The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 280 Entering Acheng

Li San thought that Zhao Laojiu's words made sense, nodded and said: "Okay, this matter is over, but next time you have to listen to me, anyway, I am the company commander, and you are the deputy company commander..."

"Yes yes yes, I listen to you, I listen to you." Zhao Laojiu agreed repeatedly, and then leaned forward and said to Li San:

"Have you heard that, Brigadier Li used to be a beard, and he reported to the town of Dongyang with the old Maozi. He is a murderous master. If we follow him, we will definitely have great achievements."

Li San trembled when he heard this, be good to my mother, look at Brigadier Li's honest and honest appearance, why is he still such a character?Is it a blessing or a curse for the brothers to follow him?My heart began to beat a snare drum.Zhao Laojiu saw that Li San was frightened by his exaggerated words, and he was secretly proud. You, Li San, always used your status to suppress me, and finally fell into my way and made me spit shit out of fright?

The major general lying on the ground trembled when he heard Zhen Dongyang's name, how could it be him?


Wu Xiaoliang took the vanguard of the 27nd Division and quickly left the range of Zhang Zuoxiang's [-]th Division's combat bombardment. He was really careless. If Zhang Xueliang hadn't stopped him this time, he and the [-] or so soldiers of the Suidong Army who were in the vanguard would have died. To be the ghost of the underworld.

However, Zhang Zuoxiang's 27th Division is still on hold. Wu Xiaoliang can't figure it out. If he brought the 27th Division for the purpose of destroying himself, then there is a great opportunity to suddenly attack the Suidong Army. If he doesn't take advantage of it, why should he bring one What about the imprisoned eldest son?However, the most worrying thing is the extent of Zhang Zuoxiang's collusion with the Japanese.His retreat is under his control, and if he is not careful, the entire army may be wiped out after entering Outer Mongolia.

There are too many doubts and concerns, not to mention Zhang Zuoxiang and the Japanese, Tao Xianggui alone is not a fuel-efficient lamp, this kind of person has two ends, and he is used to speculative activities. Absolutely dare to stab the Suidong Army in the back, and will show no mercy.Before he knew it, Wu Xiaoliang's gaze fell on Tao Xianggui's chubby face.

When Tao Xianggui rode on the horse and saw Wu Xiaoliang looking at him, he responded with a flattering smile.

"It's almost time to arrive at Acheng, and I have already ordered people to go back and prepare a banquet immediately, so as to clean up the dust for the commander-in-chief."

"Tao Zhen is polite. Outer Mongolia's military affairs are urgent. After I arrive in Acheng, I will go directly to Hulun by train. I would like to ask Tao Zhen to prepare a special train."

Wu Xiaoliang did not plan to stay in Acheng. Regarding Tao Xianggui and Ren Fuyuan's request for asylum, he planned to transfer the second division stationed in Vladivostok to Jilin if necessary. I have never had a part in war, and the gatekeeper never ran away every time.

"Please don't worry, Commander, I will send someone back immediately. I will definitely arrange the special train as quickly as possible, fill up the coal and water, turn on the fire and stand by, and be ready to go at any time." After a series of assurances, he broke into a smile again. road:

"I still hope that the commander-in-chief will honor me and go to a banquet. Such a humble official has a good face, and it also shows that the commander-in-chief attaches great importance to Ning'a. If he wants to touch me, he must consider you, the commander-in-chief, right?"

This reason is actually very far-fetched. As early as when he encountered the 27th Division in the dense forest, he had clearly expressed his protection for the guards on the Middle East Road.It is also a helpless move to get to the bottom of it. If you want to send troops to Outer Mongolia, you must hold the Middle East Road in your hands. The section from Binjiang to Muling is also in Jilin, which is the jurisdiction of Zhang Zuoxiang. Shun, relying on the strength of the Suidong Army, presumably his neighbors have heard of his record in Suidong.

But Wu Xiaoliang is only a small brigade commander in the Beiyang government. Although he controls a large area of ​​Suidong, it is also the territory of the Russians. In the eyes of these domestic bigwigs, it is all precarious land, and the weight is naturally lighter. .On the other hand, Zhang Zuoxiang, in the former Qing Dynasty, was a battalion leader, and after the Republic of China, he was promoted to lieutenant general and division commander early, and now he has to be awarded the governor of Jilin, and he has become a dominant official in the frontier.How can we put Wu Xiaoliang, a major general and brigade commander who has only emerged in recent years, in his eyes?

Although this place is not far from Acheng, it only takes two or three hours to get there by train, but this is a team of thousands of people, with all kinds of heavy weapons, and it took a whole day to wait. Arrived in Acheng in the afternoon.Wu Xiaoliang didn't care about the fatigue after the long journey, so he wanted to lead his troops to wait for the car and set off on the road immediately.After Tao Xianggui got the news, he hurried over to hold Wu Xiaoliang alive and refused to let him go.

Wu Xiaoliang couldn't resist Tao Xianggui's kindness, so he had to stay, and the troops were cheering. Indeed, after two bombings of vehicles and one friendly shelling, and a long journey, the morale of the Second Division was almost worn out. Ah Cheng has a rest all night, and there is still wine and meat, how can he not be excited?

However, Wu Xiaoliang still issued a ban, the meat can be eaten open, and not a drop of wine is allowed, otherwise the military law will be enforced.The second division is all old people who came from Guanli with Wu Xiaoliang. Of course, they understand Wu Xiaoliang's temperament and behavior style. No drinking has become an iron law in the first division, so this ban did not surprise everyone. expected.

The Second Division originally planned to board the train at a small station outside the city out of a low profile. Since they decided to stay overnight in Acheng, there was no reason not to enter the city, but it would be too crowded for thousands of people to squeeze into a small city, so Wu Xiaoliang decided to only Take a company of people into the city and go through the motions.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the troops entered the city from the east gate, they were greeted by voices of welcome from the common people and soldiers. Whether it was organized or spontaneous, the ostentation was absolutely perfect. Tao Xianggui proudly asked Wu Xiaoliang for credit:

"Yesterday, the humble official sent someone to bring back the news that the commander-in-chief is going to enter the city. The people and soldiers were all overjoyed. They all rushed here spontaneously. The commander-in-chief and the people want it!"

After a while of flattery, Wu Xiaoliang felt goosebumps all over his body, and he had to thank Tao Xianggui for his kindness. After all, it was his kindness, so it would be meaningless to expose it.Passing through Acheng Street like a horse watching flowers, and coming outside the office of the guardian envoy, it is another scene. Soldiers in neat uniforms are lined up in two rows outside the gate of the guardian envoy.

Seeing the brigade approaching, the chief officer gave an order, and the soldiers immediately raised their guns and fired to show their welcome. The scene was extremely spectacular.Wu Xiaoliang didn't say a word, and let Tao Xianggui and others arrange a lot of red tape.It's just that no one noticed the chill in his eyes when he entered the door and took the lead.

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