Nine idlers

Chapter 978

At the beginning, Xu Changqing didn't find any defects in the Tianleizi. He also wanted to change this artifact into a magic weapon suitable for the three realms of Kunlun, but then an accident triggered a batch of newly made Tianleizi, and all the Tianleizi Detonated at the same time, which made him discover the fatal flaw of Tianleizi. , because of this flaw, as the Holy Ruins God Race thought, the scene where hundreds of millions of thunderbolts are simultaneously activated to destroy everything will never happen, because the number of two thousand thunderbolts is already the superposition limit, and then Too much will not increase its power at all, on the contrary, it may decrease its power due to the offset of power.

For example, Xu Changqing accidentally detonated more than 5000 sky thunders. According to the superimposed power, it was enough to cause fatal damage to a true god, but in the end, Xu Changqing's Devil Emperor clone did not resist. His clothes were slightly damaged, but there was no other damage, and almost all the explosive power was completely canceled out.

The limit on the number of superimpositions, and the defects such as mutual cancellation of excess power have not been discovered. After all, after seeing the power of more than 1000 thunderbolts erupting at the same time, no one would have thought that when the number reached more than 2000, The effect will be drastically changed.However, apart from these two defects, there is another defect that is clearly placed in front of everyone, but everyone's eyes are attracted by the power of Tianleizi, causing the illusion that a leaf is blind and they cannot see Mount Tai. This defect is It is very difficult for Tianleizi to injure the target when facing the enemy.

It takes a little time for the Tianleizi to release its power from excitation to complete detonation, and this time is very short.It can be said that it is in an instant.But for the general gods.Such a short period of time is enough for them to escape to a safe place. If the general gods are like this, let alone the true gods.If the target cannot be trapped in one place, then the effect that Tianleizi can exert is really limited.

Although Tianleizi had flaws, the gods of Shengxu couldn't detect it in a short period of time. On the contrary, after Xu Changqing threw the skyleizi, the gods of Shengxu immediately increased his danger several times.Hermes also secretly contacted him, and he almost achieved his goal of leaving the Holy Ruins and avoiding the vortex of this civil war.

For this reason, Xu Changqing continued to exert pressure, throwing out another long-preserved forging method of the evil artifact that he had prepared long ago.It's just that this time he didn't directly disclose the forging spell as the current master craftsman of the dragon beast clone, but secretly sent this forging method directly to several forging rooms in the hammer furnace of the third star ring.

Before Xu Changqing left the Hammer Furnace, he had already left a mark of divine power in multiple forging rooms of the Hammer Furnace. He could use this mark as a target at any time to break through the space and enter the third star ring from the Temple Star.These forges he had chosen to leave their mark.It wasn't chosen randomly either, the forging craftsmen corresponding to each forging room had dual identities.For example, the secret members of the Kunlun Society, such as members of a certain beast god clan, etc., their purpose is nothing more than to learn a more advanced method of forging artifacts from the hammer furnace.

Xu Changqing did not send the forging method to these forging rooms randomly, but set up a labyrinth by using the magic array that existed in the forging room, creating the illusion of some kind of secret treasure, and each The forging methods of the scourge artifacts stored in the forging room are different, corresponding to different orcs and mixed races.In order to make this disguise more like, he also placed a few quasi-true god artifacts next to the box where the forging method was placed.

After arranging everything, a few days later, Xu Changqing took advantage of the abnormal movement of the volcano where the hammer furnace was located to untie the phantom formation set up in the forging room, revealing the things placed in the phantom formation.Through the aura of divine power placed on the box, he could easily feel the movements around the box, and knew that the boxes had been obtained by the craftsmen of the forging room.

The forging method recorded in the box is very detailed, but Xu Changqing did not simplify several key parts of it. Instead, he added some seemingly useful but unnecessary divine symbols and divine formations as superfluous.This divine formation is very complicated, and it requires the strength of a forging master to carve it out perfectly, and what the third star ring lacks is a master forging.

In addition to adding some divine characters and divine formations, the forging method in the box is also very different from the original scourge artifact under Xu Changqing's deliberate modification. It can be regarded as the product of the division of the scourge artifact forging method. The redundant parts of several forging methods are removed, and then they are combined into one to form a complete forging method of the scourge artifact that ordinary blacksmiths can forge.Similarly, Xu Changqing also modified the content of the shielding armor in the forging method. Even if the forging master of the pure-blooded protoss got these forging methods, he would not link it with the shielding armor, even if the two The end result is similar.

