Nine idlers

Chapter 970

Xu Changqing didn't immerse himself in the secular scene in front of him for too long. If the scene in ancient China was uncertain, he would stop and observe for a while, but it is really difficult to arouse his interest in this scene of ancient Western civilization. Letting go of his divine sense, he scanned the surroundings, and finally his mind fell on a seemingly ordinary town in the distance.

The reason why this town attracted Xu Changqing's attention was that among all the temples in the center of the town, only the temple in this town contained the power of faith. Although this trace of power of faith was very thin, if compared with other temples The words will appear particularly conspicuous.

Xu Changqing moved directly to the entrance of the temple, and walked in. Those ancient Europeans who were praying around were reciting prayers as if they hadn't seen Xu Changqing. It became a little bit of power of faith, and gathered towards the statue in the middle of the temple.

At this moment, Xu Changqing almost didn't need to go in. Just looking at the double-headed snake scepter logo engraved on the eaves in the middle of the temple, he could already be sure that this temple was the temple of Hermes.It was just that after entering the temple and seeing the enshrined statues, his previous guess was overturned. He was absolutely sure that none of the real bodies and incarnations in the legend of Hermes would be in the shape of a cloud of mist.

Suspicious, Xu Changqing walked up to this weird idol of worship, and was about to check if there were any mysteries in the statue, but the power emanating from the foggy statue made him stunned, because he felt it from the foggy statue. What he got was not the divine power breath of Hermes that he was looking for, but another strange magical power breath that he felt a little familiar with, but couldn't remember for a while.

Just when Xu Changqing was about to catch this breath with his mind.Feel it carefully, when the memory is stimulated, this breath slipped away from his spiritual perception like a fish, and Xu Changqing was not given any chance to catch it.When Xu Changqing looked along the place where the breath disappeared, he easily extended his spiritual sense to the inside of the mist statue.And captured another breath of power, and the breath of power captured this time is exactly the breath of Hermes divine power that Xu Changqing wanted to find before, that is, the divine power of Hermes that resonated with the divine power he imitated before.

Perhaps it was because Xu Changqing transformed the mana of the dragon beast avatar into the demonic aura of the virtual and real monster, or maybe it was because the place he was in was just an illusion created by a virtual and real monster, even now he had clearly felt that Hull Mosi's divine power, but deep down in his heart, he still felt that the breath of divine power was unreal.At least it is far from the real feeling when it resonated before.At this time, the misty god statue that was originally indeterminate also began to solidify, and gradually turned into a real god statue. The appearance and shape of this god statue are somewhat different from Hermes, but it has the same temperament.It is easy to connect the relationship between the two at a glance.

Looking at the changes in front of him, Xu Changqing did not continue to investigate, but turned around and exited the temple, stood outside the temple and looked at the temple coldly, suddenly raised his hand towards the double-headed snake at the top of the temple seemingly casually Pointing at the divine seal of the scepter, he gave a soft shout of "broken".Immediately afterwards, I saw Xu Changqing's finger in the void that did not contain any power. It seemed to contain some incredible power. From the mark of God that he pointed to, the entire illusion quickly collapsed.Temples, believers, towns, mountains, rivers, etc. are all broken like glass, until everything is turned into dust.The surrounding scene turned into a void of nothingness before it completely stopped, and at this moment Xu Changqing's spiritual sense, which had entered the illusion due to the resonance of the virtual and real monsters, also returned to his body.

The surrounding scene was the same as before, although Xu Changqing's mind stayed in the illusion for a while, but to the outside world, it was only an instant effort, and the monster energy transformed in his body was still the same as that of the virtual and real monsters around him. The evil spirit keeps resonating, but the current resonance can no longer affect Xu Changqing's mind.It was even more impossible to pull him back into that illusion.

Xu Changqing's hand did not touch the dragon and turtle-like monster again, but retreated a certain distance.He said to the dragon and turtle-like monster who was always in a quiet state: "This kind of trick is useless to me, and you should also be very clear that you are doomed today. You should show up! I don't want to make a move without even seeing the opponent's true face. Work it out."

As Xu Changqing's voice fell, the body of the dragon and turtle-shaped monster changed like kneaded dough, and gradually turned into a western god somewhat similar to Hermes.Although the appearance is somewhat similar, the temperament is completely different, and the power breath emanating from his body is very different from Hermes' divine power.This aura of power is not the aura of gods and gods, but a unique aura mixed with divine power and demon essence. This aura is somewhat similar to some war demons who have both divine power and the power of other immortals, Buddhas and demons .

