Although Zhang Zuolin was becoming more and more greedy towards the Japanese, he had almost empathized with Wu He, but he didn't think it had anything to do with Li Jing's rebellion, so he gave a dry laugh.

"Weizhong, what does it have to do with your saving the country whether my old Zhang returns to the Northeast or not? How can the country you have won be so easily handed over to the rebellious party in the south and Lao Xier Yan?"

Wu Xiaoliang had long expected that Zhang Zuolin would say this, shook his head and smiled:

"The generalissimo's words are wrong. Your safety is inseparable from China's future destiny."

Zhang Zuolin sneered in his heart, did he just want to convince my old Zhang with a few words of flattery?It's also really fantastic.At this time, Zhang Zuolin was already on the tip of his horns. The feeling of reaching the summit of power made him lose his calm judgment on the current situation, and he only thought about how to keep his Grand Marshal of the Navy and Army.

Wu Xiaoliang saw Zhang Zuolin's disapproval, and he didn't make any serious predictions. He didn't know how critical the situation was, so he continued: "I got definite information that the Kwantung Army has lost confidence in you and your Fengjun. There is a serious disagreement, among which the young and strong officers are planning an assassination operation against you. Kwantung Army staff officer Yoshiharu Takeshita was ordered by Daisaku Kawamoto to inquire about the whereabouts of Generalissimo, and he had already joined with Kenji Doihara yesterday. And this Kenji Doihara Er immediately went to the attendant's room to check the memorandum of action, which Han Qing knew."

Zhang Xueliang was horrified. Although he knew that Takeshita Yoshiharu was here to contact and inquire about information, he didn't know that this guy was Daisaku Kawamoto's subordinate. He had seen this guy when he was in Fengtian, and he usually looked radical. Let him do it. The planning ahead is no surprise.

Wu Xiaoliang knew that he had slipped his mouth. This information was obtained from various materials in his previous life. In fact, this kind of secret is almost impossible for others to get, but once he said it, he had to pretend to be mysterious. .

"The assassination planned by Kawamoto this time has received the acquiescence and support of the commander of the Kwantung Army Taro Muraoka. If they can get away with it, the Japanese will definitely support a more obedient Fengjun leader, or simply replace him. The Japanese villain If they want to gain a place in the struggle for world hegemony, they must have a stable supply of resources. The Northeast and even the whole of China are precisely their top choices. For this reason, Japan has been coveting the Northeast for many years. Once the time is right, it will inevitably will seize it, and assassinating the Generalissimo is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

Zhang Xueliang's hand holding the teacup trembled. He had never thought about the situation between Japan and Northeast China from the perspective of world struggle. After hearing Wu Xiaoliang's words, he instantly felt a serious sense of crisis.

Zhang Zuolin's face remained unchanged, but his tone softened, "The Japanese are wolfish ambitions, don't you think I don't know? It's just that our Fengjun is using him now, so we coax him." In fact, the shock in his heart was no less than Zhang Xueliang, although it is well known that the Japanese covet the Northeast, there is nothing surprising about it. What shocked him was that the Japanese Kwantung Army had already made up their minds to get rid of him, which he could not tolerate no matter what.

"Wei Zhongna, leaving Beijing to fight against Feng is a big matter. We can't make a decision right away, we need to hold a meeting to discuss it." Zhang Zuolin said, pointing at Zhang Xueliang, "Let the little six accompany you to go shopping in Beijing first, and play for a few days... ..."

Halfway through the conversation, Zhang Xueliang interrupted him impatiently.

"Marshal! What's going on now? Who still wants to travel around?"

Zhang Zuolin was not annoyed, nor did he take it seriously, he just smiled.

"Which rule stipulates that soldiers can't travel in the mountains and rivers? Now that Weizhong has returned to China, don't be idle. You can work in the military government. You can choose the department!" Then Zhang Zuolin added: "Weizhong is still serving in the military. Well, you were a major general ten years ago, and now it’s no exaggeration to come back and be a general. If you have enough rest, you can go to the third army of the little six to serve as the deputy head of the army. The old Zhang family is just like the little six. You Please help him more!"

