The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 328 Where to Go

After Wu Xiaoliang returned to Kulun, the telegram sent by Suidong finally fulfilled his anxiety.The United States has formally sent a note to the Beiyang government, asking the Beiyang government to explain the unauthorized occupation and blockade of Vladivostok, which violates international law. The port must be opened and the Japanese army should be allowed to land to cooperate with the international community to intervene in the Russian civil war.

This telegram relayed the entire content of the diplomatic note. The attitude of the United States was not tough. Both Fang Qidao and Yin Chengfu believed that it was very simple as long as they pushed back. Anyway, the Beiyang government had no binding force on Suidong.Since the crisis was resolved, Wu Xiaoliang immediately canceled the action of several elites of the Suidong Army going to Outer Mongolia. Therefore, Fang Qidao was still in charge of Vladivostok at this time. Another purpose of his call this time was to ask Wu Xiaoliang how to respond to the Beiyang government.

Although the American's wording was not strong enough, he felt a slight chill between the lines, and the Americans would never do something innocuous.Sure enough, when Suidong was arguing with the Beiyang government, the United States became impatient and sent a more forceful note to Duan Qirui, urging him to open Vladivostok immediately, and also attached a condition to remove Wu Xiaoliang from all positions.

All the news Wu Xiaoliang got in Kulun was forwarded by Fang Qidao from Vladivostok. This proviso made everyone resentful. Even Li Zhenqing, who is usually known for his calmness, slapped the table.

"If those bigwigs in Beiyang agree to the conditions of the American devils, they will be blinded by lard and chill the hearts of my [-] Suidong troops!"

Li Zhenqing patted the table to vent his anger, and added: "Brother Zhi should be told that if necessary, extraordinary measures can be taken to stabilize the situation in Suidong. We can't mess things up ourselves first!"

Wu Xiaoliang nodded in agreement, and he has no better way to deal with the current situation. If we talk about the domestic situation, he might have a say in sending small warlords with his own strength.But in international affairs, for a powerful country like the United States and Japan, he has no room to intervene, and even if he intervenes, people may not be able to ignore him.

One day later, on December [-], the Kolchak regime formally protested to the Beiyang government, demanding the return of its Vladivostok. Duan Qirui finally did a very happy thing. He said that the Republic of China did not recognize Kolchak. Ignore it on the grounds of the local government.However, the Kolchak regime was not so easy to let it go, and immediately sued the Americans. As an aggressive warlord, Wu Xiaoliang was naturally accused in tears, which made the American representative's perception of Wu Xiaoliang even worse.

The United States exerted pressure again, and this time it threatened to send troops, but he did not mobilize his own troops, but stationed troops in North China in Machang. Guys are scared.However, just when they were about to compromise, a major event happened in Beijing.

First, the "Beijing Times" stirred up the first vortex in the dead water of Beijing. The article about the Beiyang government's intention to dismiss Wu Xiaoliang, who had regained Outer Mongolia, to please foreigners was reported vividly and vividly, and then the major newspapers in Beijing reprinted it, and Soon it spread to cities in the south at an alarming rate.The public was in an uproar, and there were numerous petitioners and demonstrators from all over the country. Students from universities in Beijing even went on strike and took to the streets to protest strongly.

Originally, Prime Minister Duan Qirui didn't care about Wu Xiaoliang's disposition. Isn't it a matter of minutes to get rid of his legal status in Suidong?Now that Xu Youzheng is not here, no one speaks for this brat, even if Duan Qirui doesn't intervene, it will only be a matter of time before he is dismissed.Although Wu Xiaoliang's troubles last time allowed Duan Qirui to take over the power of prime minister again by a blessing in disguise, but he never wanted an unstable factor to drag him down from time to time, so he acquiesced to the little tricks behind the big shots.

Unexpectedly, the students started a parade again, this student caused him more headache than Wu Xiaoliang.The whole incident has been made public so far, forcing the Beiyang government to be unable to deal with Wu Xiaoliang at this juncture, and Duan Qirui is caught in a dilemma.

Regardless of Duan Qirui's dilemma, the Americans once again put pressure on the Beiyang government on December [-]. Unlike the past few times, Japan also directly participated, and clearly stated that Vladivostok must be returned to Gower. Chake, and dismissed Wu Xiaoliang from all positions at the same time, it can be regarded as revenge for the countless arrows in the previous conflicts.

Although Japan in the Beiyang era was rampant, it was not yet at the level of militarism. Several local battles with the Chinese people were all undeclared wars, and they ended in disastrous defeat. In terms of jurisprudence and results, those Japanese cabinet ministers had no choice. It is difficult to speak, and they are simply forgotten selectively. This is also one of the reasons why Suidong has several small-scale conflicts with Japan, but it is little known internationally, and it has not attracted large-scale Japanese retaliation.

But this time, the Japanese seized the opportunity and drew on the United States, which had won the European War, to give the Chinese general who had defeated them several times a plan to draw salary from the bottom.This trick is really vicious. The idiots of the Beiyang government have shown signs of being unable to hold on, but the outbreak of the student movement has made the Beiyang bigwigs tread on thin ice. They are afraid that if they are careless, they will be infamous among the Chinese people through the ages. Again and again.

The representatives of the United States and Japan were dissatisfied with the pressure again. The Beiyang bigwigs played football and kicked the ball to the Ministry of the Army. An official document to act at its discretion was sent to the Ministry of the Army, but every line in the official document implied that Wu Xiaoliang was dismissed and replaced the meaning of.

The Beiyang bigwigs set up a divorce plan this time, and appointed Fang Qidao as the representative of Suidong. They racked their brains to come up with the position of representative. After all, Suidong still belongs to others in terms of law. , came up with such a name as a representative, but in fact it is an overview of military and government affairs, and its power is greater than that of the domestic warlord.

Fang Qidao received the appointment telegram, and his righteous indignation was hard to appease.

"Is it so difficult to achieve something in today's China? How unfair are the central officials to China!"

He felt unfair for Wu Xiaoliang, so he immediately telegraphed the whole country to support Wu Xiaoliang and resolutely resist the order of the Beiyang government.

Wu Xiaoliang smiled wryly after seeing Fang Qidao's power-on. He knew that since the United States and Japan jointly launched an attack, it would be impossible for the Suidong Army to pass the border so easily.

Sure enough, on December [-], the North China Garrison launched a military exercise in the area of ​​Pingjin.Immediately afterwards, news came that the Second Division of the Japanese Army had assembled at the border between North Korea and Vladivostok. At the same time, the Third Brigade of the Manchurian Railway Garrison also marched to the Yanhun area.Obviously, after Japan gained the support of the international community and the domestic situation became more stable, its military operations against Suidong began to become more blatant.

In the end, even Zhang Zuolin, the prospective father-in-law of Wu Xiaoliang, the leader of the Fengjun, sent a telegram to express his opinion, urging Wu Xiaoliang to step down to ease the situation and not become a criminal who caused the war.

Kulun and Wu Xiaoliang have just received a telegram from Vladivostok that Ren Fuyuan, the guardian of Binjiang, colluded with Zhang Zuoxiang to expel the guard troops of the first division, and successfully controlled the Middle East Railway in Acheng, Binjiang. The communication line from Suidong to Hulun has been cut off.

Li Zhenqing said angrily: "What kind of world is this? Jackals are in power, and the country's scholars are wronged..."

Wu Xiaoliang fell into deep contemplation, what should the Suidong Army and him do...

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