Nine idlers

Chapter 98

Chapter 98 Dong's Mansion

"Sir, the carriage is ready!" The little maid knocked lightly on the door, then walked in, folded the clothes in her hands and put them on the bed in the room, and looked at the girl sitting on the wicker chair with her eyes closed in great reverence. Xu Changqing on board asked, "Sir, do you have any other orders?"

Xu Changqing slowly opened his eyes and looked at the little maid, only to see that his eyes were emitting a faint white light at the moment, and there were no pupils, but the whites of his eyes.The little maid was taken aback by the scene in front of her, but because she knew that Xu Changqing was a powerful man a few days ago, the scene in front of her made her think that she must be casting a spell again, so after being surprised, she was also very surprised. Cleverly covering his mouth, he didn't cry out.

Xu Changqing's eyes gradually returned to normal, and the light was restrained, returning to the appearance of an ordinary person. Seeing the vision, the little maid was able to restrain her panic and did not cry out. Appreciating her concentration, she nodded slightly. Nodding, he said, "That kid Zhang Ping, did you still bully you?"

"Thank you sir for your advice that day, the fourth young master is not so presumptuous anymore." The little maid blushed slightly, lowered her head slightly, and said a little shyly.

"Raise your head up and let me take a closer look." Xu Changqing suddenly ordered, the little maid raised her head and looked at him puzzled, while he carefully looked at the little maid's face, and said with a slight smile: " It seems that your ancestors have accumulated a lot of virtues for the younger generations! Your fate is occupied by the three stars of fortune, wealth and longevity, and the direct talisman falls straight into the middle palace. It seems that you are a very blessed person, and You have the appearance of Zoff, it seems that whoever marries you is his blessing."

The little maid immediately showed joy when she heard Xu Changqing's words, but she couldn't help being shy when she heard it later, thinking that Xu Changqing was teasing her, she couldn't help blushing again, and lowered her head.

"Go down! By the way, I will call you up, Master." Xu Changqing ordered without saying anything more.

The little maid bowed and retreated, and when she reached the door, she stopped again, turned around, and looked at Xu Changqing who seemed hesitant to speak, as if she wanted to say something.After Xu Changqing saw it, he asked with some doubts: "Is there anything else?"

"Originally, this is not what I should say as a servant." The little maid looked a little embarrassed, and said hesitantly: "Sir, during the past few days in the haunted house, the young master of the Dong family has visited many times. They all said they had something urgent to see you, but they were all blocked by the young master. Later, the young master said that you had something urgent to deal with, so don't bother you with these things and let everyone keep it from you. But I think the young master of the Dong family seems to be very anxious , the whole person looks a lot older these days, it seems that he must have something very important to see you, so I..."

"Stop talking!" Hearing what the little maid said, Xu Changqing's expression darkened, and he asked in a deep voice, "How many times has the Dong family's young master come to see me?"

"Probably seven or eight times a day!" Seeing Xu Changqing's face turned ugly, the little maid knew that she might have caused trouble, so she knelt down and pleaded for Chen Zhangping: "Sir, you must not blame the young master, The young master deliberately concealed it for your own good, the young master is actually a very good person, and he is also very good to me and these servants, you must..."

"You get up first." Xu Changqing didn't say anything, his face returned to calm, he stretched out his hand to support him, a soft force surged up on the ground, lifted the little maid up, and said: "Go down and call Zhang Ping up."

"Yes!" The little maid looked at Xu Changqing anxiously, and ran downstairs quickly with small steps.

It didn't take long for Chen Zhangping to come to the door. Obviously, he knew from the little maid that the matter had been 'revealed', so he took a deep breath and walked in. After seeing Xu Changqing, he immediately defended himself: "Sir, actually this matter……"

"You don't have to say it!" Xu Changqing raised his hand to interrupt Chen Zhangping, and said calmly: "I understand that your intentions are for my own good, and you don't want me to be entangled in these troubles, but I hope this is the first time for your Chen family' Meddling in my private affairs is also the last time, do you understand?"

"Yes, Zhang Ping knows!" Although Xu Changqing said lightly, but Chen Zhangping felt the sight like a reamer from his eyes, and suddenly cold sweat broke out involuntarily from his body, and he lowered his head in response.