After discovering that the forging method in the box could not be forged by themselves, the orcs and mixed-race forces of the third star ring had no choice but to send the forging method to the higher-level protoss forces through a secret channel.After several twists and turns in this way, these forging methods were transferred from the third star ring to the hands of some ambitious beast protoss in War God City and Ancient God Planet.

The God of War city, the beast protoss, and the mixed-race protoss who have obtained the forging method are very clear about the great benefits that the final forged artifact will bring them. Almost like Tianleizi, ordinary mortals have the ability to fight against gods.They also tried to forge artifacts according to the content written above, but they all ended in failure. As a result, they had to focus on Xu Changqing.Even though Xu Changqing is not their own now, it is the only choice they have to make.

If it was in the past, the God of War City, the mixed-race gods and the beast gods would not have attracted too much attention from the pure-blooded gods looking for special artifacts from Xu Changqing, but now Xu Changqing is already very dangerous to the entire Holy Market, and the pure-blooded gods have begun to think about it. How to solve this trouble, naturally pay special attention to his every move.When the God of War City and other forces were about to ask Xu Changqing to help them forge the destructive artifact, the main gods of the pure-blooded gods knew the exact news immediately, and even knew the general content of the forged artifact.

The main gods of the pure-blooded gods already know what kind of impact the artifacts forged according to these methods will have without much research. In their opinion, although these artifacts cannot be compared with the destruction artifacts that can destroy the entire holy market like Tianleizi However, its influence is not worse than that of Tianleizi at all, and it has a negative impact on the entire Holy Ruins protoss, especially the pure-blooded protoss with fewer mortals at the bottom.

"What should we do now?" The pure-blooded protoss who gathered together because of the reopening of the Pantheon began to formally put on the table how to deal with Xu Changqing after discovering that Xu Changqing's danger had further intensified.

As the voice of questioning came into the ears of every main god present, some main gods began to express their own ideas, and the overwhelming majority of them dealt with Xu Changqing's trouble directly, but who was it? There will be no more text to execute.

Because of their attention to Xu Changqing, these pure-blooded protoss also began to collect the past of this forging master who turned out to be born out of nowhere, and they naturally knew very well about Xu Changqing's battle in the ancient god star volcanic group.Although most of the main gods present can achieve such a record, but few can be as clean and tidy as Xu Changqing, not to mention Xu Changqing is also the creator of Tianleizi, who knows how many Tianleizi he has in his hand, It is already so terrifying for ordinary mortals to master Tianleizi, but it will only be more dangerous for a true god to master a large number of Tianleizi.

At this time, the main gods of the pure-blooded gods who were arguing about it discovered that the god kings and main gods of the three pure-blooded gods have not spoken up to now. It seems that this matter has nothing to do with them. He stopped talking, and turned to look at the main gods of the three pure-blooded gods.

"You Asa Protoss have a very good relationship with him, and his forging workshop is right next to your God's Domain, no matter how you deal with it, you Asa Protoss cannot be avoided." After being quiet for a while, the Nine Pillar Gods One of the goddesses, who appeared in the form of a lion head, first spoke to the main gods of the Asa protoss, and said, "Master Vedel, how do you think this daring and inferior god should be dealt with?"

"A true god is actually an inferior god in the eyes of your lord. Lord Tefnut, you Nine Pillars God Race's vision is too high." Before Vedel could speak, Eve stood up and retorted first, followed by He also said vaguely: "We do have a good relationship with that new master craftsman of the turbid beast, but that is only a relationship of interests, and there is no other relationship other than that. We are also a member of the pure-blooded gods. Now He has already endangered our safety, so we will naturally not stand idly by, no matter what you decide to do, we, the Asa Protoss, will do our best to assist."

Eve's words sounded like all the main gods present felt that the Asa Protoss handled this matter very properly, and they were completely on the side of the pure-blooded Protoss, but in fact, if you think about it carefully, you can find what Eve said Total nonsense and doesn't make any sense at all.Those protoss chief gods who heard something tricky did not delve into this matter. They knew that even if they delved deeper, there would be no results, because Xu Changqing's forging workshop was too close to the Asa Protoss God's Domain, and too close to the God of War City. Once a dispute arises, the Asa Protoss bear the brunt, and they are naturally unwilling to use drastic means to resolve this matter.

"Can I have a suggestion?" At this time, a voice that made many gods itch their teeth with hatred rang in the ears of the gods, and then they saw Hermes walking out slowly, saying: "We actually don't There is no need for such a big fanfare, in fact, this big trouble is easy to solve, as long as he is not in the Holy Ruins." (To be continued...)

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