The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 151 Killed

The bandits in the Le Fuhe gold mine stockade bombarded Wu Xiaoliang's defensive position with one cannonball. Maybe even the gunners didn't expect that they were so accurate, and the shooting points of the subsequent cannons varied by hundreds of thousands of miles.Before the gunpowder smoke cleared, a wave of bandits rushed over, shouting to fight and kill.

Wu Xiaoliang got up from the ground in embarrassment and shook off the dirt on his body, his ears were buzzing, he moved his hands and feet, and he was unscathed. Before he had time to rejoice in his fate, he directly ordered the soldiers to take their positions.When the bandits rushed to 200 meters in front of the position, the infantry artillery fired, and the shells were thrown out in unison, and they all fell on the designated target point.It just so happened that the charging bandits also rushed to the target point, their calculations were accurate and accurate, and immediately, the bandits were killed and injured, with broken arms and limbs scattered here and there.

A bandit is a bandit, and after suffering a hundred losses, they still charged in a dense formation, as if they couldn't gain momentum if they didn't do so.Without the suppression of heavy-fire machine guns, the distance of 100 meters was quickly passed, and the infantry artillery lost its effect.

Wu Xiaoliang ordered the Madsen light machine gunner to prepare, and when he reached a distance of 50 meters, he waved his hand fiercely and ordered in a hissing voice: "Fight!"

This time the Mauser rifles also fired in unison, supplementing the Madsen light machine guns.The first shower of bullets directly swept away the bandits who rushed to the front, and the bandits who caught up after seeing the sudden fierce firepower all lay down on the ground and crawled forward.

The bandits' progress slowed down, the angle of the artillery was raised again, the high-explosive shells fell on the dense bandits again, and the cries rang out again.The bandits lost their courage and were trapped in front of the formation. They dared not charge and could not retreat. It was really extremely sad.

In the face of the tactics and weapons of the modern army, bandits are as vulnerable as chickens and dogs, and the only way to rely on them is to have more people.Soon another wave of bandits rushed up, but was stopped at 50 meters, and then another wave...

The number of bandits is increasing, as if they can't finish the fight. The soldiers of the Suidong Army on the right-wing position have persisted to the limit. If the bandits rush a little faster, they will break through the defense line and enter the trenches.Hand-to-hand combat may be a nightmare for this row of Suidong fighters.

Wu Xiaoliang regretted underestimating the enemy, and dared to attack the well-defended bandit village with a company.He raised his eyes and saw another large wave of bandits, densely gathered together, seeming to protect important people in the middle, it seems that this should be a charge that determines the outcome.The bandits have also reached the end of their strength, and now it depends on who can persist until the end.

"The infantry artillery is ready!" Wu Xiaoliang's voice was hoarse.

"Brigade Commander, there is only one base left of the shell!"

"Very good, let me beat all those mother-in-law bandits!"

Several high-explosive bombs were thrown at the group of bandits in an extremely beautiful arc.When the bandits heard the sound of howling through the sky, they also gained experience and fell down one after another.Embarrassed.The shells fell precisely, blowing up dust and gravel. Since the bandits took cover in advance, the killing effect was not very good, but it had already greatly disrupted the formation that they believed to be powerful.

The shells finally ran out, and the artillerymen drew their pistols and rushed to the position, ready to fight the bandits to the death.

The firepower of the Suidong Army weakened, the pressure on the bandits eased, and they rushed forward in a chaotic squeeze.

Several Madsen light machine guns had misfired, and the firepower of the Mauser rifles could not keep up with the rhythm of the charge. It was inevitable for the bandits to rush to the position.Wu Xiaoliang took off the hat from his head and threw it on the ground fiercely, pulled out his waist command knife, and shouted: "Follow me, beat these motherfuckers back to their mother's womb."

The brigade commander, the dignified major general, led a reinforced platoon and rushed towards the hundreds of bandits in front of the position.

The bandits did not expect that the Suidong Army, which was outnumbered, took the initiative to charge, causing chaos.Fighting bayonets is also a technical job that emphasizes cooperation. It is not as simple as fighting alone. The bandits are naturally brave, but there is a lot of tacit understanding when they cooperate. .

Wu Xiaoliang led dozens of people among hundreds of bandits, back and forth to kill several times in and out, showing the domineering spirit of the fourth brigade.

Although the Suidong Army rushed from left to right, they still failed to kill the group of people who gathered together.If the stalemate continues like this, it will definitely be more and more unfavorable to the Suidong Army, but in the end the bandits messed up first, and shouts came from the village, and it was Zhen Dongyang who captured the village.At this moment, the morale of the stubborn bandits fell to the bottom and they began to flee in all directions.

The bandit leader, who was protected in the crowd, finally couldn't help appearing, and angrily shouted at the fleeing bandits, but escape is important, and who cares about this fallen rooster.The bandit leader was angry, his face was flushed red, and a scar from top to bottom was even more hideous.

The leader of the bandit was Du Bayou. He pulled out the box cannon from his waist and shot several escaped bandits, but it was still to no avail.Turning around, I saw Wu Xiaoliang in a general's uniform holding a command knife, struggling to slash and kill, the enemy was extremely jealous when they met each other, and a shuttle bullet was aimed at Wu Xiaoliang.

Seeing that the situation was critical, the guards had no time to push the brigade commander away, so they put their whole bodies in front of Wu Xiaoliang, and a dozen bullets all hit him.

Wu Xiaoliang's blood boiled with passion, suddenly he felt something strange behind him, he turned his head and saw the guard blocked the bullet for him, his body was like tattered cotton wool, he fell to the ground, dying of breath.With inexplicable grief and indignation in his heart, he pulled out the Browning M1900 automatic pistol on his waist, and went to search for the shooter, his eyes met Du Bagui's.

"It's you!"

Du Baoyu didn't answer, and pulled out a box cannon with multiple rings from his waist, not to mention the possibility of accidentally injuring his subordinates, aiming at Wu Xiaoliang and pulling the trigger.Wu Xiaoliang hurriedly dodged and fell to the ground, then rolled, stood up a few meters away, and aimed the Browning M1900 at Du Balu, but a crisp voice echoed in his head: Brother Xiaoliang!

The face was flushed red from the cold, and the clear eyes like Xueyuan bubbles came to mind immediately. Thinking of Du Juan, he hesitated, but Du Bayou didn't hesitate, another round of bullets hit, Wu Xiaoliang only felt a pain in his body, and buckled The finger on the trigger subconsciously squeezed hard, and the bullet swirled out from the muzzle of the gun, hitting Du Scarred directly between the eyebrows.

The thin officer led people to escort Zhang Ergou and his brother to a depression.Looking down, Zhang Ergou couldn't help feeling horrified. The hollow was densely packed with dead bodies, dressed in all kinds of clothes, including the gray uniform of the Suidong Army.Since the civilized corpse had begun to swell, the air was filled with an inexplicable stench.

The thin officer laughed, and showed his white teeth again: "You guys' task today is to bury all these corpses, do you understand?"

Zhang Ergou and his brothers didn't dare to refuse, but they didn't dare to touch the corpse either.Seeing their hesitation, the lean officer took out the exquisite horse brand pistol in the holster on his waist, and shot Li Sanpi.Li Sanpi was shot and fell into the corpse pile.

"Fucking dazed, whoever doesn't go down, he is a role model!"

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