This made Wu Xiaoliang and Zhang Xueliang confused. Originally, the two came to persuade him to leave Beijing to fight against Feng, but Zhang Zuolin actually wanted to make a wish for Wu Xiaoliang to be an official. What kind of medicine is he selling in his gourd?Wu Xiaoliang knew very well that the Anhui government would fall apart in a month or so. If Zhang Zuolin died, there would be an internal faction in the army, and getting involved would bring endless troubles.If you don't die, you have to face the Nationalist government in the south. Will the Chinese beat the Chinese?It's not what he wants.Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang has no interest in joining Fengjun.

"Don't worry, Generalissimo. Han Qing and I are good brothers. It is our duty to help. Thanks to Generalissimo for not giving up, Xiaoliang is very honored and grateful. But ten years ago, he was disheartened, and now he has no intention of returning to the military. I still hope Generalissimo Haihan."

Zhang Zuolin originally thought that Wu Xiaoliang would agree on the spot, because in his impression that Wu Weizhong would definitely seize every opportunity to make a comeback, how could he refuse his kindness?The result was unexpected, Zhang Zuolin couldn't help but look at this man with admiration. He used to try his best to win him over because he valued his territory and strength, but now he has a faint love for talent.

"You don't have to refuse in a hurry, come to me when you think about it. I'm tired, little six, go down!"

Zhang Xueliang was disappointed by Wu Xiaoliang's refusal to join Fengjun. If Fengjun can get Wu Xiaoliang's help, it may not be difficult to make a comeback.After the two of them left Zhongnanhai, a branch officer hurried over.

"Legion Commander, Legion Commander! The Generalissimo has agreed to withdraw the troops, and ordered to dispatch troops tomorrow!"

Wu Xiaoliang secretly thought, what a quick decision!

On May 17th, [-], Zhang Zuolin sent a telegram to suspend the troops, but how could Yan Xishan and Feng Yuxiang stop the troops so easily?Feng Yuxiang's Northwest Army marched straight into Shandong, Henan, while Yan Xishan marched into Hebei and rushed straight to Baoding.For a while, the menacing situation became more and more violent.

Zhang Xueliang urgently dispatched the Xuezhong Department to help Baoding. Before the withdrawal of the army was completed for a day, Baoding had to be kept for a day. Once Baoding was lost to Beijing, the door would be opened, and the Feng army would no longer be able to stop the Jin army from entering Beijing.After several days of confrontation between the Fengjin and Jin armies in Baoding, Zhang Xueliang asked for negotiations in the name of the Nationalist government. After receiving the report, Zhang Xueliang readily agreed, which was exactly what he wished for Yan Xishan's request.A few days later, General Kong Fanwei of the Jin Army went to Beijing in the name of a negotiator.

Zhang Zuolin decided to appoint Wu Xiaoliang to receive it on his behalf, and at the same time decided to confer on him the rank of general to specialize in this negotiation.Wu Xiaoliang accepted the negotiating errand, but he tried his best to refuse the rank of general. Finally, under the insistence of Er Zhang, he reluctantly decided to restore the rank of major general ten years ago.

In fact, everyone knew that the negotiations would not produce any results. The reason why the talks continued was to buy time for the withdrawal and deployment of the troops, and Yan Xishan's purpose was also to delay the troops and buy time for the arrival of follow-up reinforcements.

In order to show that he attached importance to the negotiations between the two parties, Wu Xiaoliang did his best trick again and held a grand press conference for Kong Fanwei's arrival. Reporters from major newspapers in the capital were invited to attend the meeting.

Kong Fanwei was very dissatisfied with the fact that Fengjun only sent a major general to do reception work. He was representing Chief Yan, and the other party had to send at least Zhang Xueliang to be regarded as equal!

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