Although Zhou Xingwen was bitter and mean, he did not betray Wu Xiaoliang and the others in the end, and helped them get two carriages, and personally led the way overnight, avoiding the patrolling provincial defense troops from the small roads in the slums and turning them out of the city.

"Guess, who is the current owner of Kuanchengzi?"

Chen Xiuyan remained silent, Zhang Xueliang couldn't help asking: "Who is it? Governor Meng is still lying in Fengtian Hospital, could it be that someone took the opportunity to make trouble?"

Zhou Xingwen snorted coldly: "That's right, Meng Shu Village can't be a council member, so of course someone will miss his position. No, Gao Mingqi couldn't bear it and jumped out, colluding with the Japanese to uproot Meng Shu Village, it's a good trick."

Wu Xiaoliang was taken aback, isn't Gao Fengcheng in Mu Leng?How did he hook up with the Japanese again and seize the real power of Kuan Chengzi?It's a pity that Meng Enyuan put all his painstaking efforts towards him, but in the end he was turned back by Gao Fengcheng, an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

Chen Xiuyan was also worried. From this point of view, it would not be so easy for him to take up the post as the guardian of Mu Leng.

When they reached the main road, Zhou Xingwen got out of the carriage, cupped his hands in a vain bow, "Take care all the way!" After saying that, he left without looking back.

Zhang Huaitong poked his head out from the car shed, stuck out his tongue and said: "This man is really strange, he obviously saved us, but he seems to be worried if we don't want us to hate him."

Zhang Xueliang shook the reins, and said with a smile, "What are you doing with him? If you leave this Kuanchengzi, you will be Tian Gao Ren Yuyue." He still has a lot of playfulness, and thinks that driving a carriage is very interesting.After the carriage driven by Zhang Xueliang, Wu Xiaoliang, Chen Xiuyan, and Suzumiya Kazumi rode in the carriage.

Suzumiya Kazumi is still suffering from a high fever, waking up and fainting from time to time. Out of the professionalism of a doctor, Wu Xiaoliang will never let the patient he healed die, but the woman in front of him is a devil trained by the Japanese Army Department. Not counting the assassination of herself once, how many innocent people have been hurt by her hands, and how many Chinese people's blood has been stained on the white and slender fingers hidden in the sleeves?

It was very strange to suddenly see a beggar in ragged clothes outside in a trance, saying that he was strange because this beggar was strong and plump, even a little fat, far different from the few black and thin beggars around him.

While thinking about it, the carriage quickly left the beggar far behind.Suddenly, a shrill cry of help came from behind the car.Wu Xiaoliang was startled suddenly, and then it dawned on him that the reason was that the man was out of place in the crowd. He took out the Browning m1900 on his waist and got out of the car. As expected, the sturdy beggar had been pushed to the ground. The self-made dagger was held high, Wu Xiaoliang shot the dagger flying in desperation, the sound of the gun shocked everyone.

Beggars are used to bullying the soft and fearing the strong. When they heard the gunshots, there was no time to deal with the strong beggar. They spread their legs and ran down the road and ran for their lives under the green gauze tent, leaving the strong beggar lying on the ground in embarrassment.

The beggar stood up and saw that the person who shot and rescued him was Wu Xiaoliang, and he got up and wiped away the tears streaming down his face. He immediately had a disfigured face, and then bowed respectfully to the ground, "Thank you, sir, for your kindness in saving him. Ze is embarrassing to the chief."

It turned out to be Tantai Jize!Wu Xiaoliang hurriedly helped him up in two steps, and asked, "How did Zhongwu end up in such a situation? Didn't you retreat with the soldiers?"

"Hey! It's hard to say. I met the provincial defense army on the way, and everyone was scattered. If it wasn't for Jize's tricks, he might have been captured alive. Who would have imagined that Huluopingyang would still be tortured by these beggars and villagers." insult."

Zhang Huaitong, who rushed over when he heard the gunshots, saw that this man spoke interestingly and escaped the pursuit of the Provincial Defense Army alone. He felt that it was not easy for him to be a helpless old man, so he pursed his lips and said with a smile: "Old man, Flexing and stretching freely, is a true hero!"

Tantai Jize blushed, and quickly waved his hands in embarrassment: "You girl, you can talk so fast, I'm not a hero, the chief is a great hero!" Then he wiped his face and said with a smile: "My lord If you are young, you will not be confused, but you dare not call yourself old."

Zhang Huaitong is a little girl, she likes to call her so when she sees people who are much older than herself, although Tantai Jize is making excuses, but in fact she is not disobedient.

A burst of laughter broke the tense atmosphere caused by being hunted down, everyone continued on their way, and Tantai Jize naturally got into the carriage of Zhang Xueliang and Zhang Huaitong.

Originally, Wu Xiaoliang planned to go to Shuangyang first, and then go to Yongji from Shuangyang, looking for opportunities to take the train to Yanji. Yanji is Ma Zhanshan's territory, and he has always been in a cooperative relationship with the Suidong Army, so this route is the safest.

However, after passing through Shuangyang, they discovered that there were soldiers passing everywhere on the road leading to Yongji, and the interrogation was very strict.Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang temporarily decided to change his itinerary, and continued to travel south. After walking intermittently for two days and one night, he passed the rock.

Unexpectedly, Panshi was still in disorder and the local soldiers were collecting horses everywhere. Naturally, Wu Xiaoliang's two carriages were also included in the forced requisition.According to Wu Xiaoliang's original intention is to hand over the horse, one more thing is worse than one less thing, safe arrival in Yanji is the primary goal, who knows that Chen Xiuyan and Zhang Xueliang, the young masters, got angry and disagreed with anything, so they argued, it was convenient I am annoyed that I have to arrest a few people and go back to punish them for being a gangster.

Chen Xiuyan shot and wounded the Panshi soldiers who were snatching the horses, and the two carriages ran away, but the opponent had horses even though there were few people. How could the carriages run past the cavalry?Wu Xiaoliang had no choice but to let Zhang Xueliang drive the car and take a step ahead. He and Chen Xiuyan covered in the rear, delayed for half a day to kill the pursuers one by one, and then went on the road to chase them again.

Unexpectedly, after chasing them all the way, there was no trace of Zhang Xueliang and the others.Wu Xiaoliang quickly chased out of the rock and entered the forest area. The mountain road became more and more rugged, but it should be right to follow the same ruts.A day later, their food and water finally ran out, and Wu Xiaoliang parked the carriage beside a shack that seemed to have been abandoned for a long time.

He checked it out, and found that the hay inside had rotted away, as if no one had been there for a long time.

"Let's rest here for half a day. I'll go to the front to find some water. By the way, I'll see if I can get some food. The forest is getting denser and denser. If we continue like this, we will die of hunger and thirst. It's strange, how did Han Qing and the others go?" Take this mountain road?" Looking at the secluded and dense forest, an indescribable worry appeared in his heart.

"Hanqing is very playful, maybe he thinks the deep mountains and old forests are a good place to go." Chen Xiuyan actually made a joke, while carrying Suzumiya Kazumi out of the car. After a few days of recovery, her high fever has subsided Going down, it's just that the person is still weak and terribly weak, and it is still difficult to walk.

Wu Xiaoliang spread the cushions on the car into the shed, tidied her up and settled her down.Chen Xiuyan took out the only remaining red cannon and lit it, took a long breath, and said: "What is the origin of this woman, and we will follow her like this?"

"The one who assassinated me twice in Fengtian!"


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