The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 173 Looking for Huai Tong

In the interrogation room, the mysterious gunman was lying on his back, bleeding from seven holes, which was truly terrifying.The head of the security team, Guo Xipeng, was full of remorse at the moment. He thought that if he caught the clue, there might be a chance for a turnaround. Now even the suspects who got it were poisoned to death under the nose of the security team, but he died faster.At this moment, he was in a mess, and he had lost his mind.

While he was at a loss, a message came from his subordinates.

"Regimental Commander, Brigadier Wu invited you to meet, saying that he had discovered a major clue."

Guo Xipeng dismissed it. If he could find important clues, would he still need to be shot several times?But thinking about it, now there is no way out, so he had to treat the dead horse as a living horse, and followed the soldiers to Wu Xiaoliang's residence.

As soon as he entered the door, Wu Xiaoliang went straight to the point: "Commander Guo, the suspect's death was the work of an inner ghost. I have the clues. It's up to you to investigate or not?"

How could Guo Xipeng care about whether it was the work of an inner ghost? As long as it was a life-saving straw, he had to hold on tightly, and immediately asked excitedly: "Brigade Commander has saved Xipeng, as long as you tell me, sir, I will leave you alone." Find out."

Wu Xiaoliang smiled slightly: "I didn't hit you, Captain Guo, and you can only find out the inner ghost, but you can't move the hands behind the scenes, not even the inner ghost."

"Ah?" Guo Xipeng's position as the head of the security team is certainly not a simple role. He smelled a hint of conspiracy from Wu Xiaoliang's words. Could it be that someone is behind the whole thing?He just got tired of it.But if there is no investigation, according to military law, such a serious dereliction of duty and shooting will not be an exaggeration.If you check, you will die, if you don't check, you will die, it is better to die quickly, maybe you can make a turn for the better.I gritted my teeth.

"The brigade commander said that even if I, Guo Xipeng, risked my life, I would find out the person behind this scene."

Wu Xiaoliang clapped his hands and praised: "Okay, Commander Guo is a man, and I, Suidong Army, would like to wish you a helping hand."

So the original will tell him what happened.

After hearing this, Guo Xipeng gritted his teeth and said: "It was him. I said why he rushed to be on duty last night. It turned out that he had other plans. I will order someone to arrest him."

"Head Guo, don't act too hastily, otherwise it would be bad to startle the snake." Wu Xiaoliang stopped Guo Xipeng and continued: "Let's sing a big show that lures a snake out of its hole, and give him a trick to cut off these black hands in one fell swoop, shall we?"

"Wonderful, this plan is very clever, but I don't know what should I do next?" Guo Xipeng had completely fallen for Wu Xiaoliang unconsciously at this time.

"You just need to let the wind out. The suspect is not dead and is still being rescued, and then send someone to send his body to Fengtian Hospital. Remember to find a reliable person to do it. If there is any leak, all previous efforts will be wasted."

At this time, Guo Xipeng had to admire the young brigade commander in front of him. This move was not only to lure the snake out of the hole, but also to wait for the rabbit, so that he could calmly arrange the arrest scene.So he said goodbye and left happily.

Everyone dispersed, Wu Xiaoliang was the only one left in the room, he suddenly became worried about Huai Tong, this female student who was desperate to save himself, with a pretty face and reddish face appeared in front of his eyes, wondering if she is safe now, wrap her up Coming in is the last thing Wu Xiaoliang wants to see. If the murderers dare to attack the police headquarters, it is impossible to guarantee that they will not hold grudges against Huai Tong who saved him and ruined their good deeds.

Thinking of this, Wu Xiaoliang was fidgeting, and decided to go to the Women's Normal School to take a look in person, only to see that she was safe and sound.So, taking advantage of Li Zhenqing's absence, he got into the Chevrolet car, opened the damper, pressed the engine button, the engine ignited, and the whole body trembled.The black car drove out of the gate, and the guard soldiers let it go, and saluted with their guns raised.

The security headquarters is very close to the Women's Normal School on Tongtian Street, just a few intersections away, Wu Xiaoliang parked the car on the side of the road near the gate, staring at the female students passing by from time to time, but that pretty figure Never showed up.

An hour passed, and the two packs of red forts that he carried with him were all taken away. She hadn't appeared yet, and Wu Xiaoliang was getting more and more hopeless. Could it be that something really happened.

While feeling restless, someone suddenly knocked on the car window, and Wu Xiaoliang rolled down the car window.

"Uncle, are you looking for Huai Tong?" A long-haired female student asked timidly.

Wu Xiaoliang was worried that there was no news about Huai Tong, so he nodded.

"Yeah, is she okay?"

The female student looked sad and indignant and shook her head.

Wu Xiaoliang's heart sank, and he asked in a trembling voice, "Is something wrong?"

The female student nodded and shook her head, Wu Xiaoliang was confused and anxious, but you said it was all right.

"Huaitong's father forced her to marry, and she won't come to school anymore. Her father is really old feudal. Now that the Republic of China is in, free love is fashionable, and even arranged marriages." The female student obviously has a good relationship with Huaitong, when she said this There is still a vibrato, I don't know if it is angry.

When Wu Xiaoliang heard that Huaitong was just going to get married, he immediately let out a long sigh, as long as he was fine, and then he felt a little bit disappointed in his heart.He opened the car door and got out of the car, came to the female student, and asked:

"How do you know me?"

"We helped her carry you to the poetry club that day when you were shot. Huai Tong must be very happy to see you recovering so well."

Wu Xiaoliang wanted to ask more questions, but the female student apologized: "Sorry, I have to go to class, goodbye!"

Listlessly got into the car, Wu Xiaoliang started the car, slowly drove away from Fengtian Women's Normal School, and headed for the police headquarters.On the way, Wu Xiaoliang thought to himself again, his marriage was not involuntary, in order to form an alliance with Zhang Zuolin, he had no choice but to agree to a political marriage.Regardless of his past or present life, he never thought that he would treat marriage as a transaction, but he would not frown at any sacrifice on the road to achieving his ideal.

As soon as the car turned onto Xiaonan Street, he saw a sneaky person looking around on the street full of government offices. Wu Xiaoliang was immediately vigilant, and dared to step on the plate in broad daylight. He didn't take himself seriously. It was also the embarrassment of being messed up in the past few days, and he was angry, so he stopped the car, quietly came behind the man, and instantly grabbed his arm.He only heard a scream, the voice was delicate, and he quickly turned around to see that it was Huaitong.

Wu Xiaoliang said in surprise: "You, haven't you married? Why are you here?"

Huai Tong was very excited when he saw Wu Xiaoliang, "It's great to see you, hey, how did you know I was going to marry someone." Speaking of this, the excitement immediately sank.Then suddenly said: "I see, they must have said it."

"Aren't you going to run away from marriage?" Wu Xiaoliang asked, feeling a little regretful after shaving his mouth.

"Escape from marriage? It's a good idea. Daddy wants to marry me to an old man. How can he be willing?"

When Wu Xiaoliang heard this, he sighed in his heart, it seemed to be another exchange marriage.

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