The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 213 A Bad Sneak Attack

In the end, Zhang Ergou ignored Wu Xiaoliang's advice, and led his people away from the unnamed hillside, and went straight up the mountain after a fork in the road. Their camp should have taken another road, but out of caution, he pointed Wu Xiaoliang to the opposite road.In his opinion, attacking the heavily defended Wudaogang Gold Mine Village from the main road is extremely stupid. He couldn't understand how Wu Xiaoliang's more than 100 regular troops would smash eggs into rocks.

In fact, Wu Xiaoliang did not know that the Wudaogang Gold Mine was at the end of the road, and the map obtained in Muling was relatively old. Since the establishment of the Northeast Company, the Suidong Army has built a large number of coal mines and gold mines in Suidong and the Suifen River Basin , and timber logging sites, Wudaogang Gold Mine is one of these many new factories and mines, so it is not marked on the map. This lag in timeliness of the map almost caused a devastating blow to the entire security guard.Since then, drawing up-to-date maps has been a top priority for Wu's army.

Relying on Zhang Ergou's familiarity with the terrain, he quickly led thousands of miners to the rear of the Wudaogang Gold Mine. He has been on this road several times and observed the fortifications in the village over and over again. , Seeing the high wooden watchtowers built around the stockade, and the neat partition fences sandwiched inside, dividing the internal space of the yard into pieces, such a tight defense made him cancel the attempt to seize the stockade several times. idea.

This time he decided not to give up the opportunity. The battle in the afternoon proved that these people were nothing more than thin-skinned stuffed buns, vulnerable to a single blow, and a single charge could make them retreat quickly even though they were armed to the teeth.On the way here, Zhang Ergou once again concluded that the reason why they were defeated so easily was probably because of the overwhelming momentum of thousands of people, which frightened these old men who looked strong but were not confident.He summed up a piece of experience during these days of screaming together in the mountains and forests. Morale plays an irreplaceable and important role in a team.

Through the slightly sparse birch leaves on the side of the mountain, the red light of the setting sun has gradually dimmed. He can't wait any longer. Once the sky is completely dark, his brothers will have difficulty seeing things. Due to malnutrition, almost all All the miners suffer from night blindness, so their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, so he has to launch the attack just before the sun completely sets.

Green smoke was coming out of the chimneys in the village, it was the time to rest and eat, how could Zhang Ergou miss the opportunity, and eating while Lao Maozi was a good time to kill them.

"Brothers, don't quarrel, all come with me!" But he was thinking silently in his heart, Gou Wazi, Brother Er Gou is going to kill Maozi again.

More than a thousand people, like ghosts and ghosts, ran out of the dense bushes and approached the village without a sound.

The west side of Wudaogang Gold Mine Zhaizi is adjacent to the Suifen River, and the north side is a steep slope of several meters high mountain ridge fault.The gate of the village is at the opening of the mountain ridge in the north. If you go south from the north, you have to turn around a mountain pass to see it. In military terms, the gate of the village is very easy to defend and difficult to attack.At the same time, because of the dangerous terrain on the west and north sides, the fences are relatively low and can be easily crossed.As long as the five dangers can be guarded, the east and south sides of Yimapingchuan Meadow are built with wooden side walls as high as two people.

The place where Zhang Ergou and the others rushed down was the one-person-high fence on the north side. They jumped from the fault, climbed over the fence, and quickly poured into the courtyard. When Soviet and Russian soldiers found out, more than 200 people had already jumped into the courtyard.

The tongue trembling language of the Soviet soldier's exclamation resounded over the entire Wudaogang Gold Mine, and then his voice stopped abruptly. A bullet hit the forehead, preventing him from continuing to exclaim. However, this exclamation The call still alarmed the Soviet Russian soldiers.

A group of heavily armed soldiers came chaotically from the large barracks. Their first reaction was to run to the north gate of the village, but they were caught off guard by the sudden bullets from the side on the way.

After the confused Soviet Russian soldiers figured out the direction of the bullets, more than [-] miners jumped into the yard. Zhang Ergou took the lead and led the people to rampage in the yard.Although the Soviet Russian soldiers looked disheveled in military uniform, they were well-trained. After the initial panic, they quickly began to attack in an organized manner in squads.And all the gates on the fence partitions in the courtyard were sealed to limit the range of actions of the sneak attackers.

Soon the Soviet soldiers stabilized their positions, and Zhang Ergou, who led the rampage, was limited to a small area, not near the river, but also far away from the fence near the mountain and the main force of the miners. .

Only then did he realize that he and the brothers who rushed in first had been divided and surrounded by Lao Maozi. At first he didn't care much about how many people could be stopped by a mere fence, so he immediately ordered people to demolish and destroy it.

But the Soviet Russian soldiers didn't give them much time!Intensive gunshots sounded soon, and the miners brothers who were dismantling the fence immediately fell down a large area. They tried several times to continue the dismantling, but the result was that they paid more casualties.The enemy's firepower was very fierce. At the side wall of the fence on the north side, a large number of miners were suppressed by the intensive firepower and couldn't move.And Zhang Ergou, who was separated in the middle, was also suppressed and had no choice but to lead his brothers to find cover and shoot Lao Maozi.

At this time, Zhang Ergou calmed down completely, his heart was cold, he never thought that the situation would develop to this point, he wanted to steal the camp, but he was trapped in the camp, and he might be in danger of being wiped out.

Seeing more and more old men gathering in the yard, Zhang Ergou felt a burst of despair, regretting that his rival should have been careless, and the brothers he killed would die with him. How could these men be so fierce?In the afternoon, they weren't so strong, and they were scared to death after only one charge.

But this time they didn't even have time to charge, and they were defeated inexplicably, and it was a disastrous defeat after the sneak attack failed, and a sense of powerless frustration emerged spontaneously.

Unwilling to be confined to this small area, Zhang Ergou began to organize people to counterattack forcefully.

"Second Li, third brother Zhao... you guys go to the north to tear down the fence."

Then a few more people were ordered.

"You cover from behind, and you must ensure their safety."

See those people nodding their heads, but Zhang Ergou's heart is bleeding. I'm afraid these brothers will be more dangerous if they send them up, but if not, everyone will die here. He gritted his teeth and waved to the remaining people .

"The rest follow me to the south and break down the fence on this side, and victory is in sight."

When everyone heard Zhang Ergou shouting like this, a sinking heart floated up again.

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