The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 374 Military Parade

In a mansion of a wealthy family in Changle County, a major general officer of medium build is disheveled, hugging two pretty young women on the left and right, laughing strangely, while a pair of big hands are constantly touching the plump bodies of the two women. roam.

The two women were wearing the popular high-slit cheongsam, and the already bumpy bodies were even more mouth-watering. The high slit on the right side of the cheongsam extended to the root of the thigh, revealing a piece of snow-white and slippery thigh, even Even the inner clothes are faintly visible.

The old man in the Chinese trousers jacket next to him sat on a chair and peeked at the woman's thigh from time to time, his throat moved, and his grunt was covered by the young woman's playful smile.

The major general turned to look at the old man after finishing his hand addiction.The old man hurriedly looked away from his white and greasy thighs in embarrassment, and coughed a few times in order to hide his guilty conscience.

"Sha Weng, I heard that the new kid surnamed Wu from Linzi is very slow in jumping?" He had already noticed that the old man's eyes hadn't left Linlin and Mengmeng's thighs for a moment, but he didn't care. This fashionable and cute girl was brought back from a girls' school in Shanghai. Although they boasted that they were worth a lot, they were also shocked by the extravagant attitude of this local leopard. Going out and using it on them, even the heart made of stone was softened, and the two of them didn't even mind serving their husband together, but the sister and sister cried out.The local leopard from Shandong was absolutely generous, and no one's family gave gifts of 10,000 oceans each, which made these two beautiful girls even more happy from ear to ear, as if they were smeared with honey in their hearts.

The old man coughed dryly again: "It is said that he is carrying out some land reform in Linzi, reducing rent and interest on the [-]th, and the tenant farmers are hardened one by one. Isn't this kind of practice a violation of the rules of the ancestors? Sooner or later there will be big troubles Yes, Brigadier Liu has to decide for us, we can’t let him mess around in Changle again.”

The woman named Mengmeng smiled coquettishly and said: "It's so vulgar to pay money all day long. Brigadier, you said that you would take our sisters out for horseback riding tomorrow. Don't go back on your word."

The major general smiled and promised: "Okay, okay, I will ride a horse tomorrow. If you make a mistake, I will compensate you sisters one thousand oceans as usual. Oh no, we can't talk about money, vulgar, too vulgar..." The two But as long as people are around him, they will be disturbed and can't do business well, but this time he got the opportunity from Governor Zhang to drive away Wu Xiaoliang, so he must not be sloppy.And after the matter was completed, Governor Zhang promised to give him the land in northern Lubei.

"Sha Weng, keep your heart in your stomach. As long as he doesn't have soldiers in his hands, everything will be in vain. Introduce him to toss for a few days, and when the people's grievances boil, I will save the people from the fire and water under the pressure of soldiers." among."

The major general embraced the woman from left to right, and stretched out his hands to lift the tea bowl with great effort, imitating how others serve tea to send off guests, but the old man was just a wealthy countryman who didn't understand the way here. Thirsty, I personally picked up the teapot and filled it up for him...


Ever since Zhu Wusheng and Li Youting heard that there was an army targeting Linzi County in Changle, they armed the villagers in Liuzhuang and practiced all day to prepare for the enemy.Wu Xiaoliang's focus is obviously not on this. First of all, Sun Baiguang's militia is completely disbanded. These soldiers have been rotten to the bone. Not only will they not improve their combat effectiveness, but they will also harm the people. It is better to cut them off.After dealing with the militia, he began to formulate a plan to implement land reform and rent and interest reduction policies throughout Linzi County. Only Li Zejun couldn't see anyone, which made Li Youting and Zhu Wusheng resentful towards him.

Seeing that Wu Xiaoliang didn't stay in the county seat, but went to the countryside in a hurry. He ran to several villages in one day, and then issued a notice overnight to assign a working group to the village.Zhu Wusheng was dragged back from the barracks by him, and he ordered him to coordinate and dispatch all the manpower and logistical support needed by the working group.

Zhu Wusheng couldn't figure out how Chairman Wu could be so calm under the circumstances that the army was already overwhelming. Didn't he know that with just a few people from the militia, he couldn't even put his teeth together?

The next day, news came back that the group was Liu Zhennian, the commander of the Jiaodong Mixed Brigade under Zhang Zongchang, who had been entrenched in Jiaodong for many years. Maybe it's because he fell in love with Lubei, a land without an owner, and wanted to take it for himself.In this way, Wu Xiaoliang, the provincial chairman appointed by the Nanjing government, became his biggest obstacle.It is necessary to get rid of it and then quickly.

Although the situation was suffocating and desperate, Zhu Wusheng was unwilling to give up this hard-won situation until the last moment.Therefore, while coordinating the working group, he went to the training ground to discuss ideas with Li Youting.Li Youting is worthy of being an officer who graduated from the Whampoa Military Academy. He has a good way of training the army. In just one day, he has already trained these peasants who were carrying hoes and digging the ground a few days ago.

But Li Youting knew in his heart that these militia groups were just good-looking, and they might be vulnerable to a real battle.Now he just does his best and obeys the destiny.That morning, Wu Xiaoliang also came to the training ground, seeing that the spirit of the militia was beyond imagination, he also offered advice.

"It's better to hold a military parade in the open space in front of the provincial government compound, and let the common people and gentry, officials and businessmen come to see it. Isn't such a majestic and high-spirited team exciting?"

After hearing this, Li Youting clapped his hands and said, "Wonderful! If the chairman doesn't make a move, it will be nothing, but if he makes a move, it will be amazing!"

In fact, in Wu Xiaoliang's previous life, the military parade was a well-known form of motivating morale. He just followed the example, which not only stimulated the morale of the militia, but also stabilized people's hearts. Why not do it.

Wu Xiaoliang was counting the days silently in his heart every day. It was time for Li Zejun to arrive at Dongying, and he should meet up with the people and supplies from Suidong. It was just that he was supposed to arrive today according to the plan, but why is there no movement now?

After simple preparations, the five hundred regiments started the military parade in front of the gate of the provincial capital in a grand manner. They passed in front of the officials standing in front of the gate of the provincial capital one by one in the form of a column. The blood is surging.

But the discordant sound of horseshoes suddenly approached from far away, breaking the warm atmosphere. Everyone's heart was tense, because these were ranger scouts scattered around Linzi County.

"A cavalry unit from Changle came forward and headed straight for Linzi County..."

Zhu Wusheng secretly sighed that what should come has finally come, but he didn't expect the timing to be so ironic, and the military parade became a ridiculous self-deception.

Wu Xiaoliang didn't wait for Li Zejun to come, but Liu Zhennian's team came. He suddenly remembered the Moscow Defense War. To go directly to the battlefield, but can they be as brave as the Soviet army?

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