"Are you sent by him to kill me?" This powerful existence has been imprisoned in the Guardian God Formation for thousands of years, and now someone wants to kill him. Anyone who faces this situation will burst out extremely violently. However, the question that comes out of his mouth now seems extremely calm, so calm that people feel that the person killed in his words is not himself, but a cat or dog that he does not know.

Xu Changqing can hear that this powerful existence defined as a scourge is not deliberately suppressing the negative emotions in his heart, but that he really doesn't care. This kind of indifference attitude can be either indifference to his own life, or simply not thinking that he will It was the object that was obliterated.

From the questioning of this being, Xu Changqing could easily hear that he already knew that Hermes would definitely send someone to kill him, obviously he should also know the reason.

This also made Xu Changqing feel a lot of inexplicable questions. Judging from the current situation, this existence obviously has a lot of wisdom, and he also has a good understanding of some situations in the Holy Ruins.However, according to the information obtained by Xu Changqing, it is obvious that this existence is just a failed experiment, and was banned by the Guardian God Formation in the core area of ​​the nothing God Formation, where he cannot get any wisdom, so he does not He should have such wisdom, let alone understand the situation of the Holy Ruins, and it is impossible to know that after he leaves, it will have a devastating impact on a god standing at the top.

"Yes." Although Xu Changqing had many doubts about the wisdom displayed in front of him, he didn't show it on his face, and he didn't intend to hide his intentions. He admitted directly, and then said: "You are very important to him. It’s a huge disaster, but he can’t hit you, and I need his help with some things, so I’m standing here now.”

The other party said in an extremely cold tone: "People like you are not the first, nor will they be the last. No matter what the purpose of your visit is, you will only stay here forever and stay with me in the end."

Hearing this rather threatening sentence, Xu Changqing showed a smile on his face. Although the content of this sentence was not much, it provided Xu Changqing with a lot of information, which allowed Xu Changqing to solve several rather big questions in his mind .Obviously, before Xu Changqing and Hermes, many people had already entered the core area of ​​the guardian array. If it was an ordinary array, maybe Xu Changqing would think that all the people who entered the core area were accidentally captured by the array. The battle force brought here.But if it is the Guardian God Formation, Xu Changqing can basically be sure that it is absolutely impossible to be brought into the core area by the formation force, because the formation method of the nine-layer God Formation has completely eliminated the possibility at this moment.

In addition to being accidentally sent into the core area by the formation, Xu Changqing also believes that the possibility of outsiders entering the core area after breaking the formation is also very slim.It's not that Xu Changqing is boasting. With his formation cultivation base, after gaining a certain understanding of this guardian formation, if he is not absolutely sure that he can enter the core area without destroying the formation, it is even more impossible for others.

After eliminating the two possibilities, there is only one possibility left. The gods who came here before Xu Changqing and Hermes and stayed here forever are likely to be sent here intentionally, and that Even if the person who did this didn't know the guardian spirit array very well, he should know a shortcut that can directly reach the core area from the outside world, but cannot leave the core area.

This guardian spirit formation is perfect and huge. Because of this, even Dafan, the master of the formation, may not be able to completely control such a huge formation. Even if he is trapped in the formation, it may be very difficult to get out of.Judging from Dafan's principles of conduct, he will inevitably leave a shortcut in the formation for himself or the clansmen who strayed into it to get out of the formation.For example, the water world on the third floor of the God Formation and the core area where Xu Changqing is now is likely to be a shortcut deliberately left back then, and such a shortcut itself is a flaw and flaw artificially set by the Guardian God Formation. When damage occurs, the power of the damage will spread outward along the existing defects, and this is how the gap in the water world is created.

Able to have a certain understanding of the Guardian God Formation, know the safe shortcuts of the Guardian God Formation, and be able to find some qualified gods, and send them to the core area without anyone noticing, the Holy Ruins Gods who can meet these two conditions There are only a handful of them, Dafan counts as one, and Vishnu, the current god-king patriarch of the Brahman protoss, also counts as one.

Dafan's incarnation, Zhu Zongzhi Tathagata, has already gone to the three realms of Kunlun. Although he can return to the holy market to do some things, from the fact that Dafan imprisoned this existence, it is obvious that he is very concerned about this existence. What will be done to encourage the enemy, so the only person who will do such things can only be be continued



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