The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 203 The Problematic Meat Ticket

Fan Sanpao was suddenly dumbfounded, kneeling in front of Wu Xiaoliang with snot and tears.

"The boss keeps his word, I was the first to catch Yu Yi's old bastard..."

If Fan Sanpao hadn't tried his best to humiliate and ridicule Yu Yi, Wu Xiaoliang might have forgiven him, but seeing his despicable behavior, he wanted to teach him a lesson.No matter how much Fan Sanpao cries, he still orders someone to take him down.

Of course Zhang Xueliang understood the original promise, and when he came to Fan Sanpao, he smiled and said, "You pighead, we only promise to reward the person who catches Yu Yizhi with five hundred silver dollars." He picked up the ticket that fell on the ground , stuffed it into his skirt, and patted hard again.

"Okay, now the promise is fulfilled."

Fan Sanpao languished on the ground, regretful in his heart.Someone saw his distraught appearance and couldn't help laughing:

"Brother Sanpao, why are you not awesome anymore? Where did your energy go?"

"What's so awesome, Sanpao is now the eggplant wilted by Shuang, it's home."

The captives burst into laughter.

The Suidong army smashed Lao Linzi's scorpion, and set off a big fire when they left early the next morning, burning the entire cottage to a clean slate.After screening, the minions were dismissed on the spot, and the leader was escorted away to be sent to the official.For a gang of this size, big and small leaders have criminals with blood on their hands, so of course they can't let them go.

When the group returned to the stagecoach inn, the small inn was packed to the brim, and a catastrophe disappeared without a trace. Yima Town, so the Suidong Army sat down with several high-level officials in Yima Town to study the next step.

Zhang Xueliang also attended the meeting as a matter of course, and was the first to put forward his opinion. He believes that the most important task at present is to rush back to Suidong. There can be no further delay; secondly, and most importantly, it is definitely not a good thing for an army to lose contact with its own army for a long time, and this is also a mistake Wu Xiaoliang often makes.These words hit the nail on the head, Chen Xiuyan and Tantai Jize agreed with his analysis.

Wu Xiaoliang had a different opinion. He cleared his throat and said, "I think our top priority now is neither returning to Suidong to stabilize the situation in Shuangcheng, nor escaping from Gaofengcheng's sphere of influence immediately. What we need to do most now is The first thing is to let Xiuwen take over as Mu Leng's guardian envoy as soon as possible."

As soon as Wu Xiaoliang said this, many people didn't take it seriously, thinking that Mu Leng's small place, how could it have such an important position?It is difficult for Chen Xiuyan and Zhang Xueliang to understand that Mu Ling is more important than Suidong?

In order to solve the doubts in everyone's mind, Wu Xiaoliang continued to explain patiently: "From the perspective of Mu Ling itself, it is indeed a small place, but this city is located on the throat of Jilin and Suidong on the Middle East Railway, and it can be controlled at critical moments. East-west traffic, supplies and soldiers all have to pass through here.”

Chen Xiuyan was the first to raise an objection: "In Weizhong, there is a sea route in Suidong for the transportation of materials, and the voyage from Tianjin to Vladivostok is only two or three days and nights. If you transfer from the Middle East Railway to the South Manchuria Railway, and then from the South Manchuria Railway to Beijing Fenglin Railway The railway, the delay in the middle is not counted, and the way passes through the sphere of influence of several warlords, who can guarantee that the goods transported will not be intercepted, this alone, the Middle East Road is very tasteless for us."

In Chen Xiuyan's opinion, nothing is as important as coming from the base camp. At the beginning, he was extremely dissatisfied with being the guardian envoy of Mu Leng, but he only accepted the job in order to come to the Northeast as soon as possible. However, it is true that Wu Xiaoliang values ​​this position so much. Much beyond his expectations.

Wu Xiaoliang thought further in his heart. Controlling the Middle East Railway across Northeast China is equivalent to controlling the lifeline of traffic from Suidong to Mongolia. As he remembered well, Mongolia will soon be in chaos. For those who can take on great responsibilities, when Xu Shuzheng wants to recover Mongolia, the Suidong Army will inevitably take a share.This is his first point of purpose.

While regaining Mongolia, he also hoped to get in touch with Kolchak, who had established a regime in Omsk. Although Kolchak had a strong army at this time and a well-equipped 30 army was ready to counterattack the Soviet Red Army at any time, he knew that Kolchak's 30 troops will be wiped out by the Soviet Red Army led by Lenin within two years. In the end, Kolchak also ended up being thrown into a lake and died tragically.

What Wu Xiaoliang hopes is to change this ending. He does not want to see a unified and powerful Soviet Union appear on the border of China. Only in this way can the 150 million square kilometers of land looted by imperial Russia be fully recovered. Return to the embrace of the motherland.

Of course, these thoughts are a bit far away. Even if Wu Xiaoliang said it, everyone here will think it is a fantasy. After all, the Suidong Army is only a small force among many local warlords in China. What about counterbalance?

While unable to convince everyone, Wu Xiaoliang acted arbitrarily for the first time, rested for a day, and went to Yanji tomorrow to borrow troops from Ma Zhanshan to surprise Mu Leng. He clearly wanted to send a signal to everyone that Wu Xiaoliang was determined to win the place of Mu Leng .

The atmosphere of the meeting was very disharmonious, and it almost broke up in the end.When Wu Xiaoliang was the only one left in the room, there was a soft knock on the door.

Wu Xiaoliang stood up and opened the door, only to find Suzumiya Kazumi at the door. The loose men's clothes still couldn't hide his delicate and plump figure, and a pair of tall and straight peaks bulged the front breasts attractively.She flicked her temple hair.

"May I come inside?"

"Of course." Wu Xiaoliang stepped aside to let her in, but he was muttering in his heart, wondering what this Japanese female agent is doing here?Her injury is getting better day by day, should we take compulsory measures against her again?

Of course Suzumiya Kazumi didn't know what Wu Xiaoliang was thinking about how to deal with her, so after entering the door, she bowed at ninety degrees.

"Thanks to Mr. Wu for taking care of me these days..." A long series of words of thanks chattered endlessly.

Although this woman wanted to assassinate him several times, Wu Xiaoliang's feelings towards her were not bad. He was afraid that this woman would say something like a promise, so he interrupted her non-stop thanks.

"Miss Hemei, it's okay to talk if you have something to say."

Suzumiya Kazumi put away her smile, narrowed her gaze, and blurted out: "There is something wrong with the hostages you rescued in the old forest."

"what is the problem?"

Wu Xiaoliang was very surprised, what could be wrong with those kidnapped meat tickets, not to mention that there was a poor woman who was mistaken for Huatong and raped.

"Because they are all Japanese."

Suzumiya Kazumi spat out nine words one by one.

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