On the streets of Baoding, Wu Xiaoliang was chasing the black-clothed thief closely. Seeing that he could catch him, he suddenly lost his balance and fell to the ground, sitting on him alone.Wu Xiaoliang couldn't figure out the situation, so he overturned him with all his might, and saw that it was a young man in robes, full of bookishness, and asked, "Why are you arresting me?"

The young man in robe swung his fist, "How dare you rob in broad daylight, who else would you arrest if you don't?" Wu Xiaoliang tilted his head to avoid the fist, thinking that the scholar had admitted the wrong person, and hurriedly explained:

"You mistook the person, the one in black in front is the one." The owner came after panting, seeing the two pursuers pinching each other, he was inexplicable.No wonder the robed youth admitted his mistake, Wu Xiaoliang's clothes were black and tattered, and he was running fast, it would be really strange not to regard him as a thief.

The black-clothed thief climbed up the wall, saw the two who were grabbing him twisted together, and laughed and said: "Two rams, where is grandpa?" After saying that, he laughed and jumped off the big wall without a trace.The two people froze on the spot, and the owner gave them a hard look and turned away.

The young man in robes was flushed with embarrassment, and he hurriedly helped Wu Xiaoliang up. Seeing that he was so poor and still eager to help others, he secretly admired him, and apologized repeatedly: "Brothers are really strong when they are in a hurry. The kid has no eyes and no pearls. It's offensive. I still look at Haihan," he said. He bowed to the ground, the words were serious, Wu Xiaoliang couldn't accept it, he quickly jumped to the side, and supported him with a pair of dirty hands: "It's all in a hurry, I can only run away in anger, little thief, we are a pair of troubled brothers."

The young man in robes asked: "Dare to ask the strong man's name?" After saying that, he felt uncompromising, thinking that if he was a beggar who only had the name of a cat or a dog, wouldn't it be embarrassing for him?Hurry up and report your identity first, "Ding Nanxing Xing, the word is Zhizhi." Wu Xiaoliang saw that he did not dislike the identity of a beggar and exchanged names with him, he was really a man of temperament.

"Jinchuan Wu Xiaoliang, styled Weizhong."

Fang Xing was surprised when he heard that he was not only famous but also well-known. He suddenly remembered that his purse was still at the pancake stand, so he hopped and ran without looking back, "Let's go first, Brother Weizhong, we will meet later..."

After leaving the reckless scholar, Wu Xiaoliang suddenly found it funny that he was an imposing industrialist with a rich family business and was treated as a thief who robbed in the street. After he settled down, he had to send a telegram to Sun Jiayu, asking him to send some money.

Everyone in the Baoding Military Academy knew about it. After inquiring a few times, they found the school gate. The whole school was surrounded by rivers, and the gate was majestic.The vermilion lacquer gate was closed tightly, with shiny copper nails and rings on it, and willows swaying in the wind by the river, the surrounding area of ​​the military academy was peaceful and peaceful. If it wasn't for the large characters on the golden lacquer gate, Wu Xiaoliang thought he had gone to the wrong place.

While hesitating, the small window of the porter's room opened, and a head stuck out of the window: "Beggar, what about you, stay away from the gate, the big man will come later, be careful of getting beaten."

Wu Xiaoliang smiled and said, "Brother, what is the registration method for this military academy?"

Putting his head out of the window to hear the beggar's question, he smiled, "Stinky Hanako still misses the military academy, anecdote, hurry up, don't make trouble for the master here." Seeing that he still didn't walk away, he said perfunctorily:

"The school is on summer vacation now, and you can sign up when the school starts in August, and you will be accepted."

Wu Xiaoliang felt cold in his heart. He still had to wait for two months. How would he deal with basic necessities of life.He walked back dejectedly, and a large cart came in front of him. The coachman stretched out his right leg, and used hemp rope to support the branches on his leg, and swung his whip to make a beautiful whip in the air, with a clear and crisp sound.Wu Xiaoliang took a look, isn't this the old man he rescued in Beijing?

