The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 239 The Mi Event

Toyama County, in the middle of Honshu Island, faces Siberia across the sea. The scattered fishing villages along the coast mostly make a living from fishing. Men have gone to sea as early as mid-July, but for some reason, there are not many fish caught in the sea this year.

Kengo Mizukawa, who just turned 20 this year, is one of the fishermen who have been fishing for generations. He did not go out to sea again because of a leg injury, but stayed in the fishing village to recuperate. So he sat at the door all day to pass the boring days. The rent has risen ridiculously, and there is no income this month, and the family has run out of food. At this time, he is worrying about tomorrow's rations.

"Mizukawa-san's injury is much better!" The clear and joyful voice made him immediately recognize that it was Hanako next door. The girl put her hands in front of her belly, and two lovely dimples appeared on her smiling cheeks. She nodded slightly, But in a hurry.

"Where is Miss Hanako going in such a hurry?"

"I heard that the town is planning to transport the rice to other places, and the aunts discussed to go begging for rice together, but it's too late, take care of Shui Chuan-san..."

Mizukawa Kengo looked at Hanako's back and her tiny steps, and shook his head. Everyone must be out of food.However, Mizukawa Kengo did not expect that the back of this small step was the last image left by Hanako. The lovely girl never came back to this peaceful small fishing village.

In Tokyo, the Prime Minister Terauchi Masahiro has been struggling recently. At the same time he ordered to send troops to Siberia, there was a small-scale commotion in Toyama County, which is across the sea from Siberia in the central part of Honshu Island. Due to the rise in rice prices, fishermen gathered Stand up and ask the government to stabilize rice prices.

However, the authorities did not pay much attention to this seemingly unexpected riot. As a result, it was like the fuse on the powder keg, which immediately ignited the unrest in the whole country.On the evening of August [-]th, thousands of citizens in Osaka rioted. They shouted "Down with the mayor", "Punish Minister of Agriculture and Commerce Ren Nakakoji", and "Reduce the price of rice".On the same day, a large-scale rice grab broke out in Kobe.

A countercurrent is about to move across the country, and by the time the temple gets enough attention, the situation is irreversible.He had just received a report of a bloody clash in Nagoya. The army had gone out into the streets to disperse the rioting citizens, but the citizens had put up a fierce resistance, resulting in hundreds of casualties.

"Your Majesty, the situation is irreversible. Riots have occurred in Osaka, Nagoya, and Kobe because of the price of rice, and they are spreading across the country. To make matters worse, Hara Kei has seized on this issue and continues to attack the cabinet in the Imperial Diet , if measures are not taken immediately, everyone may be overwhelmed..."

Matsumoto Tsuyoshi, a member of the Imperial Assembly, is analyzing the current situation, and he has already developed an inexplicable worry about the way forward.

The expression in the temple was very complicated. He looked out the window and said firmly: "It will be redeemed. The empire sent troops to Siberia. As long as the news of the victory spreads back to the country, the opposition voices of those young people will be suppressed."

Matsumoto Tsuyoshi lit a cigarette and did not answer, but he still agreed with the Prime Minister Temple's thoughts.Indeed, the cabinet desperately needed a victory to boost morale.

"General Otani is about to leave tomorrow. I believe his departure will definitely make the empire's military operations in Siberia more perfect!"


The Japanese army on the Hanoi is still stubbornly resisting the attacks of the soldiers of the Suidong Army.The Suidong Army captured the second and third decks one after another, and the follow-up personnel searched and cleaned up the remaining Japanese leaking soldiers one by one.

Wu Xiaoliang attached great importance to the operation against the Hanoi, and personally came to the ship to boost the morale of the soldiers.

"At present, only the coal bunker, engine room, and part of the sailor's rest cabin are still in the hands of the Japanese army. In order to avoid damage to the engine room, our soldiers have more concerns when attacking, so the progress is slow."

Li Zejun reported the basic situation, and he was very anxious. The battle that he thought could be resolved at dawn dragged on until the afternoon.

Yin Chengfu, who was on the side, suggested: "Can you bring Captain Ryuichi Hashimoto here and let him shout out to completely destroy their morale?"

"It's a good idea, you can try it, I'm afraid that these motherfuckers will be destroyed!" Li Zejun agreed.

Wu Xiaoliang also thought it was feasible, but due to his deep impression on the Japanese, he didn't hold much hope for this strategy.

Half an hour later, Ryuichi Hashimoto was politely invited to the deck of the Hanoi. The captured captain had a desolate but calm expression, neither panicked nor panicked.

Hashimoto Takaichi looked at the warship he lost with his own hands, with mixed emotions in his heart.At first, he didn't pay attention to this young General Wu. As one of the captains of the most powerful battleships in the Imperial Navy, he was the best among all Imperial Navy officers. opponent.

As early as 13 years ago in the naval battle against Tsarist Russia, Hashimoto Ryuichi, as a sailor on the flagship "Mikasa" under the command of the commander of the First Fleet Togo Heihachiro, had achieved remarkable glory. warships, including the flagship of the Russian Pacific Fleet, the Prince Suvorov, became the first sailor to be awarded the Order of the Rising Sun.

Now he has become a captive of the Chinese people in a daze, and all his former glory has been wiped out overnight. After understanding the intentions of the Chinese people, he raised the corner of his mouth in disdain.

"Although as a defeated general, I will not order the soldiers to lay down their weapons. It is their destiny to be loyal to the emperor!"

Li Zejun asked unceremoniously: "Then why don't you be loyal to the emperor?"

Hashimoto Takaichi was speechless.

Wu Xiaoliang had never planned that these senior Japanese officers would turn against him. Since Hashimoto Ryuichi was unwilling to cooperate, then this strategy should be abandoned.According to Li Zejun's idea, he would take measures against him and force him to submit, but Wu Xiaoliang flatly refused,

Not only did Wu Xiaoliang not torture Ryuichi Hashimoto, but he said to him with a pleasant face: "Hashimoto, the warlords under my command have strong thoughts, don't worry, the prisoners of the Suidong Army must be the most comfortable prisoners of war in the world. During this period, your personal safety will be guaranteed, and you will receive more preferential treatment, medical treatment, food, etc. from the Suidong Army. If you need anything, just mention it to the guards. You are a senior enemy officer, and you will be punished according to the regulations. special care."

Wu Xiaoliang kept chattering. He was imitating the red army back then. The benefits of preferential treatment of prisoners of war are self-evident, so he decided to set an example for the treatment of these captured personnel. It is like surrendering, eating and drinking, and giving medical treatment.He didn't notice that Ryuichi Hashimoto's face had turned purple and black. In his opinion, the Chinese were deliberately humiliating him. There was so much nonsense in the treatment of prisoners. A bowl of rough rice in a cell was enough.

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