The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 177 The Escaped Councilor

Suddenly, the phone on the table rang "Dingling, Dingling".Wu Xiaoliang was very surprised. Since he moved into the room of the police headquarters, he had never used this phone, and no one had ever called it. It suddenly rang today, which was strange and inexplicable.

"Which one?" Wu Xiaoliang picked up the phone and asked who it was without reporting his name.

On the other end of the phone, he was answered by silence.

"Who is it, who are you looking for? If you don't answer, I will hang up." Wu Xiaoliang asked again and threatened.

There seemed to be a cough on the other end of the phone, and finally there was a voice.

"Is it Wu Weizhong?"

Wu Xiaoliang thought to himself, he really was looking for me, but out of caution, he didn't admit his identity, but asked directly.

"what's up?"

The other party was silent for two seconds, then suddenly said: "I am Yang Yiguan, they want to kill me, if you can guarantee my safety, I promise to give you all the answers you want to know."

At this moment Wu Xiaoliang had countless thoughts in his mind, wasn't Yang Yiguan arrested by Yang Yuting?How could it be possible to call yourself? Could it be that he escaped?How can it be?A heavily guarded prison, unless there is an insider.Is there really an internal response?Who should be in that?Does it have something to do with the mastermind behind the whole thing?

As thoughts popped up one after another, more and more question marks appeared.

"Why should I trust you?"

"I have nothing to make you believe me, but there is only one chance, maybe you will see my dead body tomorrow, and you may never know the secrets I know."

"Okay, how can I help you?" Wu Xiaoliang decided to take a gamble. In the worst case, he won't lose anything.

The person on the other side didn't give the specific location right away, but laughed aloud, which made people feel a little creepy.

"Let me give you a secret in advance, remember the woman I caught after I passed your car that night?"

"What's the matter?" Wu Xiaoliang was a little puzzled when he heard that [-] woman was mentioned.

"His name is Suzumiya Kazumi, and he is a Japanese killer. I think you should understand what I mean when I say that..." Then there was another burst of laughter.

Although Wu Xiaoliang had guessed that her identity was definitely not as simple as what he said, he never thought that she would be a killer. Why did the other party tell him this news?

"That's right, don't make random guesses, he is the assassin who shot you in front of Fengtian Women's Normal School, and he is also the assassin who wiped out my whole family." At this moment, the other party's voice seemed cold enough to bleed.

The other party didn't give Wu Xiaoliang a chance to speak, and directly reported an address.

"Tangshu Hutong in the north of the city, the first yard of the Jiashen, I will wait for you there, and I will leave within half an hour."

There was a hissing sound from the phone, and the other party had hung up.

This situation came too suddenly, and I couldn't bear to think about it anymore. I put on my coat, checked the Browning m1900 on my waist, and inserted it back into my waist.

Seeing his fuss, Li Zhenqing asked puzzledly, "Who is it, what's the matter?"

"Brother, hurry up and call some of the best guards, we are going to Tangshu Hutong in the north of the city."

"Tangshu Hutong? Who are you looking for?"

"Yang Yiguan!"

Li Zhenqing wouldn't believe Wu Xiaoliang's answer even if he was beaten to death. He didn't believe that Yang Yuting would let him escape so easily, but the gamble was worth the bet, so he went out to arrange staff.After getting ready, he went straight to the yard, the car started, and drove out of the compound of the security headquarters to Tangshu Hutong in the north of the city.

About half an hour later, when we arrived at Tangshu Hutong, outside the first courtyard door of Kaishen, the guards went up to knock on the door, but no one responded for a long time. After a hard push, they opened in response. Both Wu Xiaoliang and Li Zhenqing took out their pistols, and the cat Bending their waists and entering the courtyard, there was no one in the courtyard. In the end, they searched the main room and side rooms but found no trace of Yang Yiguan.

"Did you get tricked?"

Wu Xiaoliang was not reconciled, he didn't believe it was a prank.

"Keep looking, there will definitely be clues."

After some searching, it finally proved that their efforts were in vain. They couldn't even find any proof that Yang Yiguan had been here. But just when everyone was about to give up, a guard found a hole in the wall. The hole is hidden behind a mural, and there is a door at the hole with a lock, but it is not locked.

Wu Xiaoliang found it strange that there was a lock in the secret cave but it was not locked. He stretched out his hand and opened the small door, and a telephone appeared in front of everyone. used.

Telephones are not available to ordinary people in this era, and the owners are all wealthy businessmen and dignitaries, and there is an out-of-place telephone in such a simple dwelling, which is already very telling.So where did Yang Yiguan go, but there was no clue.

A group of people returned to the garrison headquarters dejectedly. People from the Marshal's Mansion had already arrived in advance to inform Wu Xiaoliang and Li Zhenqing to get ready, and to remind them of the opening time, so as not to miss the punctual time.After sending the person away, Wu Xiaoliang felt that something was wrong the more he thought about it, so he hung up the phone and asked Yang Yuting for verification.

"Neighbor, what's wrong with Sensei Yang?"

Yang Yuting paused on the phone and replied: "It's still stubborn, and I won't say a word. I'll go to your engagement banquet tonight, congratulations in advance!" Yang Yuting was very polite.

Wu Xiaoliang felt that he couldn't get to the bottom of the matter by beating around the bush like this, so he was straightforward.

"Neighbor, to be honest, Xiaoliang received a mysterious phone call this afternoon, and the person claimed to be Yang Shen." Speaking of this, Wu Xiaoliang deliberately paused to hear Yang Yuting's reaction.

The other party really became nervous.

"What did he say?"

Wu Xiao's conscience was sinking, if Yang Yiguan hadn't escaped, then Yang Yuting would never have asked this question, and his concern would be messed up, maybe he forgot to cover it up because of this.

Sure enough, after saying this, Yang Yuting hesitated.

"Neighbor, did Yang Shenshi really run away?" Wu Xiaoliang asked again.

The other party sighed.

"I was careless today. The entire Warlord's Office seems to have his inner ghost. If you want to catch him again this time, you will be looking for a needle in a haystack. What you caught back was a dead body."

"Neighbor, he asked me to meet at Tangshu Hutong. Unexpectedly, when we arrived, the house was already empty. I'm afraid something bad happened to him at this moment. The only way now..."


At six o'clock in the evening, Wu Xiaoliang came to the Marshal's Mansion on Tongtian Street. The vermilion lacquer gate was magnificent, with stone lions standing on both sides, giving it a majestic appearance.All kinds of cars and carriages lined up on both sides in front of the gate.At this moment, the middle door was wide open, so someone naturally led Wu Xiaoliang into the middle door.

As soon as he entered the door, there was a burst of exclamation. A bicycle almost bumped into Wu Xiaoliang's body. The Suidong Army guards glared at him. The Zhang family who guided Wu Xiaoliang showed respect.

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