The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 2 4 Square Tops

Li Zhenqing appeared suddenly, with a mirror box cannon in his hand, and everyone in the room shrank into a ball in fright.Ordinary people have never seen a gun before. Although Wu Zhongcheng and Tian Shi were trembling with fright, they knelt in front of Li Zhenqing and begged him to let their children go.

Seeing this, a one-eyed man following behind Li Zhenqing stepped forward and raised his hand and dragged the two of them aside, tied them up in twos and stuffed their mouths with rags.Wu Xiaoliang saw his parents so disregarding their lives and suffered such a great humiliation for himself, he was so moved that he was so indignant that he got up and sat up.

"Man, I was the one who called the man, and there is a charge against me, Wu Xiaoliang. Let go of my father and mother."

The one-eyed man smiled instead of anger

"Okay, it's the one with a handle." He waved his hand.

"Third brother, tie him up."

A slightly thin beard came forward to grab his arm. He was so weak that he had no strength to resist, so he had to let it be at his mercy.The third child suddenly felt a pain in the back of his hand, retracted his hand, and slapped Du Juan on the face.It turned out that this weak-looking girl bit his hand.Du Juan threw his burning and painful face in front of Wu Xiaoliang, and shouted sharply: "Brother Wu is dying of illness, you bullied him, are you still human? Thanks to your self-proclaimed heroes, I think you are all bears." "

The group of thieves in the room were taken aback by what they said.

After a lot of tossing, Wu Xiaoliang's eyes were full of gold stars, and he thought in his heart that although these strong men with beards look fierce on the surface, they act with a little sense of propriety, and they should not cause a tragedy where blood is splashed on the spot if there is a disagreement.Suppressing the fear in my heart, I breathed a sigh of relief and said weakly:

"Okay, heroes, I'll go with you. This matter has nothing to do with my parents and younger sister of the Du family. You guys, let her go."

Li Zhenqing inserted the box cannon back into his waist, walked up to Wu Xiaoliang and laughed.

"Very well, I promise you. Third, drag this woman out."

"Wait!" With a piercing sound like a broken gong, Lang Er rushed in.Lustful glanced at Du Juan, and stepped forward to touch her face.Angrily, Du Juan slapped his hand open, and slapped him hard again.The beaten Lang Er was not angry, and smiled even more obscenely as he touched his slapped face.

"Shu Tan, everyone says beating is kissing and scolding is love, sister Juan'er, when did you love brother so much?"

Wolf Two came to Wu Xiaoliang again.He raised his hand to hit him, but was caught by a strong hand, and there was a painful "ouch".Looking back, it was Li Zhenqing.

"Master Li, Master Li, the second son can't help you hold this hand, let go quickly, it hurts me to death."

Li Zhenqing withdrew his hand and looked at Lang Er expressionlessly.

"They were tied up according to your elder brother's orders. After the disposal is over, I, Li Zhenqing, owe you the wolf family. I will not owe you anything from now on."

Wu Xiaoliang's heart tightened for the word disposition, do you really want to take me up the mountain to light a sky lantern?Not allowing him to think too much, Li Zhenqing waved to the third child and the others again,

"Third, we've got the man, let's go. Take Lang Er and go up the mountain together"

Wolf Two was a little dumbfounded, begging Li Zhenqing to let him go home with snot and tears.Everyone ignored him and gathered in the corner to discuss something in a low voice.

Wu Xiaoliang, who was lying on the kang, felt that his body was suddenly lifted into the air, and Du Juan couldn't bear to see it, and cried out.Wu Xiaoliang was lifted up and hung in mid-air. Seeing Du Juan's appearance, he still reluctantly smiled at her, "Sister Du's family, I'm fine, please take care of my grandparents."

Wu Zhongzhong and Tian Shi who were tied up on the side

Tears streamed down a disfigured face already twisted by fear and grief.

"Master, mother, don't worry, I will be fine..."

Li Zhenqing didn't allow Wu Xiaoliang to continue talking, and left after mentioning him, and the third child also dragged the second wolf out of Wu's house.

Li Zhenqing threw Wu Xiaoliang to the one-eyed man, and then took off his mink fur cloak and threw it over.

"Second brother, put this kid on, so that you don't have to go to the mountain, but your life is lost on the road."

