When the second dawn came, the Suidong Army once again took full control of the city of Vladivostok, and Petrov once again became an empty mayor without the slightest power. As Nevsky expected, this cunning Chinese general did not It would be so easy to give up the benefits obtained.

After this battle, the Suidong Army was greatly reduced, and the expansion of the army became an imminent problem. However, because Wu Xiaoliang followed the route of elite soldiers, he had extremely high requirements for the quality of soldiers, and soldiers had to graduate from high school at least, so very few qualified.

But surprises often come unprepared. At noon that day, the third fleet from Tianjin arrived in Vladivostok. In addition to transporting a large number of military supplies, there were also two long-lost old friends.Wu Xiaoliang routinely came to the pier to welcome him. At first sight, he couldn't help being very excited.

"To you, Xiuwen, why are you here?"

But seeing Fang Qidao and Chen Xiuyan's gray military uniforms were neatly ironed, standing on the bow of the boat, they were full of ambition, as soon as the boat touched the shore and the pedals were put on, the two rushed down impatiently.

The three Baoding students clasped their hands tightly, and Fang Qidao spoke first, "Weizhong, I won't leave this time."

Chen Xiuyan smiled and echoed from the side: "Yes, knowing that you are short of manpower here, Brother Zhi and I came."

Wu Xiaoliang's heart sank when he was excited, and the two of them came forward lightly. Could it be that the foundation of the Fourth Mixed Brigade has been plundered?This was the last thing he wanted to see.Fang Qidao seemed to see his worry, and hurriedly said again: "Weizhong, look behind me." After saying that, he turned around and saw the soldiers on the transport ship crowded together, cheering in unison: "Long live the brigade commander! Long live the brigade commander !"

A sinking heart was excited again.

It turned out that Fang Qidao heard that Wu Xiaoliang had led his troops to the Russian Far East, so he wanted to go north to support him.With the help of Wang Ruxian, the governor of Hunan, he finally led the first regiment of the former Fourth Mixed Brigade to return to Beijing.And with the support of Xu Shuzheng, the original plan was to take the train, via Fengtian, Kuanchengzi, Binjiang, and then from the Middle East Railway to Suidong.However, Wu Xiaoliang led his troops into Vladivostok, and news came that Sun Jiayu organized non-governmental supplies to be transported by sea in Tianjin, so the plan was changed, and the troops moved to Tianjin to take the warship north of Vladivostok.

At the same time, there is even greater good news. Chen Xiuyan has been appointed by the Beijing government as the guardian envoy of Mu Leng, including Dongning, Mu Leng, and Ning'an, all within its jurisdiction.Therefore, the arrival of the two men this time greatly enhanced the strength of the Suidong Army.Muling is an important town in the transportation hub of the Middle East Railway. Controlling it is equivalent to controlling half of the Middle East Railway in China. Although the Russians have a railway bureau that specializes in managing the Middle East Railway, they have no time to look east because of frequent civil wars. great time.

On the same day, Wu Xiaoliang issued an order to incorporate the original Fourth Mixed Brigade brought back by Fang Qidao into the Suidong Army sequence, becoming the Suidong Army Second Regiment, and quickly took over the northern part of the city of Vladivostok, which they controlled weakly.

Wu Xiaoliang took Fang Qidao and Chen Xiuyan to visit the leased land in Vladivostok. At this time, the leased land was a large construction site, and construction was in full swing everywhere.Fang Qidao sighed: "Brother Weizhong, this is repaying his people in his own way. It's a pleasure, a pleasure! It's a pity that the hundreds of thousands of territories in the Northeast were snatched by Russian robbers. I don't know when they will be able to get them all." Take it back?"

Chen Xiuyan also felt happy, but also heard that Wu Xiaoliang still recognized Petrov's rule over Vladivostok, and planned to gradually hand over the control of the city again, saying: "Why don't Weizhong directly occupy Vladivostok, the Russian wolf ambition is a greedy polar bear , When they recover, we will be passive again."

Wu Xiaoliang patiently explained: "The reason why Petrov was put in the foreground is that the Suidong Army does not have enough strength to occupy and hold this territory. The situation in the Far East is far more complicated than that in China. The remnants of former imperial Russia, the Red Army guerrillas, the Japanese, and large-scale bandits in the territory can compete with us; the most important thing is the second point, such as directly occupying Russian cities in the Far East, whether the international public opinion will They will support us, and in the face of international pressure, the Beijing government is likely to constrain the Suidong Army, and by then, the gains will outweigh the losses.”

The two thought it was reasonable, and walked slowly to the headquarters of the Suidong Army garrison next to the construction site. The orderly came to report in a hurry, with anxious faces.

"Brigade Commander, Suidong sent a telegram saying that the Yigangzi Coal Mine in Suidong was attacked by bandits, and countless miners were killed or injured and fled. Now the coal mine has been occupied and has come to a standstill."

"What?" It was like stabbing Wu Xiaoliang in the ribs.

"What is the current situation of the coal mine, and how much is the loss of the miners?" Wu Xiaoliang asked worriedly.

"It is reported that the number of miners lost is being counted. The coal mine has fallen into the hands of unknown bandits. Leader Yin is currently organizing a counterattack, but the opponent has a large number of people, and I am afraid it will take some trouble."

"Go, go back to the headquarters!"

After a military meeting all afternoon, Wu Xiaoliang finally made a decision to add soldiers from the new battalion of the second regiment to the fourth battalion of the first regiment. Wu Xiaoliang personally led the fourth battalion and the first battalion of the second regiment. Going north to suppress the bandits, Vladivostok handed over to Fang Qidao to sit in town, and Chen Xiuyan went north with him, preparing to go to Muling to serve as Muling's guardian envoy.

Due to the frequent activities of the Japanese fleet in the waters near Vladivostok, Wu Xiaoliang was not at ease to let Sun Jiayu and Xu Zibing return to the south by boat, so he decided to take them both to the north, Muling via the Middle East Railway, the South Manchuria Railway and then Entering the customs from Fengtian, this plan has been recognized by everyone, and they all agree that this route is the safest and most appropriate.

Zhang Ergou calmed down and began to suggest: "We can't just sit and wait to die like this, and we can't go to Luocao. If the grass falls in the pass, why bother to go to this bitter and cold Northeast to make a living? I think we should go to the Governor Wu. "

"Er Gou, Wu Dujun has such a great sense to take us in?" Someone raised an objection.

"I've heard it a long time ago that Governor Wu didn't bring many people to Beijing. What's missing is soldiers. We are all men who count as ten. Why doesn't he want us?"

After hearing this, everyone immediately regained their spirits. The air of the mine guard soldiers is obvious to all. Even a small mine guard soldier is like this, and the soldiers must be more majestic.Therefore, Zhang Ergou's proposal was unanimously approved by everyone.

"I heard that Governor Wu is in Suidong City, and Suidong City is in the north. We only need to go north to find the team of Governor Wu." Zhang Ergou proposed again, and everyone applauded again.

Everyone rested for half a day and gradually regained their energy, but because they had no food, they had to drink enough water by the stream in the dense forest and set out on the road overnight.

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