Xu Changqing withdrew his gaze, sighed, and said earnestly: "My Yizhuang lineage has been associated with your Chen family for more than 100 years. Although there have been conflicts and conflicts, we both stick to one thing and never 'intervene'. Even if you 'intervene' in the other party's private affairs, it is just to give some advice, and you must remember not to cross this bottom line." He patted Chen Zhangping on the shoulder again and said, "Also, I remind you For a moment, that little maid of yours is a person of great fortune, and her appearance indicates that she can assist her husband in his career, as for how to do it, you should decide for yourself?"

Chen Zhangping was taken aback for a moment, then nodded slightly after a while and said: "Zhang Ping will think clearly."

Xu Changqing nodded slightly, and then asked about the charity guild while changing clothes. After hearing that Chen Zhangping said that it had started to operate, he asked him to make things bigger if possible, and must emphasize that this is a god. The act of righteousness of Master Mu.After that, Xu Changqing reminded him again, what should the Chen family do if he didn't come back after entering Beijing this time, or if he didn't send someone to send a message. I wrote them down carefully.

Xu Changqing put on the light blue long gown that he was most used to, and put the rest of the clothes together with the fake braids prepared by Chen Zhangping into his sleeves. After looking at a small western-style building opposite, he went straight to the prepared European-style carriage and gave an order: "The Dong Mansion in the French Concession of Baotu Tudao."

The coachman responded, and with a whip in his hand, the carriage slowly drove away from Wansheng Commercial Firm.Just when the carriage Xu Changqing was riding left the firm, several Qing people in western clothes quickly walked out of the small western-style building that Xu Changqing had just looked at, stretched out their hands vigorously, and boarded a carriage in front of the western-style building. He followed in the direction Xu Changqing left.

Xu Changqing had already guessed that there would be someone following him, and through the Bronze Armored Corpse's innate ability to detect the method of anger, he sensed the movements of all living people within a five-mile radius.The carriage following right now is just an attention-grabbing display, the real stalker is underground, and two ninjas who are at least Jōnin level use the ground escape technique to follow behind quietly.Xu Changqing has no plans to deal with them yet, but is using the ability to detect anger to spy on them, while getting familiar with the use of this ability, taking every moment to familiarize himself with the various powers of the bronze armored corpse. A person who has been refined into a bronze armor corpse clone has no previous experience to learn from.

"Sir, Dong's mansion has arrived." Not long after, the carriage stopped slowly, and the driver stuck his head out of the window as a reminder.

Xu Changqing nodded, took out some change from the Qiankun in his sleeve, handed it to the coachman, and asked him to buy some food by himself, and said that today he would drive a long way to Beijing and would not stop on the way.After finishing his orders, he got out of the carriage and looked at the garden villa in front of him with obvious Chinese and Western characteristics.The main building of the villa is a three-story building, and there are two auxiliary buildings on the left side that are pure Western buildings, and a private chapel on the right side. The building is surrounded by green trees and grass, and the outermost layer is a A fence composed of rows of vertical spikes separates the inside from the outside.

"What are you doing? This is a private residence, and you are not allowed to spy on it without permission!" Just as Xu Changqing was looking at the villa in front of him, the guard of the Dong family came up, stopped in front of Xu Changqing, and warned.

For these servants, Xu Changqing didn't plan to entangle too much. He concealed the body seal with his right hand, circulated his true energy, secretly cast a spell, and then walked straight inside.Seeing that Xu Changqing didn't listen to the advice, the nursing home immediately changed his expression, and was about to reach out to grab Xu Changqing, but at this moment he felt that his body seemed out of control, as if an invisible rope bound him tightly Live the same.After Xu Changqing used spells to fix this nurse, his companions behind him didn't notice anything wrong, until Xu Changqing walked to the gate of Dong's mansion and pushed the door open, guarding the gate and the surrounding guards. Only then did the servants feel that something was wrong, and they all stepped forward to stop it.But these dozen or so people had just taken two steps, and their bodies all froze at the same time, maintaining a posture like a stone sculpture, and the expressions on their faces all showed horror.

After passing the guard at the door, Xu Changqing walked through a small section of woods and walked to the narrow path in Dong's garden. This is where many servants and maids working in Dong's house looked at this stranger in front of them in surprise. , wondering why the guard in front let him in.Although everyone was puzzled, but no one had the courage to step forward to ask questions, and finally a person who looked like a housekeeper who was directing the servants to clean the courtyard came up.The housekeeper walked up to Xu Changqing and bowed to him. Just about to ask Xu Changqing's identity, Xu Changqing asked first, "Is Mr. Dong Zhenyu at home now?"

