The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 155 Departure

In the seventh year of the Republic of China, on June [-]th, Wu Xiaoliang, the coach of the Suidong Army, boarded the train going east.Along with him, Chen Xiuyan, the guardian envoy of Muling, the deputy brigade commander of the Suidong Brigade, Li Zhenqing, the head of the third regiment, and the strengthened company of guards accompanied him to Fengtian.The train passed through the vast forest and headed west to China.

Half a day later, they arrived at the first stop of the trip, Muling, where Chen Xiuyan was about to be the guard.But at this moment, Mu Leng has another Guardian Envoy, Gao Fengcheng. Before the handover, this Gao Guardian Envoy was Mu Leng's actual power holder.

Gongs and drums blared outside the station, and the welcome crowd held red banners, writing "Welcome Brigadier Wu to come" and "Welcome the Guardian Envoy to take office".It looked like a welcome team organized by local officials.

"Brother Xiuwen, let's go down and have a look. Your ex should also be in the welcome team."

Wu Xiaoliang said to Chen Xiuyan with a smile.

"He is kind-hearted. I took Gao's position. I don't know where else he can go to work?" Chen Xiuyan said in a teasing tone, not paying attention to Gao's guard at all.

Gao Fengcheng was originally a descendant of Jilin governor Meng Enyuan. When Wu Xiaoliang had a conflict with Gao Shibing in Dongning, he was still serving as the guardian of Jichang. Later, due to domestic public opinion, the situation took a turn for the worse. Meng Enyuan felt that it was a foregone conclusion to step down, so he came out. For the sake of Gao Fengcheng's future, he transferred him from Jilin, which was on the cusp of the hot and turmoil, and transferred him to the guard envoy of Muling on the eastern border.In this way, even if the new warlord takes office, he will not quickly shift his target there.

But he didn't expect that before the new warlord took office, the position of Mu Ling's guard envoy had already been targeted by the Beiyang boss, and a guard envoy was airborne directly.

When the two of them got off the train, someone greeted them. They were tall and tall, with a square face and broad brows, a typical northern man.

"Welcome Brigadier Commander Wu and Chen Zhenshou. Gao is late to greet you, and the greeting is not good. I still look forward to Haihan!"

Hearing what he said, Wu Xiaoliang understood that this person was undoubtedly Gao Fengcheng, he laughed and said, "Guardian Gao didn't come late to greet him, he came early, it's too grand!"

"Two honored guests, please move on. Mr. Gao has already prepared drinks and food in the VIP room."

Chen Xiuyan waved his hand and said: "Gaozhen, you're welcome, we're just passing by here, and we're in a hurry for this trip, so we can't delay here."

Wu Xiaoliang was afraid that Chen Xiuyan would say something outrageous again, so he quickly took over the conversation: "Yes, we appreciate Gao Zhen's kindness, this time the schedule is really tight, don't blame, don't blame!" The words were very polite, but there was a sense of distance full.

Gao Fengcheng was refuted, but his face was still full of smiles, even his eyes were full of smiles, without any change in color.

"I was shocked to hear that General Wu and Chen Zhen passed by in a big fight, and the preparations were hasty. Since time is running out, Gao will no longer force it, but when the two return, they must drink a glass of water and wine and eat two bites of food. Give the brother this face ah!"

Gao Fengcheng's tone was extremely humble. According to the usual practice, he and Wu Chen were almost the same in rank, but at this moment his posture is so low, it can be seen that this person's city is far deeper than the likes of Gao Shimei. Meng Enyuan's brother-in-law can only serve as the guard envoy in a corner of Yanji, but an outsider in Gao Fengcheng holds the most sought-after post of guard envoy of Jichang.

Wu Xiaoliang cupped his hands and said with a smile: "Definitely, definitely! My brother will leave now, forgive me, forgive me!"

Gao Fengcheng hurriedly returned the gift and watched the two people who were extremely popular in the Northeast get on the train until the train whistled and drove far away from the station.

The train continued to move forward, stopped at Binjiang, switched to the Nanman Railway, and began to go south. It took nearly a day to arrive at Kuanchengzi.After adding coal and water, the locomotive did not start smoothly, roared a few times, and then fell silent again.

Wu Xiaoliang noticed something was wrong, so he sent people to investigate. It was said that there was a problem with the steam engine, which was very troublesome.Everyone in the Suidong Army had no choice but to wait for the on-board mechanics to repair the locomotive.Wu Xiaoliang felt stuffy in the car, so he invited Chen Xiuyan and Li Zhenqing to get out of the car to breathe. Unexpectedly, both of them fell asleep and fell asleep in the car, so they had to leave the car alone under the guard of the guards. new.

I think back to the beginning when I wanted to come to Kuanchengzi in order to find relatives, but in the end I fell into the trap of a scammer and went to Fengtian by mistake, which is where I am today.I couldn't help sighing for a while, thinking to myself, if I got to Kuanchengzi smoothly, what would it be like today?

My parents are in Kuanchengzi, so I should have gone to visit them, but I'm on official business, so I can't act alone for private matters, so I have to wait for the return trip.Wu Xiaoliang was thinking wildly for a while, looking at the bustling passengers in a daze.Suddenly there was a commotion ahead, many soldiers in khaki uniforms appeared, and drove the passengers to the sides, only to see a short and fat old man with a pot belly appearing in the chaos. It's a soldier.

The short and fat old man felt strange when he saw soldiers in gray uniforms standing beside the Suidong army locomotive on the platform, so he came to find out.After walking a few steps, he was stopped by the startled soldiers of the Suidong Army, and someone from behind immediately came up and scolded:

"Presumptuous, do you dare to stop the warlord's fight? Get out of the way!"

The soldier in the gray uniform replied neither humble nor overbearing: "Report to the commander, the responsibility lies, and I am sorry."

The man was about to lose his temper, but the short and fat old man asked kindly: "Little brother, what is the name of your chief?"

"Our commander is Wu Xiaoliang, Major General of the Suidong Brigade!"

The old man gasped, it was him.

"Can you tell me that Meng Enyuan, the governor of Jilin, is asking to see you." The old man was still smiling and very friendly, but he didn't notice that the guard's face was full of anger in an instant.

Wu Xiaoliang noticed the situation where the guard stopped the old man. The old man was definitely not an ordinary person when the guard opened the way. He was afraid that the guard would offend these powerful people for no reason, so he walked up to him in a few steps.

Seeing the brigade commander approaching, the guard immediately shouted: "The brigade commander is the old man Meng Enyuan, the governor of Jilin, and he killed brother Liuyi."

Wu Xiaoliang was surprised that it was Meng Enyuan, but now is not the time to talk about grievances, in other people's territory, his few catties are not enough to fit between his teeth, so he lightly reprimanded the soldier who didn't know the importance, "Don't be rude."

The soldier shut his mouth resentfully, and said nothing more.

Hearing what the soldier said, Meng Enyuan felt embarrassed, but seeing that Wu Xiaoliang didn't seem to intend to embarrass him, he smiled and said: "Weizhong, the old man has been friends with you for a long time, I don't want to be able to repay it just today. Wish!"

Seeing what he said, Wu Xiaoliang thought to himself, and he is a very deep lord of the city, and he himself caused him to step down, but he didn't show any hatred at all.

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