The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 126 The Bending of the Empire

The Russians killed each other Wu Xiaoliang was happy to see it succeed, but since he caught up with this good show, how could he stay out of it and waste this great opportunity in vain.

"Dear Lord Baron, I regret that the people of your country are suffering, but as foreigners, if we intervene rashly, we are interfering in your internal affairs. If international disputes arise, how can I, a small brigade commander, bear the burden?" This responsibility?"

Nevsky had expected that the young Chinese general would not be so happy, so he agreed to his request, shrugged and replied: "Your Excellency, if this matter goes through diplomatic procedures, the government of your country will first send a note to your country's Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and then your government will Return to the country to coordinate and provide military aid. By then, this beautiful port city in front of you will have been in ruins. Don’t you Chinese have a saying? Responsibility for mobilizing troops within the empire."

After listening to Nevsky's words, Wu Xiaoliang laughed angrily. This old guy, do you still think that this is the era of imperial Russia? Their tsar has become a prisoner of civilians, and he will even be executed in the near future, leaving no bones left.If the powerful Russian Empire still exists, how can his Suidong Army run rampant east of Suifenhe?It's ridiculous that with a few diplomatic rhetoric, he wants the good man of the Suidong Army to bleed and die for the Russians. Isn't this a dream?Wu Xiaoliang sneered and said:

"Your Excellency the Baron, I think you have misunderstood the situation. The life of every soldier in the Suidong Army is priceless. Even if the Beijing government asks them to make unnecessary sacrifices, I will refuse without hesitation, because they The blood shed is worthless. As for your empire, it’s not even a fart now, who is it used to scare?” After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoliang stared at Nevsky closely.

The bearded Nevsky's expression was just as Wu Xiaoliang expected, revealing the embarrassment and helplessness of being exposed.In his impression, the Chinese people, regardless of the government and the people, have always been as timid as mice, fearing them like tigers, and would submit obediently as long as they were threatened with a few words on weekdays. Tiger skin, I hope I can scare these stupid Chinese people, but it would be counterproductive. The young Chinese general in front of him almost turned his face on the spot. Thinking of his purpose for coming here, and thinking about the tragic situation of the people after the city was broken, he finally recognized the status quo.Although Nevsky was unwilling, he had no choice but to ask helplessly:

"Your Excellency General, we Great Slavs will never forget our friends, and we can make any demands and conditions."

Nevsky let go on the spot, but Wu Xiaoliang was overjoyed but asked calmly:

"I can mention the conditions, can you be the master of Petrov?"

Nevsky was very angry. This damn Chinese general looked down on him, but he still tried his best to maintain his gentlemanly demeanor, and replied: "Dear General, Prince Petrov has granted me the authority of plenipotentiary. rest assured."

"Good!" Wu Xiaoliang clapped his hands and ordered the guards to bring a chair to Nevsky.

"Let's sit down and talk slowly."

The sound of rumbling artillery was heard outside again, and the siege began again. Nevsky trembled in fright. He didn't have the mood to sit down and talk slowly. I agree, and ask you to send troops as soon as possible."

"Okay, then let me talk about the requirements of the Suidong Army. First, Duke Petrov should set aside a piece of land in the best location in the port of Vladivostok as a leased land and allow troops to be stationed; second, Vladivostok should be given Suidong Third, half of Vladivostok’s customs duties must be paid to the Suidong Army; fourth, Petrov and the Suidong Army must not invade each other in the future, and make an alliance to support each other. As long as these four promises are made, Suidong The army immediately sent troops to help your Duke counterattack."

After hearing this, Nevsky took a breath. If these four items were agreed, Vladivostok would be put in chains, and the Chinese general in front of him was the one holding the chains.But Wu Xiaoliang dared to put forward such a condition. The root of it was the overthrow of the empire. The eggs under the overthrow of the nest have become fish and meat that are bullied.He was angry, not for himself, but for the former glory of the empire, which was gone forever and reduced to groveling and begging for cooperation in front of the stupid Chinese.Baron Nevsky finally couldn't hold back, and roared angrily:

"Your Excellency, General, put forward such a harsh condition, I doubt your sincerity of cooperation!"

Wu Xiaoliang smiled. He knew that his words were an insult to the abuser who was once superior, but his purpose was just that. Repeated changes in the attitude of the pressurer will quickly overwhelm the resistance of the other party. Will, so he waved his hand and said: "Your Excellency the Baron, please calm down. This is based on the conditions proposed by your country as a model, and then proposed after modification, and I have also relaxed the conditions appropriately."

Facing Wu Xiaoliang's cynicism, Nevsky was outraged and continued to roar, "You...shameless! A robber!"

"Since that's the case, there's no need to talk about it. Qianting will send Mr. Baron out." Wu Xiaoliang immediately showed his attitude, showing an impatient look.

Nevsky was so angry that he couldn't speak. For a moment, he really wanted to turn around and leave, to avoid the humiliation of the Chinese general, but he thought that once the guerrillas broke through the city, the pearl of the empire in the east would fall into the hands of the rebels. At this time, a large number of civilians will be ravaged, and the fall of important ports will block the road of military aid from the West. The warriors who resist in the Siberian interior will lack ammunition and food. He shuddered severely. , reminding myself that I must hold back and agree to the terms of this despicable general who is taking advantage of others. Vladivostok still has a way out. If he walks away, hope will be completely cut off. Potemkin of the Twin Cities is a The sheer cowards are so frightened by a group of rebels that they shrink back. Otherwise, why would the situation be like this?

Nevsky stabilized his mood, and said with difficulty: "Your Excellency, although these conditions have fully demonstrated your generosity, the poor city behind me really cannot fully meet your requirements. Please see if you can Relax the conditions a little more?"

Wu Xiaoliang originally had the idea of ​​asking for a price to pay back the money, and said with a smile: "Well, half of the tariffs can be waived by the Suidong Army. This is the bottom line, but to show sincerity, I hope your army will discount the tariff compensation." Cheng Junhuo, how about a one-time payment of 500 million yuan in weapons and supplies to the Suidong Army?"

"This?" Nevsky has never seen such a cunning negotiating opponent. After making a concession, he would bite hard before giving up. While hesitating, the ground trembled violently again. It was a naval gun. And dense, for a long time without stopping.He knew that this was not the defender's counterattack, but the navy's final roar. The army's defeat was imminent, so he simply made up his mind and made up his mind.

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