The old man also saw Wu Xiaoliang from afar and shouted:

"Little brother, can you invest in relatives?"

Wu Xiaoliang looked helpless: "The relatives are not here, so I am homeless this time."

As the mule cart approached, the old man pouted at Wu Xiaoliang, "Get in the cart."

Wu Xiaoliang didn't refuse, and sat up with one leg.

"Little brother, the old man has an idea here. If you agree, follow along." The old man said slowly, flicking his whip again.

"Old man, please speak."

The old man had a laugh: "The old man's surname is Wang, you can call him Uncle Wang." He pointed to the Baoding Military Academy in front of him and said:

"The old man works as a cook in that school, and he is in need of a helper. If you don't dislike him, follow him. He will take care of the food and shelter. After a while, he will follow up and ask you for some wages."

Wu Xiaoliang was worrying about food and lodging, but the old man was so timely, he thanked him quickly, "Thank you, Uncle Wang, my surname is Wu and my name is Xiaoliang. I was just looking for a job, so I'm sorry to bother you."

Uncle Wang didn't ask his name, because he knew that those who commit crimes and flee for their lives have taboos. Seeing that he was so honest, he flicked his whip happily, "Drive!"

Wu Xiaoliang thus became a cook in Baoding Military Academy, and followed Uncle Wang into the military academy he dreamed of through the side door.

The gate of Baoding Military Academy faces south. Wu Xiaoliang followed Uncle Wang from the north gate and entered the north courtyard. Turn right and you will see a neat row of kitchens.Uncle Wang is still the head chef here, so he asked someone to add an extra bed in his hut, arranged for Wu Xiaoliang to live with him, and explained the precautions in the military academy, and repeatedly asked him to restrict his activities to the North Campus. , trespassing on the South Courtyard is subject to military law.

Wu Xiaoliang agreed to them one by one, but Uncle Wang was still going on. He saw the mess in the house, picked up the pot from the house, went to the yard, fetched water and wiped it inside and out. Sitting down, I found some radish roots in the corner, picked them up and threw them outside the door.

"Liangzi, you don't need to clean up so carefully, just sit down and have a rest." Uncle Wang looked at this diligent little brother with satisfaction.

"If you don't sweep a house, how can you sweep the world?" Wu Xiaoliang answered seriously.Uncle Wang didn't understand, but he also knew that it was the words of a scholar, and he thought that this room might not be able to accommodate him for too long.

There were still students training in the military academy, so the kitchen and cafeteria were open as usual, and Wu Xiaoliang was arranged by Uncle Wang to serve tea and water in the cafeteria.At noon that day, a group of student officers gambled in the cafeteria after eating, comparing disassembly and reloading of guns, and Wu Xiaoliang wore a big shiny apron to watch the excitement.

One is fat and the other is thin. The pistol is a Browning m1900 automatic pistol with excellent workmanship. Wu Xiaoliang also has one. He is used to calling it a gun brand Luzi.The gun barrel, recoil spring, holster, bolt and other parts were disassembled on a table. Someone gave an order, and the fat man loaded it quickly, while the thin man loaded it slowly but steadily.

"Fatty, you lost a part."

The fat man was very angry, and found that the questioner was actually a spectator. He laughed and said: "Damn, the cook knows guns?" Then he continued: "Boy, do you dare to bet with the master?"

When everyone saw the excitement, they all booed.Wu Xiaoliang's remark was unintentional, so of course he didn't feel afraid of the fat man when he saw him competing with him.

"Why don't you dare? What are you betting on?"

The fat man giggled, like a cat teasing a mouse, "Grandpa's gun dropped parts, you lose and kowtow to admit your mistake, and yell 'Grandpa, I was wrong' three times."

The visitor was not kind, Wu Xiaoliang sneered and said, "Did you lose?"

The fat man smiled exaggeratedly, as if hearing the most ridiculous thing in the world, how could he lose?Everyone booed: "Yes, what do you count if you lose?"

"If you lose, how about kowtowing three times and yelling 'Grandpa, I was wrong' three times?"

"Okay, it's a deal."

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