The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 171 The Gunshots of the Headquarters

After Zhang Zuolin babbled a lot of inexplicable things, he led a group of confidants and left the security headquarters. Only Wu, Li and Yuan were left in the room. Yuan Jinkai coughed dryly and asked Wu Xiaoliang with a smile: "Weizhong, are you What year were you born?"

Wu Xiaoliang saw that Zhang Zuolin's first secret asked him his age, but he was confused, but he still respectfully replied: "Exactly, Xiaoliang was born in the 25th year of Guangxu."

"Oh?" Yuan Jinkai snorted, pinching his fingers and said: "Haha, okay, I'm 20 years old this year, and the old man is abrupt, how about telling Weizhong about a marriage?"

As soon as these words came out, Wu Xiaoliang was so shocked that he didn't know how to answer. It was too sudden. He didn't have the slightest mental preparation, but he quickly regained his composure. , It is extremely impolite to talk to the other party.

Seeing that Wu Xiaoliang was stunned, Yuan Jinkai continued with a smile and said: "Originally, the elders are the ones to make decisions about marriage, but Suidong and Fengtian are related to the fate of the country, so it can only be decided by Yugong and Weizhong. You decided on your own, and if there are any inadequacies, please Wei Zhonghai take care of it."

Wu Xiaoliang's heart moved, hearing what Yuan Jinkai meant, it seemed that Suidong and Fengtian were married, could it be, could it be that he, Zhang Zuolin, wanted to marry his daughter to him?

Soon, Yuan Jinkai's words confirmed his thoughts.

"Yugong and the three daughters are of the right marriage age, with good looks, gentle and virtuous, and intelligent. They are perfect matches. She is now studying in Fengtian Women's Normal School..." Yuan Jinkai was eloquent, and Li Zhenqing was very surprised. Zhang Zuolin would form an alliance with Suidong through marriage. After thinking about it, there is indeed no more stable and effective way of alliance than marriage under the current situation. I think Zhang Zuolin is very optimistic about Weizhong.

Thinking of this, I feel relieved. Looking at it this way, the series of cases against Wu Xiaoliang since the car bombing case should not be the work of Zhang Zuolin. After confirming this, Li Zhenqing felt relieved.

Wu Xiaoliang was obviously not mentally prepared, he was thinking carefully about how to reply Yuan Jinkai.

"Marriage is an important matter, we still have to report it to our parents, and nod in agreement..."

Yuan Jinkai seemed to have expected Wu Xiaoliang to say this, he laughed and said, "It's okay, I'll give you time to think about it, but I personally suggest that you don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Then he got up and said goodbye, leading the guards away from the guard headquarters.

When Wu Xiaoliang and Li Zhenqing were the only ones left in the house, Li Zhenqing hurriedly persuaded him: "Weizhong, in the opinion of Brother Yu, this matter is indeed a great event, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Wu Xiaoliang felt an inexplicable irritability in his heart, and said angrily: "This arranged marriage is really bad. I don't know whether she is tall, short, fat, or thin. What if, what if..." Wu Xiaoliang paused .

"If she is stupid and stupid like a pig, how will I live the rest of my life?" Seeing Wu Xiaoliang's exaggeration, Li Zhenqing burst into laughter.

"Marriage has been arranged since ancient times. Didn't you hear what Yuan Jieshan said? Yugong and the three daughters are good-looking, gentle and virtuous, talented and intelligent. They are perfect matches. Can he still deceive you at his age?" Li Zhenqing Half teasing, half serious.

"Anyone who talks about a matchmaker must exaggerate in his words. He only says that he has a good appearance, which is not much better than being ugly." Wu Xiaoliang argued.

Li Zhenqing shook his head, "How can Weizhong do such an ordinary act of judging people by their appearance, gentle and virtuous, talented and intelligent, but ordinary women can't match it."

Wu Xiaoliang made such an excuse, showing the appearance of a child’s excuse to refuse. It is nothing more than a reluctance to this kind of arranged marriage. There is also a reason why he can’t explain it clearly. Thinking of Anna’s half-serious and half-joking promise, and Thinking of Xu Zibing, if she knew that she was about to marry Miss Zhang, how would she feel?

Wu Xiaoliang's heart is like a mess, when dealing with major military affairs, he never hesitates, is decisive and straightforward, and never relents, but when it comes to feelings, he is in a dilemma, making a choice.

Li Zhenqing naturally didn't know that Wu Xiaoliang was caught in the undecidable battle between heaven and man at this moment, so he changed his teasing and joking attitude, and said seriously: "Weizhong, Suidong's pioneering, although judging from the current situation, it is greatly beneficial to us, but these It is not stable, not only do we not have a legitimate status, but even in terms of strength, it is difficult to control the Suifenhe generation. At this time, a small accident can end our advantage."

Li Zhenqing got up and paced back and forth in the room, and continued to persuade: "Once the situation changes, it will be further and further away from your ideal of restoring the country and land. Comparable. What's more, people of my generation, in order to realize their ideals, how can they not make sacrifices? As long as you can achieve the ideal goal in your heart, what's the point of marrying a pig, let alone an ugly monster?"

Wu Xiaoliang suddenly realized what he said. He really cared too much about personal gains and losses. What is his ideal?Isn't it about recovering the more than one million Chinese territories that were captured by Tsarist Russia?Now that I have the opportunity to increase my support, what else can I tweak?

"Brother, Xiaoliang knows what to do, and will answer Zhang Zuolin tomorrow."

Li Zhenqing was very happy to see that his brother had been persuaded.

"Let's go, go back to rest early, you are seriously injured, so you shouldn't be overtired." After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoliang didn't look a little tired and tired, and he was very surprised, how could he still have such energy after getting such a serious gunshot wound? exuberant?

Can't help shaking his head: "I really don't know what material you are made of, but you are so tireless."

Wu Xiaoliang was also puzzled by this point, and said with a smile, "Go, go back and rest, and think about the headache tomorrow."

When the two of them left the living room, the guards led the way. Ever since Wu Xiaoliang was injured, Li Zhenqing had arranged for his staff to stay around all the time.

But there was a gunshot without warning, and one of the guards fell to the ground, twitched a few times and then fell silent.Li Zhenqing reacted very quickly, threw Wu Xiaoliang to the ground, and shouted: "Protect the brigade commander." He pointed to several guard soldiers outside.

"You guys are going to catch the assassin. If you can't catch it, you don't have to come back."

The guard agreed, and rushed out like an arrow from a string, over the courtyard wall, and the gunshots rang out fiercely, obviously more than one person was ambushing outside.

Wu Xiaoliang got up from the ground and scolded: "Damn, it really lingers."

At this time, the sound of gunfire had already alarmed the people in the security headquarters, and a large number of soldiers with live ammunition drove into the compound. The team leader's face sank, he already had a premonition of his worrisome future.

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