Nine idlers

Chapter 968

Although at this moment Xu Changqing's dragon and beast avatar was raging with ferocious aura, constantly impacting and shrinking like a tide, which could not be restrained, making him look bad, but in fact, the physical condition would not affect him in any way. On the contrary, his state of mind is as calm as stagnant water. ∑ Vertex Fiction,

Xu Changqing has been recalling the entire process of the transformation of this team of six-eyed Naga nobles since just now, trying to find out the reason for their sudden collapse and ablation.After recalling the whole process, he suddenly raised his hand to take a living creature in the water from the distant waters, and checked this special creature repeatedly with mana and divine sense. There was a look of sudden realization.

Before, Xu Changqing just thought that those six-eyed Naga nobles were overthinking their own abilities. After merging into one, they blindly continued to strengthen their own strength before eliminating their own rejection, and finally caused all their own strength to collapse.But now Xu Changqing felt that the moment those six-eyed Naga nobles arrived at this water world, their fate was already doomed.

These special creatures in the water world are a great tonic for Liumu Naga, even better than any fairy elixir, and have an unparalleled effect on improving their bloodline level. It is no exaggeration to say that even a slave If the six-eyed Naga of the family enters here, I am afraid that it will not take long to become a noble, or even a royal family.It's just that it's also three-point poisonous, so it's impossible for this special tonic to have no side effects. In fact, when the gods of the special water world enter their bodies and change their blood, the damage to their own blood has already been formed. .

Because of the characteristics of the Great Formation of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty, Xu Changqing once suspected that the god formation derived from this formation was one of the main reasons for the collapse of the giant beast, because the power gathered by this formation was too huge.It was so huge that the body of the six-eyed Naga transformed into a giant beast could not bear it.

But in fact, this formation is not the collapse of their blood.The culprit of power backlash.On the contrary, the existence of this divine formation relieved the blood collapse to a certain extent.It's a pity that the improvement of this god array is not complete. If these six-eyed Naga can be mixed together, it can assist the blood in the giant beast to complete the final transformation through its own power, instead of relying on the creatures of the water world To complete the transformation, perhaps a powerful existence capable of shaking any god in the holy market will be born here.

"What exactly does he want to do? To send these six-eyed Naga to commit suicide in front of me?" Xu Changqing was very puzzled about the intentions of the people behind leading these six-eyed Naga nobles here.This Guardian Array was created by Brahma, so the builder should be very clear about the effect of the special creatures in this water world. Sending those six-eyed naga is purely to die.

In fact, Xu Changqing didn't know that there was a mysterious existence in the depths of the Guardian God Formation at this moment, and he was also annoyed by the change of Liumu Naga. The creatures in the water world can actually produce such an effect.and.It is impossible for him to let Liumu Naga send a team of troops again. The Liumu Naga royal family who can communicate with him already has extremely high wisdom, and is no longer a pet beast that was raised in captivity. It is difficult to impress it with all the temptations.It made it clear that it would not send any Six-Eyed Naga into the Divine Formation without knowing the specific circumstances of the six-eyed Naga nobles.This also made him regret that he handed over the divine array to the other party in advance. Now that there is this divine array, even if the six-eyed Naga does not allow the blood to be further purified, it is enough for them to gain a foothold in the holy market.

It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world, and now he can't move at all, even some of the beasts he created are on his head.And he doesn't even have the ability to fight back, it's really a sad feeling of being bullied by dogs.Now he is not only unable to control Liumu Naga.Even Xu Changqing's mortal danger has no way to deal with it. The only thing he can do is to wait quietly, waiting for an opportunity to send Xu Changqing to the core area.

Although it is blocked by the array of guardian gods, whether it is Xu Changqing's dragon beast clone who let go of his power, or the giant beast formed by the six-eyed naga, the power aura emanating from them is somewhat beyond that of the guardian god array The shielding limit, coupled with the damage to the guardian array itself, caused a lot of power to escape to the guardian array on the upper three floors.Because of the blocking and weakening of the Guardian God Formation, these power breaths can no longer cause substantial damage when perceived by the Guardian God Formation people, but the coercion of the higher gods contained in this breath is enough to make them An inexplicable sense of suffocation was born.

After the aura disappeared, these gods of the Holy Ruins faintly felt that there had been unforeseen changes in the guardian array, and they might encounter fatal danger if they continued to stay, so those who had the ability to leave chose to leave. And those who can't leave are trying to find a way to leave.Because of this nervousness, these gods became extremely sensitive to any abnormal changes in the surrounding environment, so that the remaining Brahman protoss Yakshas had no chance of attacking.