Judging by the behavior of these beards, it seems that they are not heinous.Wu Xiaoliang's ups and downs became a little more stable, since he was powerless to resist, he had to wait and see the development of the situation.When Li Zhenqing passed by Jinchuan Street, he still let Lang Er go home and didn't make things difficult for him.Just tell him that he won't take care of the bad things of the wolf brothers in the future, but if there is any behavior that breaks the rules of the road, don't blame him for turning his face and denying others.

Wu Xiaoliang suddenly realized that the bearded head was afraid that Lang Er would stay and harass Du Juan.I couldn't help but regret that this bearded head was quick-witted and kind-hearted, but he didn't know how to go up the mountain and fall into the grass.In a blink of an eye, he thought of his situation again, and felt anxious for a while.

From Jinchuan Street to Sifangding, you must pass through Yushuchuan. The road is extremely difficult to walk, with criss-crossed bushes and knee-deep snow.Originally, there was a narrow trail stepped by the hunters, but due to the heavy snowfall for several days and nights, now there is only a shallow trace winding to the depths of the dense forest.The one-eyed man carried Wu Xiaoliang on his shoulders, but his feet were deep and shallow, but he walked quickly without a trace of panting.

The group of four walked for about two hours, and the youngest sighed:

"Finally home, this villain can freeze to death."

Wu Xiaoliang raised his head reluctantly, seeing the darkness in front of him, there was a courtyard indistinctly, the courtyard was dark and lifeless.An unusual feeling cast over his heart, but he didn't have the energy to think about it, his head was groggy, and he just wanted to find a place to sleep quickly, even in the cowshed.In a daze, I heard Li Zhenqing discussing something with the one-eyed man, hesitating and refusing to move forward.

"Pa—" A gunshot pierced the silent night sky.Wu Xiaoliang only felt his body shake and was thrown onto the snow, and his spirit immediately revived.This was the first time he heard gunshots in his previous life.The three of Li Zhenqing got down on the ground, and the gunshots rang out sparsely.

Sifangding's hometown was raided, and the people who stayed behind in the hometown also disappeared.Despite his anxiety, Li Zhenqing still ordered the one-eyed man and the third child to lie down on the snow and not act rashly.There was a miserable howl in the darkness on the opposite side, and one of the attackers was hit.Several people bent their backs and trotted quickly towards Li Zhenqing's side under the cover of night.

Li Zhenqing and the others deserved to die, but a gunshot came from behind the other party.The attackers were confronted by enemies on both sides, but they didn't know what was going on, and quickly scattered and fled.

"Big brother, second brother, are you the third brother? I'm the fifth."

"It's the fifth child." The one-eyed man and the third child jumped up from the ground, but Li Zhenqing was still lying on the ground, his face was full of pain, and there was a big pool of dark red under his body, dripping blood all over the ground.

The one-eyed man saw Li Zhenqing lying on the ground, and realized that the problem was serious, so he hurriedly checked it carefully.He was hit by a bullet in the thigh, lost a lot of blood, and had already begun to lose consciousness.

"Big brother, big brother..." The one-eyed man sat on the snow, supported Li Zhenqing's upper body, and shook him vigorously.The iron-clad man couldn't help sobbing.

Everyone rushed to the front, blood was bubbling, Li Zhenqing was getting weaker and weaker, even the one-eyed man tore off his underwear and tied up the wound was of no avail.

Wu Xiaoliang looked at the situation in front of him and knew that the opportunity to stand up was coming, so he had to seize it.He propped up his body with all his strength and shouted to everyone:

"Everyone, take this big brother into the house, I have a way to cure him"

Only then did people notice the hostage who had been taken up the mountain.someone questioned

"You yourself are dying of illness, what can you do to save my elder brother?"

"Doctors don't heal themselves, hurry up and carry people into the house, prepare hot water for me, time is life." Wu Xiaoliang explained while urging everyone to carry Li Zhenqing into the house.After speaking, he wanted to take a step, but his body staggered and fell forward.The third child next to him was also quick-eyed and quick-handed. He supported him and ran into the house with his back on his back.

Looking at the situation in front of them, everyone can only believe in this sick man.Wu Xiaoliang commanded everyone to carry Li Zhenqing to the table in the house. The hot water needed and all available tools were quickly prepared.Everyone watched anxiously as Wu Xiaoliang was busy working on Li Zhenqing's lap, but he couldn't help at all.

About half an hour later, Wu Xiaoliang finally let out a sigh of relief, and just about to say "you're done", when his eyes went dark, he didn't know anything.

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