The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 282 Hope in Despair

As soon as the arrangements were made, the cavalry team rushed over like a gust of wind. The horses seemed to have sensed the danger and turned around the street and stopped advancing. They raised their front hooves high and screamed strangely, protesting that the knights kept pinching their horses. The belly urges forward instructions.Immediately, the horse team that followed up was blocked into a ball and stopped moving forward.

The company commander breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the opponent didn't rush into the range. It is extremely unwise to fight recklessly in the city. If the opponent rushes over recklessly, then he will have to order the machine gunner to shoot, and the two Once the confrontation between the army sees blood, it is basically a situation where there is no end to death in such a narrow situation. It doesn't matter if a hundred or ten of his subordinates are killed or injured.

Things have come to this, Wu Xiaoliang secretly thought it was unlucky, he was really bewitched in the afternoon, why did he enter the city alone with Tao Xianggui, who was holding a honey-belly sword?Could it be that this guy played an oboe with Zhang Zuoxiang, or has he hooked up with the Japanese long ago?At this critical moment, Wu Xiaoliang's brain suddenly cleared up. I'm afraid that Zhang Zuoxiang, the Japanese, and Tao Xianggui will all come on stage after you sing, in order to take the head of Xiang Shang, whose surname is Wu.

Wu Xiaoliang's heart was dripping with cold blood. He only wanted to leave a complete territory for this country and future generations. It was only natural that the Japanese hated him and the Russians hated him, because it was he who took back what should have been from them. Things that belong to China, but domestic conspirators, why do they hate themselves?Then a voice in his head told him mockingly.

Yes, of course there is, you are in the way of others, so of course you will die in a proper way...

A shout interrupted his contemplation.

"Marshal Wu, our brothers brought you to this city with good food and drink. Wouldn't it be unfair to leave without saying hello?"

The person who spoke was Tao Xianggui, and the flattery and flattery on his face had already been slapped away, but now he had a smug smile on his face, as if everything was in his hands, Wu Xiaoliang was like a mouse under his cat's claws, and right now, good words were nothing more than nothing Before the dinner, it's just a proud play.

Before Wu Xiaoliang could speak, the company commander of the guard answered first: "At the beginning, you were the one who begged our commander to come, but now that our commander has stayed enough, we can leave as soon as we want to say hello to you? Who are you?" Onion? What kind of thoughts do you Tao Xianggui have, the big guy knows it well, why pretend to be garlic?"

"Drink! I can't see that you, a silly company commander, are still sharp-tongued? I'll tell you today, your commander really asked me if I wanted to leave this city today with the gun in my hand. Agree, ask my brothers if they agree!"

"Then what else is there to say!"

Before the company commander could finish his sentence, he took out the sniper rifle that had been opened long ago, and pointed it at Tao Xianggui. No one expected that he was still talking just now, and the next moment he took out the gun and shot Tao Xianggui, who was shot and fell off the horse. His subordinates panicked and rushed to check his life and death.

Tao Xianggui was lifted up by an adjutant, opened his mouth in pain, spat out blood, and cursed:

"Damn, it hurts me to death, you want to avenge me..."

The adjutant touched him up, down, left, and right. Except for one bullet that hit the right chest under the clavicle and another bullet that hit the left arm, the rest of the bullets were all empty. It didn't look fatal. This time he felt relieved and said happily: "My lord, you can't die, so there is no need to avenge you!"

Although Tao Xianggui was dying of pain, he felt that his whole body was still full of strength. It seemed that he really couldn't die, but how could he swallow this bad breath.

"Damn it, I've been hurt like this, I must take revenge, I'll catch those alive, I'll have cramps and skin..."

While Tao Xianggui was gnashing his teeth and fantasizing about how to deal with Wu Xiaoliang and the others, the company commander, the guards and even the soldiers had already concealed themselves, and everyone took Wu Xiaoliang as the center to protect him tightly, preparing to resist to the end.However, they did not expect that Tao Xianggui's firepower far surpassed them. The water-cooled heavy machine gun was moved up, connected to the bullet chain and the machine gunner pulled the trigger, and the bullet screen immediately blocked the entire street. The door panels of the tables and chairs were smashed, and the blue bricks on the ground were also smashed with broken stones.

However, the soldiers of the Suidong Army had no power to fight back. The few light machine guns in the machine gun squad were not enough to look at. Several soldiers hiding behind the door panels were hit by bullets. From a long distance, blood splattered everywhere, and the miserable howling even overshadowed the rattling of heavy machine guns.

Faced with such a powerful firepower, the company commander suddenly felt despair and powerlessness. He is not afraid of death. As early as that winter when he ran a business in Suifenhe, he should have died. Lived for two years.What he was not reconciled to was that he could not save the commander.Looking at the commander again, I saw that he was still sitting behind a millstone with his face unchanged, bullets were useless in front of the boulder.

Suddenly, gunshots and shouts came from behind. It was the extremely embarrassed officer who was bombarded by the infantry just now, and he rushed forward with his men, pushed the position to the edge, and set up the heavy machine gun, ready to shoot at any time. .

Seeing this scene, Wu Xiaoliang knew that this time was inevitable. Although he brought two regiments of troops, they were at the small train station tens of miles away, and their thirst could not be quenched by the water.The firepower of Tao Xianggui in the city is far superior to him, and he will be unable to resist it at first glance. At that time, he will fall into the hands of thieves. The Japanese and Zhang Zuoxiang will get rid of him quickly. If the Japanese arrest him, will he be extradited? How about a big trial in their country to avenge Vladivostok?

With this in mind, Wu Xiaoliang took out a Browning automatic pistol that he hadn't used for a long time, and was ready to kill himself at any time.While he was thinking wildly, the gunfire from Tao Xianggui's department stopped, and a captain officer stuck his head out from a distance and shouted: "Marshal Wu, you have no way out. If you resist in the corner, you will be waiting for ruthless bullets. You know the current affairs, put down your weapons, our guardian envoy said, we have already entertained you with delicious food, big fish and meat, brothers in Suidong, I can't bear to see you at this point."

Speaking of which, the captain patted his chest in a pretentious manner, wiped his eyes, and then continued: "As long as you put down your weapons and stop resisting, our guards have said that we will guarantee your personal safety..."

The company commander didn't give him a chance to continue, and gave an order: "Hit me hard!" After counting to the fire, the captain was so frightened that he quickly retreated into the temporary bunker. The plan failed, but he almost died. The Suidong Army is really hard-headed.

After a few rounds, the guard company's bullets were running low, and seeing the opponent rushing up, the company commander made the final mobilization: "Brothers, our Suidong Army has no cowards who surrender, even if we fight to the last, we must protect The commander is thorough!"

"Fight to the last man!" Everyone chorused in unison.

Wu Xiaoliang was moved for a while, but he couldn't let these living beings fall for him. He raised his hand and raised the Browning automatic pistol to his temple.

"Brothers, this is the end of the matter. After I commit suicide, you can surrender as much as you want. If you have a chance, go back to Suidong to find Teacher Fang..."

The company commander broke out in a cold sweat and snatched the pistol, "Commander..."

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