"Everyone may have heard of the tragedy of my Chen family ten years ago, which was caused by the old bastard Huang Laoga. Now that he has been sentenced to death, my parents who have been dead for many years must also be able to see. There have been no proofs for many years, I implore all of you to help me uphold justice, make a testimony for me, and give me a high five if you support me."

Chen Sanshui said, knelt down on the stage with a plop, and looked longingly at the audience.The rioting crowd immediately quieted down. First, the law enforcement members of the peasant association clapped their hands in twos and threes, and then some village residents also started to clap their hands, until finally the crowd clapped thunderously, and no one knew who took the lead in shouting.

"Shoot Huang Laoga!"

So there was a thousand words in the field.

"Shoot Huang Laoga! Shoot Huang Laoga!"

Huang Laoga, who was lying on the stage and crying, was ashamed when he heard the shout.

After everyone quieted down, Li Youting announced another order.

"Huang Laoga has been a disaster for Liuzhuang for many years, and all his income is the people's anointing, which should be confiscated. Chen Sanshui, director of the peasant association, you should immediately set up a family confiscation committee. You are limited to half a month to confiscate the Huang family's assets and send them to the provincial government."

Chen Sanshui happily accepted the errand, and raiding the house has always been a fat job, and everyone can make a fortune by the way. When he was rejoicing, Li Youting poured cold water on him.

"I know that house raids are lucrative, but let me know who of you is pocketing your own money, and don't blame me for being ruthless in law enforcement!"

The public trial conference lasted for three days. Li Youting took out the case files sent by Wu Xiaoliang, and concluded the trial one by one. The witnesses and sufferers involved were also verified and questioned one by one. Only then did everyone discover that Huang Laoga had committed many crimes. There are simply too many books to write, not killing is not enough to anger the common people, not killing is not enough to show the way of heaven.

Huanglaoga, the landlord of Huangnitun, was beaten to ashes by the peasant association in this way. In the end, he was shot dead by Chen Sanshui himself.After this battle, the name of the peasant association gradually became famous in Liuzhuang, and the peasant associations in nearby villages sprung up like mushrooms after rain.Most of the backbone members came from Huangnitun's first batch of law enforcement team members called by the neighbors and eight townships.Therefore, most of the farmers' associations have followed Chen Sanshui's lead. Although other landlords feel that their status and interests are threatened by the farmers' associations, but with Huang Laoga's lessons learned, no one dares to take the lead and sit back and watch the farmers' associations. develop.

Li Youting saw that the time was ripe, and according to Wu Xiaoliang's plan, he took the opportunity to further introduce the policy of reducing rent and interest to support self-employed farmers.On the day the notice was posted, people from all villages were curious to see what kind of tricks this Deputy Secretary-General Li, who had turned Liuzhuang upside down recently, was up to.

Liu Zhuang Nei also put up a notice, there is a teacher who is kind enough to explain the content in black and white to the big guys.

"From now on, Linzi County, as the first pilot county of the provincial government, will implement the policy of reducing rent and interest."

Hearing that the government wanted to reduce or exempt rents and interest rates, there was a commotion among the crowd. "Old man, read it for us, and see how much rent reduction the new Chairman Wu will give them?

"Tsk tsk, that's a lot less!" The man let out a burst of emotion and began to read the notice again.

"Ground rent is reduced by 20.00%20.00, and the interest on borrowing money cannot exceed [-]%[-] of the total amount. Violators will act according to military law!"

"Tsk tsk, it's still a lot of miles, and I don't know what the attitude of our number one benevolent person in Liuzhuang is?"

Speaking of Mr. Liu Dashan, someone immediately lowered his voice.

"Keep down, let Liu Dashan hear that you still want someone to eat?"

Hearing someone mention Mr. Liu Dashan, the crowd dispersed and went home.

The rent reduction and interest rate reduction is not the end. Li Youting then supplemented the previously proposed rent reduction and interest rate reduction. The provincial government supports self-cultivation farmers, and the government that cannot afford seeds can borrow money on their behalf. The money and interest are settled according to the interest of the central bank.This is definitely a fatal blow to those rich households who live on mortgages in rural areas.Farmers have a place to borrow money with lower interest rates, so naturally they will not borrow money from them again, even if the interest rate is as low as 20.00% as announced in the notice, no one will come.

Before the wave was over, Li Youting made another new move. He issued a notice announcing the formal establishment of the branch of the Liuzhuang Farmers Association in Linzi County. The election of the chairman of the branch will be held on a certain date. Anyone who is engaged in agricultural production in Liuzhuang can be a candidate.Candidates will be registered from now on.The registration work will be completed before July [-]th, and those who do not register will be deemed to have given up.At this time, for the convenience of work, Li Youting had moved his office from Huangnitun to Liuzhuang.

What made the people of Liuzhuang dizzy was far more than that. On the second day after the notice was issued, Liu Dashan, the richest man in Liuzhuang, accompanied by representatives of the squires, came to Li Youting's temporary office to register himself as a candidate for the chairmanship.This is also the first time that Li Youting has dealt with this thunderous Liu Dashan.

The sarcoma on Liu Dashan's cheek is particularly eye-catching. People who have dealt with him may first think of this sarcoma when they talk about him.

"Deputy Secretary-General Liu fully responded to the provincial government's call and came to participate in the peasant association election in person. Election, tsk tsk, city people are highly educated, and they can come up with such good words! My old arms and legs should also be counted People engaged in agricultural production, right?"

Li Youting laughed, this Liu Dashan was not a good-looking man at all, his sarcoma jiggled up and down when he spoke, which was kind of funny.

"Of course forget it. The farmers' association still needs the support of local gentry like you. If you have any difficulties, just bring them up to the provincial government. Chairman Wu will try his best to meet everyone's reasonable needs."

Liu Dashan squinted his eyes and looked Li Youting up and down. He looked like a white-faced scholar, but his methods were vicious enough.Huang Laoga can be regarded as Liu Zhuang's tyrant, and he is also quite capable. Originally, he wanted to win him over to deal with this peasant association, but he didn't expect this guy to lose his life in just one round.Liu Dashan had to re-examine this group of people from Linzi County.

"There are difficulties, but they can be overcome. On behalf of all walks of life in Liuzhuang, I support the decision to establish a farmers' association. Today I express my attitude. Whoever opposes Secretary-General Li is against me, Liu!"

He unknowingly removed Deputy Secretary-General Li's adverb, which was regarded as a kind of flattery, but Li Youting didn't buy it at all.

"Liu Weng's remarks are wrong. Elections are naturally supported by some people and opposed by others. We established the farmers' association to win the support of the vast majority of farmers. We must allow the voices of opposition to exist. This is also a way to promote the progress of the farmers' association itself. Those who hold opposing views may not always be opposed to it, and once their demands are met, they will naturally turn to support the peasant association.”

These words were all read by Li Youting from Wu Xiaoliang's plan, and his incisive analysis impressed him a lot, and he lamented Wu Xiaoliang's far-reaching planning.

However, hearing these words in the ears of Liu Dashan gave another feeling.

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