"The Japanese army came for reinforcements, and the cavalry regiment happened to block them..."

The words of the messenger were better than the bitter north wind, and the snow flakes of goose feathers hit the face cold, but quickly melted away due to the heat, turning into a puddle of snow water, which flowed all over Wu Xiaoliang's face.His heart arose again, and according to the original plan, the Japanese army would be beaten to pieces even if they were not completely annihilated, according to the original plan. All plans were disrupted.

"Can you see how many people there are on the other side? Is it the Japanese army or the White Russian army?"

"At least one regiment is full of cavalry. It looks tall and deep-eyed. It should be the White Russian Army."

In the White Russian Army in this place, if there are people above the regiment size, it must be Semyonov. How did he come by such a coincidence?In the plan, the two armies were supposed to have a decisive battle at Aksha. Now that the battle is kicking off next to this unnamed hill at the foot of Mount Kent, the decisive battle should be brought forward.But the cavalry must find a way to retreat. In this ghostly weather, a confrontation with the Cossacks is tantamount to suicide.

"Order, pass my order, the cavalry regiment will retreat immediately, and turn around to the right wing of a regiment to stand by!"


The messenger got on his horse and disappeared into the snow curtain after a few hooves.When he returned to the battlefield, the cavalry regiment had already separated from the local reinforcements. After receiving the order, they charged them collectively for a while, then turned around and ran towards the right flank of the first regiment.But the fighting spirit of this group of reinforcements did not seem to be strong, a man who looked like an officer scolded:

"Son of a son of a bitch, it's unlucky, the two of them are fighting, why should we join?"

"Shut up, Gregory, it's not your turn to speak here. It's General Semyonov's order to reconcile with those Japanese dwarfs, and no one should disobey it, but..." another big man who looked like a leader Huzi said that he showed his big yellow teeth here. After scolding the officers around him, he smiled and said, "However, since we are late, let's wait for them to decide the winner! The whole team retreats three miles!"

The captain of the Japanese army is the young Matsui Dazuo. He was ordered by the Manchuria Railway Garrison Staff Headquarters to come to Outer Mongolia to provide support for Semyonov. After guarding in the north wind for two full days and two nights, in the end, I didn't even see a ghost.The cunning General China changed his itinerary in Hulan, so he led his troops to leave, but he did not return to the Manchurian station as agreed in advance, but continued to march westward and entered the territory of Outer Mongolia. He planned to make a field trip in Outer Mongolia , While collecting information, it can also deter that Semyonov who is not obedient.

Unexpectedly, Tiangong is not beautiful. Not long after he entered the territory of Outer Mongolia, it began to snow heavily. He was mentally prepared for the difficulty of marching in winter, but he had never been to the grassland and miscalculated the south of the march. The alliance had no choice but to move forward, so they had no choice but to move forward despite the wind and snow.The heavy snow lasted for a day and a night, and the Japanese army suffered a lot for a day and a night, until the sun cleared on the third day, and they finally got rid of the nightmare-like snow. Not only was there no snow at the foot of the mountain, but even withered pastures could be seen swaying in the wind. .

Matsui was stunned by the vicissitudes and tranquility of the grassland in late autumn, but this tranquility didn't last long before it was broken by the hateful gunshots.When Matsui saw clearly that the attacker was from China, his brain was filled with anger and disdain. In his impression, the people from China were all wretched and cowardly. , In front of the imperial army, he is docile like a little sheep, ready to be slaughtered by the king.

Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang's Suidong Army departed from Matsui's perception of the Chinese squadron, and it was difficult to accept for a while. After being shocked, he did not regard the Suidong Army as an opponent when he organized resistance. When the army was definitely not a group of sheep, almost all the good opportunities were missed, and it became impossible to organize a counterattack. The scouts detected that nearly a regiment of cavalry came from the rear, and in addition to the frontal battlefield, the left wing was also blocked. Blocked by a regiment of infantry, there was a sudden danger, not to mention repelling the Chinese army in front of them, or even retreating completely would be a problem.

Just when Matsui accepted the terrible fact that he was about to be defeated by the Chinese army, and was about to die, the news brought by the scouts made his heart ablaze with hope.Semyonov's men came, and the appearance of the reinforcements greatly boosted the morale of the Matsui Regiment, which has gradually stabilized the front line. Due to the withdrawal of the Chinese cavalry in the rear, they got rid of the embarrassing situation of being attacked on both sides, and the situation is improving little by little. .


After Wu Xiaoliang learned that the White Russian reinforcements had retreated three miles, he was overjoyed. The old man was not willing to be driven by the little Japan, and this gave him a chance, so he ordered again:

"The cavalry regiment bypassed the rear of the Japanese army, tried to avoid the group of White Russian troops hiding outside the battlefield, and launched an attack on the Japanese army's right wing."

This was an excellent opportunity. There was almost six miles of middle ground between the White Russian Army and the Japanese Army. The cavalry regiment broke through the center line here. Even if the White Russian Army wanted to send troops to intercept, there was not enough time. The opportunity was fleeting, so Wu Xiaoliang keenly grasped this opportunity.

The White Russian Army's sidelines were far beyond Matsui's expectations.Unexpectedly, these seemingly loyal bearded people are so cunning. They are watching the idea at the moment. They just want to preserve their strength and reap the benefits of the fisherman. He really wants to shoot the leader of the White Russian army, but He also understands that this is not the time to act emotionally, and he must send someone to get in touch with him, so that the team he brought out can escape unscathed.

The scouts in charge of liaison hadn't returned for a long time, but the Chinese cavalry turned around to their rear again.Matsui was extremely nervous. The White Russian Army stood by and the regiment was attacked on three sides. Once again, there was a danger of total collapse. At the same time, he also abandoned his contempt for the Chinese in his heart.After being surrounded on three sides again, Matsui suddenly had a very absurd idea. He really wanted to see the general leading the troops. In the end, they lost the idea of ​​fighting to the death.

Judging from the fact that the Chinese have three regiments, at least one brigade, the opponent's military chief will be at least a major general.He guessed in his heart the identity of this mysterious Chinese general. As far as he knew, there would never be a Chinese major general in the three eastern provinces who dared to challenge the entire imperial regiment, and the Beiyang government had never heard of it being transferred again. New hybrid brigade.Who could this person be?

Matsui's heart skipped a beat, a name popped out of his mind, he immediately shook his head subconsciously, no, it couldn't be him.But in the end it was still difficult to spit out three words: "Wu Weizhong!"

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