Nine idlers

Chapter 991

There are many people who have seen meteor showers in the Three Realms, but there should be only a handful of people who have seen ghost rains. Now Xu Changqing saw the ghost rain through his spiritual thoughts.

Hundreds of Yin Qi fountains rushing out of the pyramid pierced holes in the blood cloud in the sky, and after passing through the blood cloud, they lost their upward momentum and scattered in all directions, merging with the surrounding blood cloud. as one.Stimulated by these yin qi, those souls who had been dead for countless years flew in the blood cloud, one by one, drilled out of the blood cloud, and fell down like rain as if they had regained their weight. Inexplicably shocked.

Xu Changqing didn't know what changes would happen when these ghosts fell from the blood cloud, but he instinctively felt that this kind of change might not be what he wanted to see, so he also desperately hoped that his universal avatar could resume its activities .

After the connection between the main body and the avatar stabilized, Xu Changqing began to absorb the Yin Qi erupting from the surroundings with the Jinxian Divine Mind as planned, and then used the Divine Mind to promote the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth, transforming the Yin Qi ingested into the body into mana .This is the first time that Xu Changqing uses the power of spiritual thoughts to promote the way of mutual generation between heaven and earth, so the transformation process is not very fast, but it is very cautious and steady, and the mana transformed is not a lot, and the amount can only provide Jindan Immortal to cast a spell once. .

However, this is enough for Xu Changqing, he only needs to borrow this trace of mana to lift the ban of the seal of prohibition.Therefore, he guided this weak mana into the sea of ​​consciousness in the Purple Mansion, separated more than thirty strands of weaker mana according to a special method, and injected them into the seal of forbidden punishment in a certain order.

At this moment, the power of the seal of prohibition and punishment that sealed the physical body and soul of Puhua clone was instantly disintegrated.But it didn't disappear.Instead, it retracted back into the seed of the original heart of the Dao.Restored to its most pristine, unexcited state.

Xu Changqing, who regained control of Puhua's avatar, did not immediately stand up from the ground. He continued to lie on the ground, allowing his mana to cooperate with his divine sense to conduct a very comprehensive and subtle inspection of his current body.

As the physical body changed into another unknown state, there were some differences in adapting to Xu Changqing's mana and divine sense.Spiritual thoughts are nothing, roughly the same as the beginning, but the physical body's response to the transformation of yin and yang has become clearer.But compared to the divine sense, the mana of the generalization avatar has become a little bit wrong. Now when he pushes the mana to circulate in this physical body.However, there were some signs of stagnation, very unsmooth, as if there was a wall blocking the line of mana running, and he needed to concentrate his mana to break through, as if he had retreated to the secular world and had not yet condensed the golden core. Similar to the previous state.

If it's just that the mana is not flowing smoothly, Xu Changqing has many ways to directly guide the mana out of the body, and then control the casting of the spell with spiritual thoughts, but the real problem is that the physical body of the generalized avatar has a repulsive effect on the mana. The effect is not very strong.But it will have a bad effect on any kind of spellcasting.That is to say, when he casts the Five Elements Battle Jue.It is very likely that under the action of this rejection reaction, the final effect will become a completely different kind of combat power, and it may be disturbed by the rejection reaction halfway through the cast and cannot continue, and even backlash is not a bad idea impossible.

Now Xu Changqing feels that the situation of Puhua's avatar is like taking away a new body. Everything needs to be familiarized with and re-adapted to. Readjust to fit the new body.

It's a pity that the current situation doesn't give Xu Changqing too much time to adapt. When the soul of Puhua's avatar regained control of his body, he immediately discovered that his eyes seemed to have undergone some changes along with the changes in his physical body.Before entering the underworld, Xu Changqing always blessed his eyes with magic power to see through the dark seabed. Although it was just an ordinary magic eye, the power of the great light he had blessed before had not completely dissipated, and some residual power remained Among them, when the physical body of Puhua's avatar changed, his eyes were transformed into a pair of eyes similar to yin and yang eyes based on the power of the great light eyes.

In the three worlds of Kunlun, yin and yang eyes are not a rare thing. In fact, all sects of immortals, demons, Buddhas and demons have corresponding yin and yang eyes, and yin and yang eyes are also common in the secular world. The innate qi has not dissipated, and his eyes can rely on this innate qi to see through yin and yang.Generally speaking, yin and yang eyes are divided into two types: acquired and innate. Most of the acquired yin and yang eyes are blessed through special methods, condensing the eyes of the law, and seeing through yin and yang, while the congenital yin and yang eyes are a kind of innate supernatural powers, which exist from birth to death. Need to bless any mana.

