The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 322 Occupying Cullen

The morning sun in the early winter of the grassland was extremely cold. When Wu Xiaoliang arrived in Kulun, there was still chaos inside and outside the city, but the vanguard did not see half of the Japanese army, but the princes who had settled in the city for a long time sent a welcome team.

The smiling faces of the representatives were uglier than crying. Seeing the soldiers in gray uniforms, they clasped their fists and nodded.

"Welcome! Welcome to the heroes who have come from afar. The eagle on the grassland has broken its wings, and it is only waiting for Master Wang to go north to save the Mongols from fire and water..."

Wu Xiaoliang happened to be in the vanguard, seeing these representatives of the Mongolian princes saying strange welcome words, he couldn't help laughing and crying, presumably the king's flag on the head of Kulun City changed on the third day of January, and they all memorized these words by heart.

He arched his hands at them and replied politely:

"You are all prairie heroes, so you don't have to stick to customs. Outer Mongolia is China's sacred and inviolable territory. It is my bounden duty as a soldier for Wu Xiaoliang to lead the army here."

The representatives were all taken aback. Wu Xiaoliang's name had been heard like thunder for the past month, almost recognizable as a cocoon. Nobuyoshi Muto, the Japanese, was scared away by this General Wu. He must be a difficult character. Mr. Xu is much better.Therefore, his demeanor was even more respectful, and he did not dare to neglect at all.After a few more polite words, he led Wu Xiaoliang and the vanguard of the Suidong Army towards the palace in the city, which was the former joint command headquarters.

The Japanese army left in a hurry, there was no time to take away a lot of supplies, and they were thrown everywhere. Wu Xiaoliang couldn't help being surprised when he saw this. When did the Japanese army become so timid?So I asked the accompanying representatives of the Mongolian princes.

"Who are the troops occupying Kulun this month?"

When the representative heard the question from General Wu who had scared the Japanese away, he immediately answered respectfully.

"Returning to General Wu, there are two groups of people, one is the Russians in the north, and the other is the Japanese." After speaking, the representative felt that something was missing, and added: "The Japanese brigade commander is The brigade commander who was scared away by you, General Wu, is called Nobuyoshi Muto, and he is a major general!"

"Nobuyoshi Muto, Muto..."

Wu Xiaoliang heard the name very familiar, but suddenly he couldn't remember where he heard it, but one of his staff officers intervened: "Commander, this Muto Xinyi should be the same Muto Xinyi who was beaten to the north bank of Heilongjiang in Temple Street!"

No wonder!No wonder he can run away when he hears the news. Ordinary Japanese, out of contempt for the Chinese and blind arrogance, how can they be scared away by a Chinese general who has never fought against him, and this is the only one who has fought against the Suidong Army , the only leading general who has preserved the strength of his troops knows how powerful Wu Xiaoliang and the Suidong Army are.It is undoubtedly the most correct decision not to guard Kulun, an isolated city with no danger to defend.Otherwise, Muto Nobuyoshi might have become a prisoner of the Suidong Army like Miyake Mitsuji.

Wu Xiaoliang issued several orders in succession at the former Joint Command to let the vanguard take over the key departments in the city. The first point was to control the radio station. The Japanese left in too much haste. They didn’t even destroy such a vital department as the radio station. It was completely left to the Suidong Army.With the radio station, Wu Xiaoliang can directly generate electricity for the country, instead of sending people to deliver messages with cars and horsepower.The modernization level of Outer Mongolia is indeed too backward, and only Kulun on the entire grassland has a radio station that can communicate with the outside world, which is enough to prove this point.

After noon, the follow-up troops arrived one after another, and they were all arranged in the former coalition barracks outside the city.

The last one to come was Li Zhenqing. He took the prisoners around on the grassland all night until dawn. He learned from a small group of captured soldiers that the Suidong Army had completely wiped out the Qiantian Regiment, so he immediately led his people to Kulun. sports.Because when Li Zhenqing got the news of the Asada United's annihilation, he immediately judged that Wu Xiaoliang's annihilation of the Asada United in the middle of the night must be planning to raid Kulun at night.

Li Zhenqing didn't expect that Kulun won without bloodshed. He was worried that the Suidong Army would face another bitter battle, so he rushed to support with his subordinates, but unexpectedly, the battle he imagined never happened. It is already under the control of the Suidong Army, and it seems that the mission of sending troops to Outer Mongolia will come to a successful conclusion.

Wu Xiaoliang was not as optimistic as his subordinates. The victory of Kulun, the religious and political center of Outer Mongolia this time, was not the fruit of victory after a bitter battle.The Japanese army, who was originally fighting here, retreated under the leadership of the old fox Muto Nobuyoshi. Invisibly, it coincided with Taizu's strategic theory. If you save land, you will lose both people and land;As long as he gathers enough strength, he will definitely make a comeback.In a sense, the Suidong Army has carried a heavy burden for itself, thus becoming a fixed target for the northern enemies. How can we solve this headache?

Just when Wu Xiaoliang was thinking hard about a solution, the adjutant brought a piece of news that made him extremely lose his composure.

"Commander, Commander, there are people coming from the west, Chief Xu is still alive, he was trapped by the Cossacks in Tangnu Wulianghai..."

"What, what? Say it again?"

The pad in Wu Xiaoliang's hand fell on the table. Facing the sudden news, he couldn't believe it right away.

"Chairman Xu has been found, he is in Tangnu Wulianghai!"

The adjutant smiled and said that Xu Shuzheng was just a symbol to him, the army chief of the Beiyang government.But it was different for Wu Xiaoliang, he was the leader who led Wu Xiaoliang into the military world, and he had the kindness to know each other. Although the world and future generations rumored that he was narrow-minded and arrogant about his talents, he unconditionally supported and cared for Wu Xiaoliang.Moreover, he really really wants to do something for this country and this nation.

Therefore, after Wu Xiaoliang heard the news about Xu Shuzheng at first, he was so excited that he lost his composure.He immediately received the Beiyang soldier who had come back from the west for help.At first glance, he was actually a major officer.

"General Wu, hurry up and take someone to rescue Chief Xu, he's almost out of ammunition and food..."

Wu Xiaoliang nodded, then asked someone to bring him hot water, and asked:

"How did Chief Xu get to Tangnu Wulianghai?"

The soldier took a sip of hot water absent-mindedly, his tongue was scalded, and he sucked in cold air in pain.

"Sigh, it's hard to say. President Xu was trapped in Wulianghai, Tangnu, all thanks to that bastard Gao Zaitian..."

On the same day, Wu Xiaoliang dispatched a whole cavalry regiment to follow the major to Tannu Wulianghai.After seeing off the major, his mind returned to how to deal with the threat from the north.

After a whole afternoon of thinking, Wu Xiaoliang finally decided to take the initiative to attack. Instead of waiting for others to fight, it is better to take the initiative to attack.After making up his mind, he approached Li Zhenqing to discuss the matter, but he didn't expect that Li Zhenqing's idea coincided with his.

"Brother Li, I have decided to let you take the first mixed brigade to the north. After chasing to the extreme north, you will also destroy Muto Nobuyoshi. You must beat this group of people so badly that they will not dare to fight outside again within ten years!"

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