The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 243 Prelude to Resurrection

Wu Xiaoliang was excited, "So, is Your Excellency the Duke willing to help?"

He knew that Petrov had participated in the Russo-Japanese War back then, and was said to have been a prisoner of the Japanese, but he did not expect that he was still in the navy.Judging by his current status and status, he was at least a captain back then.

Sure enough, Petrov was silent for a while, and the cigar was quietly burned between the index finger and middle finger.

"I was the captain of the Admiral Ushakov. The warship was sunk by the Japanese at the end of the naval battle. I was seriously injured and transferred to the destroyer Ulyan. In the end, the entire destroyer was captured by the Japanese..."

Hearing what Petrov said, Wu Xiaoliang thought, the rumor is indeed true, he didn't interrupt, but continued to listen quietly to Petrov's narration.

"Baron Nevsky was the captain of the destroyer. After we were released after the war, the imperial government ordered us to stay in Siberia." Petrov's eyes dimmed for a while.

Wu Xiaoliang understood that they were actually exiled by the tsarist government, but now it is a blessing in disguise. The old officers who stayed in Europe were shot and killed, and those who were sent to prison were sent to prison.It is a blessing in misfortune that Petrov and Nevsky can still control some troops and resources while staying in Vladivostok.

It's just that Petrov is old, can he still suffer from the hardships of being on the ship?

Petrov seemed to see Wu Xiaoliang's worry, and said with infinite desolation: "I am only 50 years old now, if I hadn't lost that naval battle, I would have no problem working in the navy for another ten years, which is better than being the governor. "

Then he asked again: "I don't know how the overall situation of this ship is?" This was what Petrov was really worried about. A ship being captured after a major war would not be an understatement compared to being damaged.

"The No. [-] turret and the ammunition storehouse were all flooded and the rudder blades and blades were damaged. There were several water leaks in the midship, and the rest were in good condition."

Wu Xiaoliang didn't know much about warships, but he only knew about these situations, so he listed them one by one.The situation is far better than Petrov expected. Except for the troublesome water entering the No. [-] turret, the others are minor problems. The shipyard in Vladivostok can solve these basic maintenance.

Thinking of this, Petrov laughed. After the Far East Pacific Fleet was wiped out, according to the order of the tsar, the shipyard should be disbanded, but he still has hope in his heart. He believes that one day, the Imperial Navy will re-establish the Pacific Ocean. Once the fleet is disbanded and there is a technical fault, then the loss will not be just a shipyard, so under his insistence, it has been retained.It's just that I didn't expect to serve this young Chinese general.

Petrov knew that with the fall of the Tsar, it would be difficult for him to join the navy in his lifetime, and he would be ashamed to have his own warship. Now he does not want to let go of this opportunity. Owning a truly advanced battleship is his long-cherished wish. .

It is even easier to have sailors. There were eight hundred old sailors scattered in Vladivostok. I believe that as long as Petrov, the rear admiral of the navy, issued a call-up order, the imperial sailors would be obliged to do so.

"General Wu, please take me to the warship immediately, I want to check the damage of the ship first!"

Wu Xiaoliang was overjoyed, he had never expected to get an experienced battleship commander, and this person was Petrov, he was very interested in this candidate.This person is a well-mannered gentleman, and he is the most suitable candidate to take the lead in organizing the reconstruction. Considering his age, Nevsky, who is in his prime, can be assigned as his assistant.

Petrov was so excited that he didn't even change his clothes. He hurriedly put on his coat and followed Wu Xiaoliang straight to the port of Vladivostok.

The evening wind at the end of summer was already carrying a hint of coolness, piercing through Petrov's thin coat, but this coolness was immediately dispelled by his blazing fiery heart.Against the background of the moonlight and lights, a huge steel ship docked quietly in the harbor, exuding a long luster.Petrov sincerely praised:

"So beautiful!"

Petrov had an unreal feeling. From this moment on, does the huge battleship in front of him belong to him?He excitedly described his judgment on the Hanoi:

"Looking at the size, the displacement must be at least [-] tons. My God, the Japanese were able to produce such a large warship earlier."

"one two three four……"

While counting the main gun barrels of the battleships, Petrov marveled at the speed of the rise of the Japanese. Building a warship is not just a simple matter of building a ship, it is directly linked to a country's industrial capabilities and science and technology No matter what, the country that can produce such a warship early cannot be underestimated. Thinking of the frequent civil strife in his motherland, I feel a little pain in my heart.

"My God, there are twelve 360mm naval guns. If they are fired at the same time, eight guns will be aimed at the enemy ship on each side. What a terrifying firepower it will be!"

Petrov sincerely admired it.

Wu Xiaoliang handed over the repair work of the warship to Petrov, and explained that no matter if you need money or people, you can come to him directly.The old guy seemed to be ten years younger in an instant, and his face immediately glowed with a brilliance he had never seen before.

Petrov readily agreed. Since he could no longer put on the shirt of war for the motherland and take charge of the battleship, being a mercenary could completely fulfill the ocean dream that had been suppressed in his heart for more than ten years.He didn't ask Wu Xiaoliang if he could keep the warship, and how he would deal with the Japanese who were about to launch a crazy revenge, because in his deepest consciousness, this was an unsolvable math problem, and all the power of the entire empire was spent on it back then. Lost to them, how can the small Vladivostok resist the mighty Japan now?

He didn't ask because he wanted to leave a little hope in his heart, and he didn't want to despair too early!

Wu Xiaoliang was also worried about this issue. After returning to the newly established headquarters of the Suidong Army, he immediately held the first military meeting after the war, and put the issue of disposing of warships at the top of his list. Although he had already made up his mind, But it still needs to be discussed at the meeting, and he must obtain the support of his subordinates.

The resistance was as strong as expected, and Wang Huaishi, the mayor of Suidong and supervisor of Northeast Company, was the first to jump out.

"Absolutely not feasible. First, Suidong cannot bear the cost of repairing such a huge warship, and the Northeast Company can't afford the spare money; second, why would the Japanese sit back and watch our warship as their own? Arabian Nights!"

Yin Chengfu expressed support for Wang Huaishi's point of view, Fang Qidao sat behind the conference table smoking a cigarette silently and said nothing, only Li Zejun expressed the support of the army for Wu Xiaoliang's decision, but he could see that Li Zejun felt the same in his heart I don't take it for granted.

Wu Xiaoliang didn't expect the resistance to be so great, and he regretted why he had to create a democratic atmosphere in the Suidong Army and discuss freely, but now he is in a cocoon!

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