The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 316 Gambler Yu Hai

Before Yu Hai's words were finished, a burst of noise came from a distance outside the forest. The gunners immediately put out their torches and drew out their guns, looking out of the forest vigilantly.Followed by the sound of messy horseshoes trampling on the ground, Yu Hai saw the situation outside through the bushes, and couldn't help but change color.

I saw dozens of horsemen from outside the forest coming straight towards them, immediately riding sabers, long and short spears leaking hostility, watching Yu Hai start a cold war, a gunner blurted out the fear in his heart.

"Horse, horse bandit!"

The most terrifying thing on the prairie is the horse bandits. They swarm in groups like locusts passing through the border, looting goods and killing people. It can be said that there is almost no reason to survive if they fall into the hands of the horse bandits, so they are not afraid.

Yu Hai is good at playing tricks and tricks, but when he meets a horse bandit who wants to kill people, he is completely helpless.Standing still and waiting to be slaughtered?In the blink of an eye, he had countless hypotheses in his mind, but none of them helped the desperate situation in front of him. It is impossible to escape by chance. The horse bandits dispatched in the middle of the night must have been staring at him for a long time. He secretly I hate myself for forgetting the word "cautious" in a moment of complacency, and the only plan for the present is to see the tricks.

While Yu Hai was still regretting secretly, the horse bandit had already rushed to the edge of the forest, firing the box cannon repeatedly, sending a barrage of bullets towards the sky.The rattling gunshot scared everyone in the forest.The gunners were usually majestic and arrogant in front of the herdsmen, but now when they met fierce horse bandits, they were all like eggplants beaten by frost, and no one dared to speak loudly.I'm afraid that the big shopkeeper will let me go forward to be cannon fodder.

Only one of the bandits shouted loudly:

"Listen people inside, we are only asking for money this time, we don't want your life, as long as you hand over all your belongings obediently, we will spare your lives, otherwise..." He said, holding up the ringing box There was a burst of random shooting when the cannon rushed into the woods.

"Otherwise, grandpa's bullets don't have eyes."

The caller turned his horse to a tall rider, bowed his head and said a few words. The tall rider was obviously their leader, but his voice was cold.

"Those who obey me prosper, those who oppose me perish!"

Don't talk about your accent, it sounds like a foreigner is speaking, Yu Hai observes carefully through the bushes, and with the light of the bandit's torch, he can see that the person is vaguely a red-haired beard, actually an old man, in this Mu Ke The horse bandits near Sa, he is also very clean, and there is only one family whose leader is an old man.

"Could it be him?"

Beads of sweat rolled down Yu Hai's face immediately. This group of horse bandits is different from any other group of horse bandits. They are independent, they don't report their numbers, and they are extremely powerful in combat. If you are robbed, you will receive all your wealth and life.

Seeing that no one responded, the horse bandits seemed annoyed. Dozens of guns fired into the forest. Dozens of lines of fire were particularly dazzling in the dark night. Yu Hai and the gunners lay on the ground with their heads in their hands in fright. He didn't dare to let out a breath, and when the gunshots died down, he sighed inwardly. If you lose your property, you can earn it back. If you lose your life, you will lose everything. So he groaned and shouted:

"Heroes outside, don't shoot. We surrendered. There are a lot of goods and goods. You take them all away. Just keep them and save our lives!"

Hearing Yu Hai's shout, the horse bandit who had shouted earlier sneered and said, "Hehe, is the shopkeeper of the majestic Yu family's warehouse also a dog's life?"

Yu Hai was terrified immediately, and felt a heat in his crotch. These horse bandits had checked him thoroughly. It seemed that he had been targeted early in the morning. Fortunately, he was still complacent like a fool. At this moment, his guts were green with regret. , but did not dare to make a little resistance.He knew that with his own strength, resistance had no chance of winning.Moreover, the cruelty of the horse bandits to the resisters after the breakup was simply outrageous.

Last autumn, because the second shopkeeper of the Li family refused to hand over the goods obediently to these horse bandits, and even killed a horse bandit, he was met with crazy revenge. On the edge of Kesa Town, when people found him the next day, he was still alive. It took a long time for the big guys to recognize that this bloody man was the second shopkeeper of the Li family. He survived that fall, but the impact of the tragedy he suffered lives on to this day.

Yu Hai also counted, he was bossy on weekdays, but now he lost all his dignity, and echoed: "The hero said we are the life of a dog, and we are the life of a dog. The goods are here, please take it for yourself!" It's not all weakness, at least it still has this half of toughness, but the only bit of toughness is not worth mentioning in front of the horse bandits.

"It's a big tone. The man has been chasing you for most of the night. Get out of the car and come with me!"

Yu Hai has become numb from the initial fear. When he heard that he was going to go with the horse bandit, he suddenly felt that his future was bleak. Could it be that he wanted to kidnap himself as a hostage and ask for a ransom?A wave of despair rose in his heart.Both he and his younger brother Yu Zhong were born of concubines, so they had no status in the Yu family, and all the power in the family was controlled by his direct brothers.Ever since he was sensible, the two brothers were rejected and bullied by the brother of the eldest brother. It wasn't until they were adults that they asked for the hardest job in Saibei, and brought their brothers out to prepare for making a name for themselves.

In fact, Yu Hai has already succeeded. He brings a lot of wealth to the Yu family every year, which has been recognized by the head of the family, but this has invisibly deepened the jealousy of the elder brother. Those guys in the Changfang wished that he would be kidnapped and killed, so why would he let him go after paying the ransom?

Yu Hai intuited that his back tightened and his whole body left the ground, this sudden situation broke his wild imagination, it was horse bandits who entered the dense forest.

"Are you all deaf, Ma Liu drives to the car, otherwise the man's bullets won't have eyes!"

Before the words finished, another round of bullets came, but this time, it accidentally hit a gunner's thigh, and the gunner fell to the ground and howled like a pig, tearing apart the dark night sky and sending Yu Hai's scalp in shock. numb.He secretly hated that Cullen was not punctual, and he had to be robbed by a horse bandit...

Thinking of this, Yu Hai suddenly felt very strange, even if he came late, he would always come, but now an hour has passed since the agreed time, and the people from Cullen's side have not yet appeared, and the bearded horse bandit appeared It was such a coincidence that just after he joined the convoy, he suddenly surrounded them, fast, accurate, and ruthless.Could it be?Could it be?Yu Hai didn't dare to think about it any further. If what he was worried about was true, then this time he was really defeated, and there was almost no possibility of turning over. After they kidnapped him, in order not to let this matter come to light, they would definitely implement silence. .

And his Yu Hai's tragic life will come to an end with this humiliation, and there will be no chance to turn things around, thinking about this, he can't help but cry aloud, losing his composure to the extreme.

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