In addition, the yin and yang eyes are not exactly the same. In fact, there are many types, the lowest of which is the ghost eye that can see the soul, while the highest is to see through the yin and yang energy of the world or the yin and yang world.The current eyes of Puhua's avatar seem to have been transformed into the highest yin and yang eyes, and they are yin and yang eyes with two supernatural powers. Not only can they see yin and yang, but they can also see through yin and yang.

Now the ruined city in front of Xu Changqing has changed into another appearance. After countless ghosts with blood and resentment fell to the ground, they did not assimilate with the earth, but got into the corpses of the past residents of the city, and gradually began to Corpse.

Because the people in the city died instantly without any damage, these corpses were also well preserved. After thousands of years of yin qi refining, the corpse itself has become a treasure.If the corpse immortals and evil cultivators of the Kunlun Three Realms saw these corpses, they would definitely be overjoyed, because these could increase their strength several times. In their eyes, every corpse here is comparable to a fairy treasure.

However, it is precisely because these yin corpses are formed naturally, the yin qi in their bodies is very thick, if there is no corpse fairy with a high level of cultivation and a good understanding of the yin veins of the physical body, the yin veins in these corpses will not be opened. It is very difficult for an Inferi to become a zombie.

In Xu Changqing's eyes, those blood cloud ghosts that fell from the sky got into the corpses. The blood cloud resentment, the power of the soul, and the yin and corpse energy in the corpses were all mixed together, forming a force similar to mana. It runs on its own along the meridians that have been solidified by yin qi.Most of the corpses have channeled mana into the wrong meridian and opened up the Yang meridian, which caused the power in the corpse to collapse on its own, and the corpse transformation stopped.And there are quite a few corpses, although the meridian is correct, but the mana is too weak to open up the yin meridian, and finally completely perish with the huge mana consumption.

Only a small number of corpses can open up several main yin veins to complete the initial corpse transformation.Although the number of these corpses that can be turned into zombies is not much, once they are turned into corpses, they will all have extraordinary power. Judging by the yin energy accumulated in their bodies, I am afraid that these zombies are powerful enough Comparable to the realm of heaven.

If these corpses turned into zombies can further turn yin into yang, then they can turn into even more terrifying drought demons. Even if they can't turn yin into yang, with the geographical advantage of the underworld, they can completely calm down and accumulate yin energy, and eventually Turn into a flying Yaksha that can travel through the three realms.

Both Hanba and Feitian Yasha are a huge threat to the entire Three Realms, and they are also huge variables in the catastrophe of heaven and earth, because Hanba and Feitian Yasha are special existences that have jumped out of the Three Realms and Five Elements. There will be no use on the body.

It stands to reason that Xu Changqing must resolve such variables before he grows up, but now Xu Changqing's situation is difficult to protect himself, and the power he can exert is extremely rare, let alone completely destroying these corpses that are gradually being turned into corpses. Erase, even if a wound is left on these corpses, it may be difficult for the current generalized avatars to do so.

Now that the generalized avatar can't protect itself, leaving here and going to a safe place has become a top priority. As for other things, wait until the generalized avatar is fully familiar with the current physical body and can fully exert its power.

Xu Changqing, who had made a decision, quickly found a safe route to the outside of the city, but he did not leave immediately, but turned around and walked to the jade bi and jade beads in the center of the altar.After carefully testing the psychic thoughts and magic power several times, after confirming that the light emitted by the jade bi and the jade beads was not dangerous, he stretched his hand into the light, grabbed the jade bi and the jade beads, and put the two treasures together. The balance force produced by the rotation is broken.

When this balance force is broken, the resonance between the two will disappear at the same time, and the light will naturally dissipate accordingly. Both the jade bi and the jade beads have returned to the most ordinary state, and there is no trace of any power contained in them. .

Xu Changqing was naturally very curious about the power contained in the jade bi and the jade beads, but he also knew that this was not the time to study these things, so he put the jade bi and the jade beads into his waist pockets respectively, and then jumped up, A few dodges left from the top of the pyramid, and rushed out of the city along the route he estimated.

Although the physical mana of the Puhua avatar cannot be fully controlled, Xu Changqing is also proficient in a large number of secular martial arts, and even his ghostly and magical methods can also be used in secular martial arts, even if the speed of movement is not as fast as that of using mana. But compared to half of the maneuvering technique, it is much faster.Under the effect of the ghostly and magical movement, the whole person completely turned into a fuzzy shadow, coupled with the restraint of breath, sneaking in the shadows and darkness, so that he left the city without a sound.

Just when Puhua's avatar left the city, the corpse of the first corpse was also completed. The original empty eye sockets were replaced by two clusters of red light, and a violent aura emanated from its body. Immediately after this A zombie let out a loud roar, and saw him pounce on the nearest corpse, biting it as if it was food. (To be continued..)

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