These Brahmin protoss yakshas also sensed that a god is trying to leave the guardian array through the methods they have mastered. They don't know if it has something to do with them or the power that just appeared. All in all, this matter is very important to them , It is not a good thing for the Brahmans.The two yakshas summed it up, and felt that since there was no way to prevent others from leaving, they should leave here as soon as possible, return to the clan first, and inform the clan of what happened here. You can also prepare in advance.

After making the decision, Yasha of the Brahman God Clan no longer hunted down the pure-blood God Clan who killed his fellow clan, but used his familiarity with the Guardian God Formation to leave the God Formation one step ahead of most of the pure-blood gods. Drive back to the family.However, when they left, they were not prepared to let the other pure-blooded gods who had not left leave smoothly, and decided to create some troubles, and these troubles were that they used the power of the temple itself to cool down the lava river and let the road The natural barrier that blocked the six-eyed naga completely lost its effect.In their view, as long as this barrier is lost, it will not be long before a large number of Six-eyed Naga nobles and royal families will gather around. Although these Six-eyed Naga may not be able to prevent the pure-blooded gods from leaving, they can at least cause some troubles. It may even attract most of the attention of the pure-blooded gods in the near future, and buy some extra time for the Brahmans to deal with them.

For Xu Changqing, the outside world is no longer what he cares about now, what he needs to care about now is when the power that can lead him to the core area of ​​the Guardian God Formation will appear.

Xu Changqing's Golden Immortal body has already completed the accumulation of that drop of Hermes' divine blood. In terms of the purity of the divine blood alone, it may not even be comparable to the current Hermes, which is very close to that of the ancient gods. The blood of the gods is gone, the only thing lacking is the laws of heaven and earth in the ancient Olympus domain.

After the divine blood was well nourished, Xu Changqing sent the divine blood directly into the body of the dragon beast clone, who had been waiting for a long time, eagerly decomposed and absorbed the divine blood, and used the dragon beast clone's talent to analyze The mystery contained in the blood of the gods.

I don't know if it's because the divine blood is so good that it makes it extremely difficult for the dragon beast clone to analyze the divine blood.Before, Xu Changqing had tried to analyze the mysteries of the gods by letting the dragon beast clone devour the blood of the gods. The process of devouring and analyzing was very smooth and simple. It only took less than a quarter of an hour to completely analyze the mysteries of the magic of an ordinary god.But now even if he goes all out, he can only analyze a little superficially. If he wants to fully analyze the mysteries, especially the mystery of Hermes' core magic, it may take a long time to do so.Fortunately, he doesn't need to fully grasp the mysteries of the divine blood now, he only needs to be able to imitate the divine power of Hermes.

Xu Changqing came back to the void outside the gap in the divine formation, and changed the divine power breath on his body into that of Hermes. Although there was a bit more hostility in the divine power, the rest of it was already in harmony with Hermes. Moth's divine power is exactly the same, and anyone who feels this divine power will not suspect that it is fake.

However, after he transformed the breath of divine power, the power that Hermes said would guide him straight into the core of the divine formation did not appear.However, perhaps because of the same divine power, Xu Changqing could vaguely feel a divine power similar to Hermes gushing out from the gap along with the formation force, and could vaguely feel the banned existence at the core of the divine formation.

Xu Changqing has no good way to draw that power out now, he can only make the aura of divine power more intense, and weaken the hostility in the divine power as much as possible, and wait at the gap.

Although the divine blood of Hermes was a bit over-contained, and the mysteries of the divine arts contained in it could not be resolved in a short time, the fate line drawn from the divine blood has already had its results.Although the fate line of the three goddesses of fate is transformed by the fate law of the heavenly dao of Shengxu, it is derived from the causal road of the three realms after all, and the two are the relationship between the root and the branch.Although Xu Changqing's Great Law of Karma does not dare to say that it directly refers to the Dao of Karma, it is already close to the root of the Dao of Karma in the Three Realms. It can be said that it is most appropriate to analyze the fate of the Holy Ruins with the Great Law of Karma.

Today, Xu Changqing is not very familiar with the fate law of the Holy Ruins, but he already knows the fate line derived from the fate law.He has been able to easily see the fate lines of all the gods in the Holy Ruins, and he can also vaguely perceive the future fate of some gods. Control the fate of the gods along the fate line. (to be continued..)

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