changqing's body, the Qi of the Southern Dipper and the Big Dipper that was originally divided into two is also integrated at this moment, turning into a Taiji diagram on Xu Changqing's head. 'Shoot' on Xu Changqing's body to help him strengthen the bronze armored corpse and himself.At this moment, the Yin-Yang Corpse Pill of the Bronze Armored Corpse has been integrated into the Dao Mind Consciousness, turning it into the Tai Chi Dao Mind Consciousness, so that the Bronze Armored Corpse is completely integrated with Xu Changqing.

The corpse refining method used by Xu Changqing is the authentic ancient corpse refining method of Taoism. According to legend, it was created by the Yellow Turban thief Zhang Jiao, and passed on to Lu Dun, the celestial master. Also disappeared.Later, in the Northern Song Dynasty, it was sorted out by Huang Chang and republished. However, because the spells looked extremely evil, they were not included in the Daozang. However, they were included in a sub-volume compiled by Huang Chang himself that collected various methods of refining corpses. among.Until the prosperity of Taoism in the mid-Ming Dynasty, a Taoist sect disciple accidentally discovered this supplementary volume, thus creating the line of refining corpses and exorcising corpses.After so many years of changes and turmoil, the copy of corpse refining has long been lost, and the only corpse refining method left in the end is similar to the Zhong family's method of refining corpses and sending spirits, and this method of refining corpses is the first generation. Jiuliu idler found it when he was a tomb robber, and it can be said to be unique now.

When the Bronze Armored Corpse was completely integrated with Xu Changqing, the Qi of the Dipper and the Big Dipper on the top of the head also dissipated at the same time, and the star diagram also lost its magical effect, and gradually returned to the diagram of inheriting the innate gossip, falling to the ground, and the acquired gossip on the ground The map gradually became obsolete, as if it had undergone thousands of years of changes, and in the end, it was just a breath-driven breeze that blew it into ashes together with the red dust rope and coffin nails.At this moment, it can be said that the bronze armor corpse has become Xu Changqing, and Xu Changqing is still Xu Changqing.

After refining the bronze armored corpse to become a doppelganger, some of the original natural powers of the copper armored corpse, such as the natural earth escape method, the sensitive sense of smell for anger, etc., also became part of Xu Changqing.At this moment, Xu Changqing broke away from the realm of Dao Xin, and began to automatically circulate the true essence to observe the changes in the body. At the same time, he also mobilized the corpse pill to circulate the corpse energy, so that the bronze armor corpse could also cultivate with the method of circulating in the sky of Jiuliu Dao.

"Hey! How could this be?" When Xu Changqing checked the bronze armored corpse with corpse energy, although he was happy because the bronze armored corpse had been successfully refined, he soon realized something was wrong and frowned and said to himself He said: "How could it be so weak? I have already refined the corpse with the death energy of the Big Dipper and the evil energy of the earth here. According to reason, the strength of the top-level bronze armor corpse should have been restored. Why is the corpse now so weak, compared to mine? The Hunyuan Golden Body is even weaker."

Xu Changqing was extremely puzzled, but how did he know that the tonic that should have been given to the Bronze Armor Corpse had already been replenished in the belly of his two top-level magic weapons, and this was also the reason why the Bronze Armor Corpse could be refined so quickly.At this moment, he felt that although the golden core and true essence in his body had recovered with the help of the heaven and earth aura, the golden 'liquid' true essence that was finally recovering was less than one-third of what it was before. Liquid 'Zhou Tian's speed is much faster than before.

Although the Hunyuan Golden Body still hasn't changed much, Xu Changqing feels a very weak wish force is automatically integrated into the Hunyuan Golden Body with the operation of the Jiuliu Dao, turning into a golden light of merit and virtue, just like that day in Ma As the home shop feels.He guessed that Chen Zhangping must have used the gold to start his charity relief plan, and this weak wish was probably the power of those who benefited from the people's gratitude to the fake identity of Master Shenmu, although at this moment this weak His wish power is very scarce, but he believes that with the development of the plan, this kind of wish power will become more and more, and finally help him achieve the golden body of Hunyuan merit and virtue that can escape the catastrophe.

In addition, when refining the corpse, Xu Changqing sorted out some cultivation methods such as Buddhism, Taoism, and ghosts that he had learned during this period of time, and refined the exercises of Huangquan Tao and Maitreya Sect of the White Lotus Sect here, and gradually integrated them into the Jiuliu Dao Among them, like the Shangqing Jiuzhuan Jindan**, it has become a part of Jiuliu Dao.In particular, how to transform the Taoist true essence into the white lotus Buddha essence at a faster speed, he specially created a set of methods suitable for his own situation based on Shi Maitreya's experience in fusing the Taiqing Yuangang and Bailian crossing the world formula.

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