In December, a major event happened in the Republic of China.Since President Yuan Da replaced the former Qing emperor, people have gradually adapted to the life without an emperor.However, this President Yuan Da probably couldn't resist the temptation of the emperor's throne, and proclaimed himself emperor in Beijing on NO.12 this month.Who is the emperor and who is the president has little to do with the common people, but some people are happy and some are worried when they are officials.Zhang Zuolin, the commander of the 27th division stationed in Fengtian City, has been a little unhappy recently. He, Yuan Datou, was a minister of Conglong's meritorious service when he ascended the throne, so he was awarded a mere second-class viscount. What's even more unbearable is that there is a trash on his head. Duan Zhigui served as the governor.

No matter who supervised it, it was the same for Wu Xiaoliang, Sun Jiayu raised his hands in favor of the joint pharmaceutical factory, and the two chose a small Western-style building with a courtyard outside Daximen, asking for [-] silver dollars.Sun Jiayu conceived to borrow part of the money from Yuchang Bank, and together with the [-] yuan in Wu Xiaoliang's hands, he could make up at least [-] yuan.Wu Xiaoliang has another idea. He believes that the scale of the pharmaceutical factory should not be too large for the time being, and it is only necessary to renovate the existing western-style buildings.Several houses on the first floor can be converted into production rooms, warehouses, and laboratories, and the second floor can be used for offices and residences.Moreover, there is no need to borrow funds from Yuchang, and you can find a bank loan that Yuchang is familiar with. This will not affect the normal operation of Yuchang, and will also get strong support from the bank.The two decided to split the shares [-]-[-].

The loan bank finally decided on the Fengtian branch of the Sino-French Industrial Bank. This bank opened in Fengtian at the end of the year and was eager to expand its business. Their manager, Celier, visited Sun Dingchen the day before yesterday.

After discussing it properly, the two went to the Sino-French Industrial Bank building. Celier generously granted Sun Jiayu a loan of 5 yuan, and said that if there is a shortage of funds, he is welcome to borrow again.In this way, Wu Xiaoliang already has enough funds to start the project.

At the end of December in the fourth year of the Republic of China, many newspapers in Shanghai published a piece of news one after another, which shocked the world.First, the headline on the front page of "Shenbao" published an article titled ""Diarrhea" was conquered, the rich businessman recovered from his illness as a normal person", and the next day "News" reprinted this news on the front page headline.

In less than two days, this news almost dominated the front pages of all newspapers in Shanghai.Then major newspapers in Beijing, Nanjing, Wuhan and other places also reprinted it one after another.This is nothing less than a blockbuster, a thing called "insulin", which has become the gospel of millions of thirsty patients across the country overnight.Some wealthy people suffering from diabetes, began to inquire about the source of the news through various channels, and where the mysterious Wu Xiaoliang in the news lived.What's more, some people have already left for Fengtian.

News about "diabetes" has been circulating throughout northern China for nearly a month, and various news about "insulin" and Wu Xiaoliang have become increasingly clear.In mid-January, news came from Fengtian that the mysterious person who invented "insulin" was going to open an

The "press conference" meeting invites journalists from all over the country to Bong to participate.

On the other side of the ocean, the war has fallen into a stalemate, and the entire European continent is dead. The press on the banks of the Thames River first noticed the raging "diabetes" fever in China. The "Daily Mail" took the lead in translating and reprinting the press release. original. The reprint of "Daily Mail" is like a spoonful of water poured into the boiling oil pan for the European medical community. For a while, various doubts and appreciations are mixed with countless curiosity to find out and rush to the east. old country.Some scholars couldn't believe how such a great discovery could be made in such a backward and ignorant country; some simply thought it was just a farce for grandstanding.Two days later, the "New York Times" on the other side of the Atlantic also published the news in a large number of pages, and it evolved into an "insulin craze" that swept the world.

The sensation of "Insulin" far exceeded the expectations of Sun Jiayu, the young master of Yuchang. Wu Xiaoliang used this method of hype, which was effective in his previous life, to promote himself, which would bring him a great reputation. It represents great wealth.

A week after the "Shenbao" published the news, consulting telegrams from hospitals and wealthy people from all over the country flew to Fengtian like snowflakes and filled his desk.

Sun Jiayu paced excitedly in the manager's office of the pharmaceutical factory,

"Second Brother, you are truly a god-man. You can turn your hands into clouds, and turn your hands into rain. Happy, happy!"

Wu Xiaoliang behind the desk smiled slightly, put down the pen in his hand,

"This is the first step. Brother, let's start preparing for the press conference. The time is set for late February. Everyone should be here."

"Yes, I'll arrange it right away. Also, the diabetes brochure has been printed, and it is beautifully printed according to your request. The production of insulin needs to be increased, and the new drug aspirin must also be prepared in sufficient stock. These days, more Class..." When it comes to these details, Sun Jiayu will always be meticulous and take the trouble to list out the rules.

In the past two months, the two of them have been extremely busy, purchasing equipment, decorating, hiring medical students with high salaries, and contacting major domestic newspapers. The money was spent like running water, and even a rich young man like Sun Jiayu had to admire Wu Xiaoliang for using the money. means.At the same time, Wu Xiaoliang had to personally participate in the production and command of medicines, and he began to feel a little out of control.

Xiaodongzi is very proud recently. Since the opening of the pharmaceutical factory, the prime minister has taken care of all logistical matters. He has found his own sense of existence in the busy two months.One day he was breathing in the yard, when he suddenly heard a series of strange voices coming from outside the gate. They were obviously human words, but he could not understand them strangely. Through the iron fence gate, he saw a tall foreigner with yellow hair standing Outside the door, looking into the courtyard.

The foreigner politely took off his black top hat and bowed slightly.

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu, are you here?"

Xiaodongzi thought, this foreign devil can speak Chinese.

"Well, who are you? What can I do with my second brother?"

The foreigner winked and said,

"Excuse me, Mr. Wu, are you here?" It turned out that he only knew this sentence in Chinese. Seeing Xiao Dongzi standing there in a daze, he held back for a long time and said three more words


Xiaodongzi was overjoyed, the second brother's reputation was so loud this time that even foreigners came here admiringly.

Wu Xiaoliang welcomed the foreigners into the house, and started talking in English, Sun Jiayu was secretly surprised, his sworn brother can also speak foreign languages?Can't help but sigh for a while, how many things he still doesn't know.

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