The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 294 Eliminate Matsui

The second regiment was caught off guard by the sudden arrival of the Cossack cavalry. They never expected that these old men at both ends of the mouse would abandon the cavalry regiment and attack them.Seeing that the situation was not going well, the cavalry regiment immediately followed the Cossacks and joined the battle regiment. Unexpectedly, these cunning grassland cavalry left the front line as soon as they made contact, drew a perfect arc to the east, and rushed to the rear of the first regiment to surprise come.

This is a bit dangerous. Wu Xiaoliang's headquarters is just behind the first regiment. The sudden arrival of the Cossack cavalry turned the rear into a forward position. All the officers who saw the situation on the battlefield were sweating. .Although they all know that the guard company commander is a very powerful character and will never let the Cossacks take advantage of it, the sudden attack on the headquarters will inevitably have a bad impact on morale, and no one dares to take advantage of the Suidong Army. When the family's life was gambled and ignored, the second regiment immediately dispatched a part of the troops to detour in the direction of the headquarters.

This time the Cossacks came into contact with the battle. After the exchange of fire, they no longer retreated like a whirlwind after firing a few shots like the previous time when they contacted the second regiment. Instead, they launched a reckless attack on the entire rear of the Suidong Army.Since all the heavy machine guns of the Suidong Army are arranged at the front, only a few light machine guns can be used as suppressive firepower in the rear, but the suppressive effect on the cavalry is very limited.

This charge came very quickly. At the same time that the first group of men and horses were shot and fell to the ground, the second group had rushed over their bodies and rushed to the Suidong Army's position. The lives of the soldiers of the Eastern Army, after the arc is raised, draw an arc again from here...

The situation unexpectedly reversed unbelievably at this moment.

The staff officers urged Wu Xiaoliang to move immediately, but he still stubbornly stayed.Wu Xiaoliang secretly alerted himself in his heart. It seems that the strength of the Cossack cavalry must not be underestimated in the future. In front of these grassland ghosts, the cavalry regiment of the Suidong Army is really a motorcycle troop. They are infantry on horseback. , Combat thinking is still the routine of infantry.It seems that after this battle, it is necessary to recruit a group of Mongolian cavalry as a supplement to the Suidong Army's assault force.

The cavalry regiment of the Suidong Army came at the tail end, and the soldiers were very annoyed. They were led by the cossacks in a circle around the battlefield, and almost let them occupy the headquarters.In the actions after Lao Maozi's raid, their performance can be described as useless.It's not just the cavalry regiment that has this kind of thinking, even the second regiment has a feeling that it can't exert its strength.

The Cossacks saw that the Suidong Army would form an encirclement circle around them, so they left the battlefield without hesitation, and continued to circle the battlefield clockwise.After some tossing, the pressure on the besieged Japanese army was immediately relieved. Only the first regiment was still pouring bullets and artillery fire at them, but how could the Japanese army give up after getting such an excellent respite?

The Japanese army retreated decisively in batches, and when the Cossacks circled back to the starting point of their attack, most of the Japanese army had already broken away from contact with the Suidong Army.For the Cavalry Regiment and the Second Corps, it is already an impossible task to reopen the encirclement pocket.

Wu Xiaoliang regretted again and again, he put down the binoculars, put his hands around his mouth, and blew a breath of hot air to relieve the numbness caused by the cold.

"Let them go. I ordered the first regiment to follow and chase the fleeing Japanese army. The second regiment and the cavalry regiment withdrew to cover the two wings of the first regiment."

The guide Dolzi was excited by the successful raid of the Cossack cavalry, perhaps because of the grassland blood flowing in his veins, he had a natural preference for cavalry.Seeing such a beautiful light cavalry tactics, I couldn't help but admire it.

"Only a knight who has been steeped in horseback since childhood can master this whirlwind-like tactic."

The continuous impact of the Cossack just now seemed simple, but in fact it had to be carried out by a rider with more than ten years of experience. First, they fired on horseback. Their lances were all specially processed short-barreled rifles. Holding guns with both hands can skillfully control the direction of travel of the mount.Secondly, it is also the most difficult point, that is, after contacting the enemy, you can easily leave the battlefield, just like a sharp white blade draws a beautiful arc, cuts off a large piece, and then repeatedly cuts left and right, In this way, it not only effectively kills the enemy, but also can leave at any time without going deep into the battlefield.

Dolzi's admiration aroused the dissatisfaction of some officers around him. Isn't this making others prestige and destroying one's own spirit?

"In future wars, infantry is the king of land warfare. Sooner or later, cavalry will be swept into the dustbin of history!"

A staff officer resentedly brought out what Wu Xiaoliang said in an officer training class, and refuted Dolzi's admiration for cavalry.After hearing this, Dolji immediately retorted:

"In the current situation, it seems that other people's cavalry are the broomsticks!"

With the experience of his previous life, Wu Xiaoliang certainly knew that the cavalry would withdraw from the stage of history sooner or later, and would become almost useless in positional offensive and defensive warfare. However, in the period of the Republic of China when mobility was lacking, the cavalry still had room for use. By the end of World War II, they still had a place in the army, so it is too early to say that the cavalry will be swept into the dustbin of history.

"Stop arguing, the Japanese army is going to slip away, the whole army is preparing to march quickly, even if they chase them to the ends of the earth, they will be wiped out!"

If they were let go at this moment, it would be even more difficult if they wanted to have this excellent opportunity in the future to defeat the Matsui United.As far as he knows, the entire Manchurian defense team is nothing more than three wings in Northeast China. If one of them can be completely wiped out, it will be a unique victory, and it will make the Japanese feel that the Chinese squad It is not as weak as they imagined. Maybe this toughness and victory again and again will change the "September [-]th" and "July [-]th" a few years later.

Wu Xiaoliang once came to a conclusion in his previous life that the Japanese dared to expand their army in China unscrupulously, even launching a mutiny. The reason is that China's own cowardice without bottom line gave them ambition and arrogance.Therefore, he is now doing everything possible to express such a signal to the Japanese that the Chinese will not compromise unprincipled, and if they are violated, he will beat you until it hurts.

With this kind of thinking, chasing down and completely eliminating the Matsui unit became a means and way for Wu Xiaoliang to demonstrate against the Japanese again.But can Matsui be caught obediently?Will the Cossacks continue to fight alongside Matsui's unit?Will they turn around and stab the Japanese?Wu Xiaoliang silently asked a series of questions in his heart.

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