Nine idlers

Chapter 972

When Xu Changqing made an attack, trying to take down the scourge formed by the fragments of the mirage dragon stomach, the surrounding already very fragile guardian spirits could no longer withstand such an impact, especially the power of the dragon beast clone to devour it. The kind of destructive damage, the banning formations disappeared one after another, and every time a formation disappeared, the corresponding guardian array began to operate in another way.

This new mode of operation of the Divine Formation is the mode of operation of this level of Guardian Divine Formation itself, and the operation track follows the power of its core Divine Kingdom itself, but this mode of operation conflicts with the operation mode of the entire 81 Guardian Divine Formation At this time, the stacked formation that was originally connected to the 81st layer of the god formation seems to have been destroyed by Xu Changqing's act of devouring the formation power, and it has no effect at all.As the layers of the guardian god arrays began to change their operation methods, the upper and lower layers of the array also began to have a phenomenon of mutual restraint. Perhaps because the mutual restraint phenomenon has just formed, the power of mutual restraint is not enough to affect the entire formality, but its cumulative speed is very fast , and the number of formations joining it began to increase, I am afraid that it will not be long before the entire Guardian God formation will be completely destroyed by this accumulated counteracting force.It's just that when it is destroyed, what kind of damage it will cause to the entire temple star is unknown.

At this moment, Xu Changqing was concentrating on dealing with the red light meat ball in front of him, because the power of the magic circle that restrained it disappeared one by one, and its imprisoned power also increased rapidly, Xu Changqing unexpectedly found that his dragon beast clone devoured its flesh with both hands◎,.. The speed of power is not as fast as the speed of its power growth, and even this scourge can allocate some spare power to resist Xu Changqing's black hole vortex to cover it.The stalemate in front of him made Xu Changqing have to deal with this scourge wholeheartedly, and he could only put other things aside.So he didn't feel any abnormality in the surrounding guardian array.He also didn't realize that the aura of his dragon beast avatar had begun to collapse along with the guardian array.And dispersing outwards will soon attract the attention of Shengxu Tiandao.

Compared with Xu Changqing, who forgot about foreign affairs, the other person who is still in the Guardian God Formation is obviously more anxious. He is the Brahman God of the Brahman God Clan, and the current master of the heavens is Tathagata.

One thing Xu Changqing guessed wrong before, Da Brahma is a good arranger of this guardian array, but he is not the one who created this guardian array, he only knows how to get in and out of this guardian array safely.As for controlling such a huge Guardian Array, he couldn't do it either.The person who designed the entire guardian array was an existence he had never wanted to see, and it was also the main reason why he chose to leave when his god race was at its most difficult. Deep awe and fear.At that time, he knew very well that the more things he got from that existence, the heavier things he would pay in the future, and he might even pay his own life for it.

From the day he left the Holy Ruins, Da Brahma never thought that he would come back, even after he became the Tathagata of the Heavens, he would have some contact with the Brahman God Race.Using his new identity to build a bridge between the Buddhist world and the holy market, but even so.He never thought about stepping into the Holy Ruins again.Even if he needed to come to the Holy Ruins for any important matter, he would only send his right-hand assistants or disciples there, and would never return to the Holy Ruins.Although he suffered a lot because of this decision. After all, not everyone can maintain his heart under the temptation of great profits, but he never changed his mind.At the beginning, he completely lost his body and had to wander in the three realms of Kunlun in the form of spirit and soul. He was in danger of dying at any time, but the fear of that existence still made him persevere.

However, this time Brahma finally gave up his persistence for many years and returned to the Holy Ruins, and returned to the Guardian God Formation that he arranged according to the existence, not because he no longer had fear, but because of the threat of death Temporarily suppressing his fear forced him to make what he considered a desperate decision.

The current situation of Zhu Tianzhang Tathagata is much worse than what Xu Changqing guessed. The power contained in the immortal body is far beyond his expectation. Corrosion of power, coupled with being injured at the moment of possessing, made his possessing plan fail to be completed perfectly.Now his soul is being eroded by the power of the undead body, and there are signs of collapse and disintegration. If it is allowed to develop, he will be swallowed by the undead body in the end.What's worse is that most of his reincarnation ceremony has been completed, the soul and the immortal body have been integrated, and because of the particularity of the immortal body, he can no longer use any of the previous methods to separate the soul from the body. In the absence of other rescue methods, the only way to wait for him is to be swallowed by the immortal body.

