"There are a few Japanese pigs who understand Russian, don't worry..."

Tsukada Gong is a top student at the Imperial Army University, and he has dabbled in Chinese, Russian, English, German and other languages, especially Chinese and Russian. Because the main enemies of the Empire in Asia in the future must be these two countries, so he studied in the two countries. A lot of work has been done on the language.

Hearing the whispers of the soldiers outside, Tsukada Kou suddenly felt tense again, and an extremely bad premonition rose up. The situation seemed to be out of control, and his anger gradually burst out. He immediately wanted to question Marino. What the hell is going on with Vowski, but reason tells him that he cannot do this. The first thing he can do now is to find out the truth of the matter and leave here safely.

So he tiptoed to the door, and the intermittent Russian words that came into the room finally became clear.

"Comrade leader cooperates with the Communist Party. Many comrades can't figure it out. Yesterday they fought to death, but today they turned around and became allies again."

"There are many things that I can't figure out. As loyal Bolshevik party members, we must obey all the decisions of the organization. We must implement what we understand, and we must implement what we don't understand!"

"Yes, this is the biggest difference between us and those bandits, because only we are the real Bolshevik fighters! I'm afraid that Japanese pig won't be able to wake up tonight. Let's find a place to sleep and come back tomorrow morning. If you don’t tell me, no one will know.”

"Don't worry, Comrade Leader led people to kill Japanese pigs. The barracks will receive countless Japanese pigs tomorrow morning. How can anyone care about us..."

The sound of Hache gradually faded away with the footsteps, but Tsukada Gong was terrified when he heard it, and he couldn't care less about his anger. He finally understood that the soldiers who attacked Vladivostok had been caught in a trap, and they were already in danger.

Tsukada Gong lay by the door for a full 10 minutes. After hearing no more movement, he pushed open the door and slipped out quietly. The Soviet Russian military camp was complex and well-prepared, and no one noticed that someone escaped quietly. Barracks, ran straight to the south.

The sound of guns from the south of the barracks came intermittently, and the battle was coming to an end. Lieutenant Matsumoto Koichi looked desperately at the few soldiers around him. He had already decided to break the jade for the empire just a moment ago.

An hour ago, the two brigades led by Matsumoto Koichi still gained the advantage on the battlefield under the strong firepower of the Chinese. Just when they were about to make the final blow, the voice of "Ula" suddenly came from behind. , Immediately afterwards, shells like hail fell on them, blasting countless soil, and the shrapnel harvested the lives of Japanese soldiers.

The attack of the last attack was disintegrated in an instant, and then Koichi Matsumoto discovered in disbelief that the Chinese soldiers had abandoned their positions and charged towards the imperial soldiers. sound, and getting closer.

Koichi Matsumoto never imagined that he would be flanked back and forth on the battlefield. He could already see the faces of Chinese soldiers clearly, and a sense of powerlessness arose spontaneously. Then he realized that he was afraid again, and his sense of shame once again defeated him. Despite the fear in his heart, he came from a family of warriors, and as an imperial soldier, he must not discredit the family.

As a result, Lieutenant Matsumoto, who regained his courage once again, led his soldiers to switch from offense to defense, and put up a tenacious and fierce resistance.In the end, under the relentless blows from the front and rear, the Japanese soldiers under his leadership lost all their lives, ammunition and food.

Matsumoto drew out his command sword and knelt on the ground, compared his abdomen, and decided to die in the most dignified way for a samurai, laparotomy!The surviving soldiers all looked at the chief who was about to commit suicide with admiration, and no one stopped him, because everyone knew that he was safeguarding the last dignity of the imperial family.

The slender command knife was reversed, placed horizontally on the left side of the abdomen, and the right arm was strengthened. Matsumoto clearly felt the pain of the knife point piercing the skin. Something suddenly hit it hard, and then the piercing pain quickly spread throughout the body, and the command knife fell to the ground with a "bang", and the strength of the whole body seemed to be drained in an instant.

Matsumoto let out a weak sigh in his heart.

"I was shot..."

He looked at the increasingly blurred world with great nostalgia. The outlines of the soldiers were no longer clear. He only felt that someone was supporting him and calling for him vigorously, but the sound became more and more distant, until it was dead silence and darkness.


In the unnamed highland bunker at the port of Vladivostok, Wu Xiaoliang observed the battleship Hanoi in front of the telescope in the bay not far away.Fang Qidao and Yin Chengfu shook their heads again and again. Now everyone is worried about the success or failure of fighting the landing Japanese army, but he, the leader of the army, only cares about that big toy.

Wu Xiaoliang suddenly shouted excitedly: "Zhenzhi, come and see, it's exploded!"

There was a burst of flames around the Hanoi ship in the field of vision.

Seeing that no one paid attention to him, Wu Xiaoliang didn't care, raised his hand to check the time, continued to smile and said: "Qianting should also be ready, this time I will give this big guy a fatal blow." Seeing that everyone has not responded yet , Wu Xiaoliang asked: "Do you know how much it costs to make this big iron lump?"

Someone immediately paid attention to the money, and a senior staff officer asked, "How much does it cost to build a ship?"

Wu Xiaoliang stretched out two fingers and made a horoscope, and the staff officer grinned: "Hey, how many troops is enough to make such a lump of iron for 800 million yuan?" After finishing speaking, he saw Wu Xiaoliang shaking his head with a smile, and thought: No Could it be that 800 million is 80?No way, looking at this size, you can sell scrap iron for 80 yuan, right?

"Could it be 8000 million?" The senior staff officer asked in a low voice.

Wu Xiaoliang nodded in satisfaction: "Exactly, such a battleship is worth 8000 million yuan, killing one is equivalent to killing dozens of Japanese divisions."

Everyone gasped, not because this big iron lump was so expensive, but because it was so expensive that the Japanese were willing to make it, which is unimaginable.

Wu Xiaoliang waited for everyone to sigh and ordered: "Hang up the battery and ask them to get ready. Once the signal flare is sent out on the Hanoi, they will start shooting. Also, tell them to hit the spot."

The concealed naval guns on the Vladivostok fort were all pulled out of the bunker under the cover of night, and the shooting elements were adjusted according to the positions calculated during the day, and the guns were pulled and fired as soon as the signal came out.

While the fort of the Suidong Army was preparing for shelling, the hatch of the command room of the Hanoi was slammed open from the outside, and a group of soldiers in gray uniforms rushed in with machine guns in their hands, pointing their guns at everyone. A major officer tried to draw his gun to resist, but the machine gun exploded, and he was instantly beaten into a bloody man.

Miyake Mitsuji and Hashimoto Takaichi were stunned by this unexpected situation.

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