The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 253 Opposition

The Japanese prisoners of war saw that Chief of Staff Tsukada frequently entered and left the barracks to fight for their freedom. The previous hostility disappeared long ago. Just when the prisoners were full of hope for the prospect of release, an accident happened. Hundreds of soldiers with live ammunition marched into the barracks , everyone was ordered to stay in the room, and they were not allowed to come to the courtyard without permission.During the day, the guards were strict, and at night, there was a post every three steps, and a post every five steps. Pale searchlights were strafing back and forth on the watchtowers around the barracks.

As the commander of Miyake Miyake and the senior officers of the regiment were taken away, the hearts of the prisoners of war gradually sank to the bottom of the valley.Not only them, but in the city of Vladivostok, ten miles away, Tsukada Gong's heart sank little by little. After noon, he suddenly found that he had lost his freedom. After lunch, he was about to go for a walk as usual, but was caught The soldier standing outside the door at some point blocked it politely and indifferently.

Tsukada Gong didn't know why, so he asked what happened, but the guards looked serious and didn't say a word.The situation got out of control again, and an inexplicable fear came to his heart. After assuming various possibilities, he collapsed on the kang, sighed, and despair rose in his heart. Has the mission failed?

When Tsukada Gong was thinking wildly and muttering to himself, Wu Xiaoliang was also very upset by his subordinates at the Suidong Army Headquarters.A telegram asking for help received at noon completely shattered all their fantasies. The Japanese negotiation was false, and the delay was true.But instead of attacking the Suidong Army, it attacked Temple Street at the mouth of Heilongjiang, where Malinovsky was stationed after he withdrew.

The telegram for help is very urgent. It is reported that this time the Japanese army dispatched a whole division and set up the headquarters of the Siberia Expeditionary Army. General Otani Kikuzo, a veteran of the army, was the commander of the dispatched army. Which division is it? The information is unknown. At present, the 23rd Infantry Regiment led by Major General Muto Nobuyoshi is the first to land and exchange fire with the Soviet Army. The battle was extremely fierce. The Japanese Navy dispatched two battleships as the army's fire support. Under the suppression of artillery fire, it was almost impossible to fight back against the Japanese attack, so the losses were heavy.

Malinovsky was able to have the cheek to ask for help from the Suidong Army, his new enemy, and he could already see that he was in a very critical situation, to the point where he went to the doctor indiscriminately when he was sick.

At present, the Suidong Army is basically divided into two factions in terms of opinions on this matter. One faction, led by Wu Xiaoliang, advocates sending troops for help immediately, and Li Zejun, the head of the cavalry regiment, actively supports it.Fang Qidao, chief of staff of the Suidong Army Command and commander of the Second Division, and Yin Chengfu, commander of the Third Division, opposed it.

"Brother Zhi, Brother Zhen, at present we should look at the problem from the overall situation, put aside personal emotional factors, and focus on the interests of the Suidong Army in Siberia."

Yin Chengfu shook his head disapprovingly, "What is the overall situation? Is the overall situation to save those butchers whose hands are stained with the blood of their compatriots? Weizhong, you have changed, you are now more like a cold-blooded politician."

Yin Chengfu personally led the Suidong Army to resist the Soviet Russian Army that engulfed a large number of bandits and went south. He personally experienced the tragic catastrophe. The boss can't accept it no matter what, and now he is going to help these sworn enemies.

"What's wrong with the little Japanese devils? They may not be worse than the old Maozi. Brother Weizhong said that I was acting on emotions. Why didn't you bring your personal hatred of the Japanese into the decision-making of the Suidong Army?"

Yin Chengfu was not alone in what he said. Many people in the staff headquarters had this idea, but it was difficult to say it directly.Wu Xiaoliang was taken aback by the question, yes, in his previous world, the Japanese devils began to engulf Chinese territory and massacre Chinese people more than ten years later, so now it is taken for granted that all actions are centered on containing Japan.But in this era, Japan's wolfish ambitions have not been fully exposed, and they are even well hidden. Most people in the country still have unrealistic fantasies about the devils who write evil intentions, even their own subordinates are no exception.

"Weizhong, in my opinion, this matter is negotiable. After all, the Japanese are only fighting old men. Moreover, the Suidong Army has just finished a fierce battle, and its combat effectiveness has not fully recovered. In addition, it has just completed a large-scale military expansion. We have to make another half, and we have almost no chance of winning if we send troops under such circumstances."

When Fang Qidao persuaded Wu Xiaoliang, he still paid attention to methods and methods, and his tone of words was more euphemistic than Yin Chengfu, and his analysis of the problem proceeded from the actual situation, but he still failed to grasp the key point. The Japanese attacked Temple Street. , But I want to use this as a springboard to go south in a big way.

Vladivostok is an excellent strategic location in the Far East. It plays a pivotal role in controlling Siberia. The continuous actions of the Japanese cannot be just to get a remote and remote temple street. The real purpose is to go south.

"Brother Zhi's words are wrong. From a geographical point of view, the old Maozi's center of gravity, regardless of politics, military and economy, is all in Europe. Although Siberia in the Far East is very important, it can only be placed after Europe, and all the expansion of Japan. In East Asia, especially Northeast China and Siberia are the top priorities. Therefore, given the turbulent situation in Lao Maozi’s country, their determination to defend Siberia is far less than the Japanese’s ambition to get this place. Look at Japan, That is the lesson for Northeast China and Siberia!"

After Wu Xiaoliang finished speaking, Fang Qidao fell into deep thought. Yin Chengfu still didn’t take it seriously. He felt that Wu Xiaoliang was alarmist. At the time of the Liao Dynasty, there was only Fengtian Province, and all countries in the world opposed it, and now it dares to suffer again?"

Wu Xiaoliang sighed secretly, Zhenzhi's strategic vision had been blinded by prejudice, and then he suddenly missed Li Zhenqing, if Brother Li was here, he would definitely support him, right?With the expansion of the Suidong Army, opposition to his various policies continued to grow and ferment internally.For example, Malinovsky, who let go of the Soviet Russian army, caused dissatisfaction among a large number of people, among whom Yin Chengfu was the leader.

For this army, what Wu Xiaoliang instilled in it from the very beginning was the idea of ​​serving the country and saving the nation, so when they disagreed, they would not use their own will to divert their views.This is a big taboo in the army. In the past, the Suidong Army was small in scale and the contradictions were not prominent. Now it has exploded suddenly after its rapid expansion.

Wu Xiaoliang, who was suffering from a headache, suddenly remembered the old saying that was said badly in his previous life, "If you want to fight against the outside world, you must first settle down inside"!

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