Nine idlers

Chapter 998

"Surprisingly, people can be recruited silently. The power of this blood pool purgatory is really powerful. Perhaps only the power of the heart demon world can be comparable to it in terms of affecting the mind." Xu Changqing looked at the young Taoist priest in front of him, and couldn't help but let out a cry in his heart. Admired, and then he showed a pensive look, muttering to himself: "It's just that this kind of power is a little familiar, and I seem to have seen it somewhere before."

At the beginning, Xu Changqing was only shocked by the powerful effect of this force that directly pointed at people's hearts. Although this force only acted on the clone of the Devil Emperor, the effect was able to spread to all of Xu Changqing through the connection between the clone and the main body. The avatar and Jinxian body.If it wasn't for the phantom formed by his own fear that said something that others would never know, I am afraid that he would not be able to see that the person in front of him turned out to be his incarnation of fear.

But after Xu Changqing realized that the person in front of him was formed by the condensed greatest fear in his heart, he felt vaguely familiar, as if he had seen similar power before.

With strong doubts in his heart, Xu Changqing asked his own fear incarnation: "Is the person I fear most in my heart really Sanqing Supreme?"

"That's right!" The young Taoist nodded, and then his body suddenly parted left and right, and the old Taoist and middle-aged Taoist he saw before reappeared, and the three said in unison: "It's just that your biggest brother is not the only one who makes us up." Fear, but also your absolute reason and other most extreme emotions of the heart."

Hearing the other party's answer like this, Xu Changqing seemed to think of something, and all the doubts on his face faded away, replaced by an expression of unbelievable surprise.And couldn't help muttering to himself: "Zixiao Palace Wenxin Pool! It's Zixiao Palace Wenxin Pool!"

At this moment.Xu Changqing has already remembered that the effect of the power generated in this blood pool purgatory on others is very similar to the Zixiao Palace Wenxin Pool in Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory.The only difference is only the size of the strength.

In the prehistoric period of ancient times, Zixiao Palace was a very special place, which could be called Tianwaitian, because this place did not belong to the current Three Realms of Heaven and Earth. Some congenital gods are also survivors after the destruction of the previous world.

The prehistoric innate gods in ancient times can be roughly divided into two categories, one is the real innate gods, they are the beginning of the formation of the heaven and the earth, and received the opportunity of the cause and effect of the heaven and the earth.The first batch of creatures formed by the purest power between heaven and earth.From a certain point of view, they can be regarded as the true masters of the Three Realms of Heaven and Earth.In addition to this type of true innate gods, there is another type of innate gods who have transformed from acquired to innate, and this type is the powerful and powerful people who survived the previous world such as Pan Gu.The physical bodies of these powerful men who survived from the previous world were completely destroyed along with the previous world, leaving only a trace of the most original spiritual thoughts preserved in the gap between the heavens and the earth.Later, when the world began to form, these divine thoughts merged with a certain power of the world and a certain law of the Dao, thus producing new gods.It's just that their own spiritual thoughts are acquired things, even if they incarnate the innate gods of this world, there will still be a trace of this kind of innate acquired aura in them.

In the beginning, the relationship between these two types of innate gods was very bad.It can even be said that the situation is the same as fire and water, and conflicts due to some small conflicts occur from time to time.Even some innate gods fell because of this.Although the innate gods such as Zhen Yuanzi have the memory of the previous world and have incomparably rich experience, compared to the real innate gods produced by this world, they have always been suppressed by the three worlds in terms of power and so on. , so that they are often in a weak position in conflicts, and have been expelled for a long time so that they cannot gain a foothold on the wild land.

At that time, in order to find a foothold for his clansmen, the Pangu clan ventured back into the gap between heaven and earth, and found a remnant fragment of the previous world from within the gap.Afterwards, the Hongjun family who mastered the Dao of Good Fortune used this remaining fragment to recreate a Tianwaitian outside this world, allowing Nuwa and other innate gods to have a place to stay, and the core of this Tianwaitian is Zixiao Palace.

Because of the appearance of Zixiao Palace, the Pangu family and their lineage of innate gods had a way out, so they chose to avoid the strategy, and they all entered Zixiao Palace to avoid the disputes between the prehistoric world and the relationship between the two lineages of innate gods. Because of this avoidance has eased.Afterwards, powerful innate creatures such as the ancient dragon clan appeared and threatened the status and life of all innate gods. Because of the common survival reasons, the two innate gods finally chose to merge into one. This is also a dispute among the innate gods. Draw a full stop.

Regarding Zixiao Palace, although Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory has the strongest feeling, even if Xu Changqing reads this part of memory as a bystander, he can still feel the strong emotion deep in Zhen Yuanzi's heart, but the memory involves When it comes to the specific content, there are not many, not even what the Zixiao Palace looks like. There are only a few places that are a little more specific, and Wenxinchi is one of them.

