The counterattack organized by Wu Xiaoliang was very successful. Bullets poured out from the suddenly opened gate. Dozens of regiments surrounded by the gate showing their might were killed and fell to the ground before they realized what was going on.After all, the regiment has not received formal military training, and has not been baptized by the smoke and blood of the battlefield. It is okay to bully the people, and it is only a tie with the bandits. Have you ever seen such a miserable situation?For a while, they stayed far away, instead of going up to fill the gap caused by the death of the regiment, for fear that the terrifying bullet rain would fall on their own heads.

Sun Baiguang sat in a tea shed half a mile away from the gate of the provincial capital. He was very annoyed when he saw his regiments were greedy for life and afraid of death, and ordered his leaders to urge the regiments to continue besieging the provincial capital.He thought for a while, and felt that just urging was not enough, so he offered another reward.

"The first person to enter the compound will be rewarded with a thousand dollars, the one who captures Wu Xiaoliang alive will be rewarded with a thousand dollars, and the head of a guard will be rewarded with a hundred dollars!"

This kind of reward is already considered overweight in a small county town of Linzi. Many people would not even dare to think of a hundred oceans, let alone a thousand oceans in their lifetime.Under heavy rewards, they are as cowardly as the members of the militia, and there are also those who dare to die. Hundreds of members rushed towards the gate in fear. Several light machine guns were fired, and the power was still impressive under the unanimous fire. The regiments who attacked in the first wave were quickly beaten back.

The second wave of regiments obviously learned how to behave, avoiding the gate and climbing in through the remote courtyard wall. The first soldier who landed felt a little proud, "I got a thousand oceans." But this was the last time he died. The consciousness was quickly shot and killed by the guards guarding the wall, and the regiments who climbed into the wall one after another also never returned.

After a few charges, Sun Baiguang realized that a strong attack is not the solution, it is better to outsmart him, but how to outsmart him?I couldn't help but have a hard time.

It was his dog-headed military division who came up with an idea,

"Head, according to the opinions of the subordinates, you can attack with fire!"

Sun Baiguang was overjoyed.

"How to attack with fire?"

The dog-headed military commander offered advice: "Go to the liquor workshop and buy jars of high-purity distilled wine, smash it on the wooden gate, and then set fire to the gate, so that the courtyard will be destroyed without attack."

Huo Gong really caused a lot of trouble for Wu Xiaoliang and the others in the courtyard, but the big wooden door was strangely tight. The spirits burned out, but only the red paint on the surface was burned off, and the wooden door inside was still intact. lossless.The fire attack was declared a failure, and Sun Baiguang ordered a strong attack in his impatience. He didn't believe that with a regiment of more than 500 people, he still couldn't take down a courtyard as large as Lixu?

In fact, he was really stumped by this large courtyard, and there were hundreds of people gathered outside, but there was nothing he could do.At this time, another person made a mistake, demolished the nearby houses, pulled out the thick wooden pillars on the beams, and a dozen people carried them like a cart to hit the wooden door.

At the same time, Sun Baiguang ordered the regiment with good marksmanship to fire violently at the position of the light machine gun on the high platform inside the wall, suppressing the machine gunners so much that they couldn't lift their heads. One of them was even shot and fell to the ground.

This trick worked really well. After a few impacts, the gate began to shake, and the regiment cheered when they saw it.The guards were helpless, their firepower was suppressed, and they were helpless against the attack outside the door.

"Break through the compound, no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

The slogans were shouted loudly, and Zhu Wusheng in the courtyard was a little anxious. He didn't follow Wu Xiaoliang's order and went back to his room to rest. Instead, he chose to fight side by side with the guards of the provincial capital.Wherever there is a lack of manpower, just go there.This greatly changed Wu Xiaoliang's impression of him, and the originally cowardly, dry and wretched image gradually began to become plump and cute.

To deal with these manpower rushing cars, Zhu Wusheng also made a note. He ordered people to bring several jars of vegetable oil stored in the kitchen in the backyard, and threw them out one by one by the guards with extraordinary arms. The stone steps were smashed to pieces in an instant, and vegetable oil was sprinkled all over the stone steps.The group members who were carrying the wooden beam couldn't stop their feet in time, and slid to the ground one after another. The heavy wooden beam broke the thigh of one unlucky group member in an instant, and he screamed in pain.

But this was not over yet, Zhu Wusheng ordered another torch to be lit and thrown out. The vegetable oil ignited when it caught fire, and a dozen regiments immediately became burning men, so the attack by Sun Baiguang's militia ended in failure again.

Wu Xiaoliang secretly praised that Zhu Wusheng looked cowardly and deceitful, and also had some quick wits. He was a good material for politics, but it was a pity that he was ruined by that idiot Sun Baiguang.Hearing the screams outside, Zhu Wusheng knew that the strategy was successful, and he clapped his hands excitedly and cursed: "Damn Sun Baiguang, let you know how ruthless a scholar is!"

Wu Xiaoliang laughed dumbfounded, what kind of cruelty is this.

Sun Baiguang failed to make a plan and made another plan. He did not know where he dragged a cast iron cannon weighing several hundred kilograms. The black barrel of the gun was stained with rust, and it looked like it must be a hundred years old.However, the use was not delayed. Packs of gunpowder were stuffed into the gun barrel, and shells as big as small melons were also stuffed into them.

Zhu Wusheng in the yard lay on the crack of the door and saw this scene, his face turned green with fright, be good, if this cannon hits, let alone a big wooden door, even a wall as hard as bluestone can't withstand the cannonball strength.

"Chairman Wu is not well, he, they set up cannons, we, we can't hold it anymore, let's run away..."

Wu Xiaoliang frowned slightly, and the good impression he had just formed collapsed in an instant. Zhu Wusheng was also the head of a county at any rate. How could he be so unbearable? Such an act of ruining the morale of the army could not be too much to be shot in the army.However, he couldn't use the military rules to punish him. After all, in this almost desperate situation, unity was the top priority.

"What are you afraid of! Zhu Wusheng, touch that thing in your crotch. Is it a display? If it's a man, just stand and wait for them to come in. Let's fight to the death. At most, we will still be a good man in 20 years!"

Zhu Wusheng subconsciously covered his crotch, and then came to his senses, his face flushed with shame, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in.The guards are all veterans who have survived many battles, and they are indifferent to life and death. When they fall into such a desperate situation and hear Wu Xiaoliang's tragic words, they not only feel proud.

"Yes, fight! At worst, he will still be a good man in 20 years!"

Everyone pricked up their ears and waited for the cannon to explode outside, and then waited for the gate to shatter and the enemy to rush in, giving them a hard blow.I just waited and waited, but the cannon didn't fire. Just when everyone was impatient, a muffled sound shook the eaves and dust fell.Wu Xiaoliang's heart tightened, but he saw that the gate was still in good condition, and the bluestone fence was not damaged at all.

There was a miserable howl outside the courtyard, Wu Xiaoliang thought to himself: Damn, it must have exploded, right?

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