The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 192 Surgery

After Wu Xiaoguo left, Zhou Xingwen also left. There were five people sitting around in a small five-square-meter space, and the space was extremely cramped.Chen Xiuyan was impatient at first. As the son of the dignified chief financial officer's family, when did he suffer this foreign crime?

"Brigade Commander, it's not a long-term solution for us to stay here forever. In my opinion, find a way to leave immediately."

Wu Xiaoliang was about to answer, but when he heard a "plop", the Japanese woman Suzumiya Kazumi fell to the ground, and he immediately went to check, only to find that she was unconscious.Touching the hot forehead, Wu Xiaoliang's face was full of seriousness, the most worrying thing happened, the wound was infected and inflamed, so he reached out to untie her shirt, revealing half of her snow-white shoulders, but at this time, he didn't care about him, whenever faced with The patient can always enter the doctor's selfless state for the first time.

"Huaitong, give me the small box in your hand."

Zhang Huaitong was stunned by Wu Xiaoliang's actions, and was relieved when he saw him check the wound. When he heard him being called, he quickly handed over the small box that the uncle gave him when he got off the train.Wu Xiaoliang opened the box with a click, and the smell of the potion immediately dissipated, and he saw that it was densely packed with all kinds of unnamed equipment.

Wu Xiaoliang unwrapped Suzumiya Kazumi's gauze bandage layer by layer on the lower shoulder and upper chest, and a stench came out immediately, and it really had festered and rotted.After all the gauze was untied, the wound was hideous and terrifying, Zhang Huaitong really didn't dare to look at it, so he turned his head away.

"Hanqing, Xiuwen, help me hold her down."

Zhang Xueliang and Chen Xiuyan also felt nauseated, one pinned down her arms, and the other pinned down her legs.Wu Xiaoliang seemed to be indifferent to the smell and the hideous wound. He prepared the alcohol lamp, lit it, then pulled out a scalpel, burned it twice on the fire, aimed at the carrion and gouged it out ruthlessly and accurately. Hemei immediately woke up in pain, twisting her body, trying to scream, but her mouth was stuffed with a rag, so she could only whine in vain.

The two men held her tightly, a heart-pounding pain came from her shoulders, Suzumiya Kazumi's plump body began to distort due to the painful struggle, the roar that was covered in her throat was swallowed back, and the sweat wetted her hair Locks and strands stuck to the snow-white neck, pain, anger, and grievances all intermingled for a while, turning into tears and gushing out of the eyes.She suddenly thought of the innocent people she had tortured and beaten. They must have felt the same way at the beginning. Now that she is suffering from the pain of cutting her flesh, is it God's punishment for her?

This kind of thinking didn't last long, a burst of pain surpassed the sum of every previous cut, and she fainted again.Wu Xiaoliang put down the alcohol bottle, picked up the gauze and carefully dried the alcohol around the wound bit by bit. The operation to cut the slough was very successful. The 36 cuts were clean and neat, and none of the cuts was superfluous. Then he skillfully put the gauze on the wound Wrap it layer by layer and stick it firmly with adhesive tape.

In the seventh year of the Republic of China, the operation was considered a perfect ending at this step, but for Wu Xiaoliang, it was still the last step.He opened the drawer at the bottom of the small box, and ten transparent medicine bottles were quietly lying on the white flannel used as a buffer. He took out one, knocked off the tip of the medicine bottle with a scalpel handle, and then used a glass syringe Pump out the transparent liquid in the vial, with the needle pointing up, push out the air in the syringe little by little,

Suzumiya Kazumi woke up. He saw the man who he once wanted to kill, but now he was trying his best to save him. He inserted the needle of the syringe into his arm, and there was a little pain, and the liquid medicine was slowly pushed into his body.Suddenly, she thought, is this penicillin?The penicillin that swept the European battlefield and made a lot of gold?The boss asked to get the penicillin by the batch extraction method no matter what?

She wanted to take another look, but felt that her eyelids were so heavy that she could no longer open them, and fell into a deep sleep. An operation without morphine pain consumed all her energy.

When Wu Xiaoliang finished packing, everyone was dumbfounded.

Zhang Xuehao said curiously: "Weizhong is really hiding something, and it can bring surprises everywhere. I think your technique is much better than those doctors in Fengtian Hospital? Where did you learn it?"

Wu Xiaoliang didn't answer, but asked instead: "Did you forget that the entire Liangda Pharmaceutical Factory is mine?" Then he smiled faintly and sat down wearily.

Zhang Huaitong's gaze was full of admiration. In her eyes, this uncle was omnipotent.

Chen Xiuyan looked thoughtful, his personality was introverted, and he would not ask questions directly. He shook his head and thought for a long time, but he couldn't find any fragments of Wu Xiaoliang's medical skills in his memory, so he had to give up.

Suddenly there was the sound of a door being smashed in the corridor, followed by the slap of big-toed leather shoes hitting the concrete floor, and then the sound of kicking the door one after another.

The faces of the four people in the room changed greatly. Could it be that the devil is here?Zhang Xueliang leaned over the crack of the door to look, and said in his mouth: "Hey, it doesn't seem to be the Japanese devils, it should be the Jilin Provincial Defense Army, we are safe." Then he wanted to open the door and go out.

Wu Xiaoliang immediately stopped him: "Don't move, they are here to catch us."

Chen Xiuyan gritted his teeth and said, "Could it be that Zhou Xingwen betrayed us?"

"Now is not the time to think about these things. Open the transom and hurry up to retreat." After finishing speaking, Wu Xiaoliang was the first to jump on it. After observing, he found that the position of the transom is really perfect, just next to the fence of the playground at the main entrance. outside,

Everyone carried Suzumiya Kazumi out first, and then several people filed out. As for this Japanese woman, only Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Xueliang knew her real identity, so the others didn't dislike her very much, they only knew that she was Wu Xiaoliang's prisoner.However, it seemed that Wu Xiaoliang took good care of her and did not treat her like an ordinary prisoner.

Several people turned out from the back wall, only to see a young man wearing a navy blue cotton robe, circling outside the wall, with a pair of brown round-frame glasses on the bridge of his nose, it was Zhou Xingwen.

Seeing that several people came out safely, Zhou Xingwen couldn't hide his joy, and rushed forward in two steps in three steps.

"When I came back, I saw the Provincial Defense Force broke into the door. I thought of coming to the backyard to inform you. It happened that you came out by yourself. Let's go. These Provincial Defense Forces are darker than the Japanese devils."

Wu Xiaoliang hesitated and said, "What about Xiaoguo?"

"The effect is very exciting, and there will be no problems, but your goals are too obvious, especially during the day, so you can't stay on the street too much."

Zhou Xingwen's voice was hurried, as if he was nervous.

Chen Xiuyan sneered and grabbed Zhou Xingwen by the collar.

"How do I know if you betrayed us? They don't come sooner or later, why come at this time?"

Zhou Xingwen threw off Chen Xiuyan's control, seeming very angry.

"Hmph, don't be ignorant. If I really hurt you, I just need to lead someone to block this window. He looks very smart, why did he grow a pig's head?"

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