The reason why there is such a big contradiction in memory is mainly because Zhen Yuanzi himself stayed in Zixiao Palace for a very short time.At that time when the internal conflicts of the congenital gods were the most intense, in order to avoid these conflicts, Zhen Yuanzi chose to wander among the alien gods that evolved in the chaotic void. When he returned to the wild land, the internal tension of the congenital gods The relationship has also begun to ease, and he doesn't need to live in Zixiao Palace all year round, so there are few memories related to it.Another reason is that Zixiao Palace has a power that can blur everyone's memory. Even the innate gods who lived there all the year round cannot leave too many specific memories.

Zhen Yuanzi's incomplete memory can have a strong memory of the Wenxin Pond in Zixiao Palace, it is entirely because he has stayed in the Wenxin Pond for more than ten years.At that time, when he came back from traveling in the otherworldly gods, he was inevitably contaminated with the habits of the gods in the otherworldly gods, and these habits also affected his original heart, so Hongjun sent him to the questioning pool to reshape heart.Although Zhen Yuanzi has no specific memory of the details such as the appearance of Wenxin Pool, but he remembers the power in Wenxin Pool very clearly, and Wenxin Pool can easily pass through all mental defenses, bringing the most primitive and strongest in his heart. Extracting all kinds of emotions, the memory of repeatedly torturing his heart is particularly deep. Back then, he was tortured to death by this force.

Now, the power that Xu Changqing is enduring in the Blood Pool of Purgatory does not have much similarities with the power of Wenxin Pool in Zixiao Palace in terms of breath alone, but the effect produced by the power is very similar to that of Wenxin Pool In particular, the three Taoists who were afraid of the incarnation mentioned that there are other original emotions in this incarnation, which is the most basic manifestation of the power of asking the heart.

Just when Xu Changqing was recalling the memory of Zhen Yuanzi, the three Taoists in front of him suddenly disappeared at the same time, and an unprecedented sense of inexplicable fear suddenly appeared in his heart.This sense of fear does not have a clear direction, it just makes his heart fear for fear, and because of this sense of fear, he suddenly loses control of his own power, and his body falls from the air uncontrollably .

It's just that this fear came and went quickly. After it disappeared, Xu Changqing quickly regained control of his body and let his body stay in the air.At this time, the only doubt in Xu Changqing's heart disappeared completely, because the situation just now was exactly the same as Zhen Yuanzi's memory. Feedback to his heart, let him realize the strongest and most extreme emotion of his heart in an instant, so as to achieve the effect of pointing directly at his heart, refining his heart and asking his heart.

Although some conjectures have been affirmed, the doubts in Xu Changqing's heart have not decreased, but have increased. The biggest doubt is why there is the power of questioning here?Is this the Zixiao Palace Wenxin Pool?Is the large patio outside the Zixiao Palace?

Xu Changqing already knew from Zhen Yuanzi's memory that Zixiao Palace had been destroyed as early as the first great catastrophe between the innate gods and the ancient dragon clan, and its destruction was determined by heaven and earth, not human power.Although the Hongjun family has mastered the great way of fortune, it is impossible to destroy the integrity of the three realms of heaven and earth, and open up a world outside the sky.Just because the world was just formed at that time and the way of heaven was incomplete, the Hongjun family had an opportunity to take advantage of it. In addition, Zixiao Palace was a remnant fragment of the previous world, which itself was something beyond the sky. Will not be repelled by heaven and earth.

However, when the first great catastrophe happened, the Heaven and Earth Avenue used the power of this catastrophe to perfect the way of heaven, erasing all the innate gods and innate creatures that existed between the heavens and the earth beyond the existence of the heavens and the earth, and the Zixiao Palace, an extraterrestrial The special existence of heaven is even more important.

At that time, because the internal contradictions of the innate gods had been resolved under the pressure of the ancient dragon clan, Zixiao Palace became no longer so important, it only had some commemorative value, and because of the restraint of the ancient dragon clan, the heavens and the earth exerted force to destroy the Zixiao Palace. At that time, Hongjun and other innate gods did not come to rescue.

The destruction of Zixiao Palace is a fact presented before the eyes of all innate gods, and it is a confirmed fact.During the catastrophe, the great battle between the ancient dragon clan and the innate gods inadvertently shattered the prehistoric leylines. In order to remedy the leylines, someone once proposed to see if they could find fragments of the Zixiao Palace to make up the leylines, but in the end they found nothing, making Pangu Shi had no choice but to join the Daoism and restore the earth's veins with his own divine body.After the great catastrophe, many innate gods and innate creatures also entered the chaotic void, looking for the remaining fragments after the destruction of Zixiao Palace, but in the end it was still fruitless. Basically, the destruction of Zixiao Palace has become a recognized fact.

It is precisely because of this affirmative memory from Zhen Yuanzi that even if Xu Changqing can be sure that the power of this place is inextricably linked with the power of Wenxin Pond in Zixiao Palace, he cannot completely equate the two . (To be continued..)

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