Under the threat of real death, Zhu Tian Zong Zhi Tathagata had to start to pick up his memories when he was still Brahma, and recall the existence that made him awe-inspiring and terrifying. In his opinion, the ancient existence that can master the power of creation must be There is a way to solve your own problems.Ever since, he found the answer he wanted in the underground patron saint formation that he had arranged according to that ancient existence.Knowing every detail of the Guardian Array, he knew that the Kingdom of God used by one layer of the Divine Array was the Divine Kingdom of the Olympus Protoss, the former King of the Underworld, where the power of death could temporarily suppress the power of the undead. , and the soul law there can strengthen his soul and help him control this disobedient body.

Thousands of years later, Zongzhi Tathagata of the Heavens returned to this hometown that he missed but feared again, only to find that the changes in his hometown were somewhat unexpected.This big change is not due to the fact that the Brahman gods left the temple star. In fact, the Brahman gods left the temple star or the decision made by their three main gods, because they can all find that if the ethnic group continues to stay on the temple star, they will occupy a large number of places that they cannot hold. In the end, the foundation will only be dragged down by these foundations and go to perish.So leaving the temple star, completely abandoning the foundation, and completely getting rid of the vortex, starting a new stove with other enemies, and returning to the temple star after growing stronger, is the revival plan they formulated for the ethnic group.

The entire revival plan is perfectly designed, and it can almost be said to be the crystallization of the wisdom of the three main gods of the Brahman Protoss. As long as this revival plan is followed step by step, the Brahman Protoss will surely prosper again.However, after thousands of years, Zhu Tianzhang Tathagata, who returned to the Holy Ruins for the first time, found that the revival plan formulated back then was completely implemented in another direction, and deviated from their original ideas by a thousand miles.

The guardian beasts originally created by him to enrich the fighting power of the ethnic group were discarded on the temple planet like garbage, surrounded by the gods of the temple planet, and finally stayed in the holy land, and these abandoned guardian beasts were compared to those who hunted them. When the pure-blooded gods came, they hated the Brahman gods who abandoned them even more, and there was no possibility of being used again.

The underground guardian god formation that should have been empty was intentionally put in a lot of pure-blooded gods by the Brahman gods, and the Brahman gods actually used it as a hunting ground, allowing Shura and Yasha to hunt the gods.The heavens always hold that Tathagata does not know who came up with this idea, but he can be sure that this idea is definitely a bad idea, let alone what benefits hunting these gods can bring to their own group, just because this matter leaked out The harm it brings is enough to completely cover up all the benefits. This is simply a deadly act of becoming a public enemy of the gods.

What made Zongzhi Tathagata even more unexpected was that the Brahman gods still used the method he left behind to enter and exit the guardian array to contact the scourge that was banned by the guardian array, and they continued to provide life or death to that scourge. The pure-blooded gods in the world eventually turned into the current unmanageable situation.

The Tathagata of the heavens also felt deep self-blame for this. After he left the Protoss, he entrusted everything to Vishnu. Later, because of the strong fear of that existence deep in his heart, he was unwilling to live. Get in touch with people and things in the holy ruins more, so as not to be found by that existence as a defector.Therefore, whenever he needs to deal with the affairs of the Holy Ruins, he will entrust the things he has to do to his carefully trained subordinates and disciples. He didn't bother to ask about things, including the situation of the Brahman gods.

It is precisely because of this non-inquiring attitude that the subordinates and disciples of Zhutian always hold Tathagata unaware of his relationship with the Brahman God Clan, so that most of the affairs of the Brahman God Clan stay out of it as a bystander .

For example, the abnormal situation in the Guardian God Array has actually been discovered by a disciple of the Tathagata, and in order to avoid being intruded by the six-eyed Naga alien race, and to strengthen the power of the Guardian God Array to suppress the scourge , A magic circle was arranged on the door and a map of hell and heaven was engraved in a special way that could interact with the guardian spirit circle.

Another example is the six-eyed Naga in the ground temple, no matter how fast they develop, it is impossible for them to have the power to compete with the ordinary pure-blooded gods, but one of the heavens always holds Tathagata's subordinates. Created a way for these six-eyed Naga to improve bloodlines, and also enlightened a sacred tree growing in the temple, making it a deity of the earth.

All kinds of accidents caught Zhu Tianzhang Tathagata by surprise. After he discovered the abnormal situation, he suppressed his injuries and checked the situation in various places in the holy land. Already fully grown.What's even worse is that there is a problem with the Guardian God Formation. The Earth Spirit has broken away from the body of the God God, and is planning to use the opportunity of instigating the Six-eyed Naga to break free from its own limitations. In addition, the flaws in the God Formation also make it possible for the scourge to escape Come out, and no matter which thing will inevitably involve the Brahmans, the day when the Brahmans will be wiped out is not far away. (to be continued...)

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