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment. Although she resisted in her heart, she couldn't help but said: "The young master is taking care of the young master together with the master in the Ruanyu building."

After finishing speaking, as if he was afraid that Xu Changqing would not know the location, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the simple-looking small western-style building on the left.

Seeing this, Xu Changqing nodded slightly to the housekeeper, thanked her, and walked slowly towards the western-style building.

At this time, some servants who were watching by the side immediately surrounded the housekeeper and asked Xu Changqing's identity in a hurry, but the housekeeper was stunned for a long time before she said in a daze: "I don't know him at all. What is your identity? Before I opened my mouth, he asked me if the young master is at home now? I couldn't help but answer him. "

"What?" A middle-aged maid who seemed to have a good relationship with the housekeeper said anxiously, "Sister Lian, you don't even know the identity of the other party, why are you answering his question?"

The housekeeper's face also turned pale, and said: "I don't know why, but when he asked me, I couldn't help but say it."

"What happened here? What are you all doing together?" At this moment, an old man with white hair and childlike face in a short coat came over. When he saw Xu Changqing's back, his expression froze for a moment, and then became gloomy. Many, told the housekeeper: "You take someone to the front door to have a look immediately, no matter what you see, don't make a fuss, just guard the door."

"Yes, Mr. Zhang!" The status of this old man seems to be quite respected in the Dong family. The housekeeper followed his instructions without any hesitation, and led a few people towards the front door, while the old man quickly chased after Xu Changqing. .

"Boy surnamed Xu! Don't you think you haven't hurt Miss enough?" When the old man was about to catch up with Xu Changqing, he yelled sharply four or five meters behind him.

Xu Changqing stopped when he heard the voice, turned his head and looked over, saw the old man was slightly taken aback, and saluted the old man: "Senior Zhang, long time no see."

This old man in front of him can be regarded as an old acquaintance of Xu Changqing, his name is Zhang Tiezheng, he used to be a horse thief in the northern Shaanxi area, his martial arts skills are also considered to be well-known in the secular martial arts, and later because he was betrayed by his companions, he was captured by mistake.On the day when he was about to be executed, he was rescued by the previous head of the Sheng family and was able to escape. In order to repay the life-saving grace of the Sheng family, he concealed his name and became the guard of the Sheng family until today. He treats him as a servant with sincerity.When Sheng Qingping was arranged to live in Chenjiachong by Sheng Lao, Zhang Tiezheng had been taking care of her in Chenjiachong.Afterwards, he was also clear about the affairs between Xu Changqing and Sheng Qingping. On the night of Xu Changqing's escape from marriage, he broke into Peach Blossom Mountain alone to ask his teacher for his crimes. After cursing for three days and three nights, and only half of his life was left, he left Taohua Mountain under Sheng Qingping's persuasion.Not only Xu Changqing's master admired the old man's perseverance and loyalty, but even Xu Changqing deeply admired him, so even if the old man spoke ill of him, Xu Changqing treated him with courtesy.

"I'm not your senior, bastards like you are not welcome here, you leave immediately!" Although Zhang Tiezheng knew that his martial arts would never cause any harm to Xu Changqing, he still jumped forward and stood in front of Xu Changqing, angrily road.

Xu Changqing's face was always indifferent, without any anger, and said: "Senior Zhang, it seems that he is not the master of the Dong family. I came here at the invitation of Mr. Dong Zhenyu." Then, After a pause, he continued: "Although I was indeed guilty of a heinous crime back then, other than Lianxin, no one else has the right to blame me."

"Whether you are qualified or not, I will never allow you to get close to Miss and her family." Zhang Tiezheng ignored Xu Changqing, sat down on the horse, stretched his arms, and made a gesture of the powerful diamond palm, wanting to Block Xu Changqing's way by force.

Seeing Zhang Tiezheng's reluctance, Xu Changqing couldn't help sighing, shook his head, and suddenly performed a ghostly act, disappeared from Zhang Tiezheng in an instant, and appeared more than ten feet behind Zhang Tiezheng almost at the same time, and continued to walk slowly towards the foreign building. Go upstairs.When Zhang Tiezheng found that Xu Changqing had bypassed him, he wanted to raise his legs to chase after him, but at this moment, dozens of vines of different thicknesses rushed out from the ground, tightly wrapped around his feet, making him unable to move.While screaming, he bent down and tried hard to untie the vines, but every time he broke one, another one would come out from the ground to bind his feet, so anxious that he couldn't help shouting loudly, attracting people to surround him Come up to help.

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