The joy of the cavalry commander had not yet spread a smile on his face. Suddenly, the low city head was brightly lit, and the dense gunshots seemed to be ringing out from all directions.The cavalry who climbed to the top of the city were surprised to find that what they were facing was densely packed black muzzles. Without their horses, they had nothing to do, and they fell under the city wall amidst the screams.The sudden appearance of the Linzi garrison shocked the Jiaodong Brigade Cavalry Regiment.

Originally they were sneak attackers, but now they have fallen into someone else's trap.But this was only the beginning of the nightmare. After the Linzi defenders shot and killed the first wave of enemy soldiers who climbed the city wall, they went straight to the female wall, and machine guns intertwined and fired barrages, smashing the enemy army to pieces.The people of the Jiaodong Brigade Cavalry Regiment piled up in the city like iron chains across the river, in a dilemma. What awaited them when they climbed the city wall were countless bullets, and what awaited them when they turned around and fled were also ruthless bullets.Many people were shot and killed indiscriminately under such entangled emotions.

The cavalry regiment suddenly fell into chaos. The regiment leader couldn't accept the result in front of him. He took out his Browning automatic pistol and forced his men to rush to the city wall, hoping to storm Linzi. He was so hotheaded that he didn't think about it at all. With the disadvantages of vigor and initiative, how much loss will be faced if you want to break through a county.Under the insistence of the head of the cavalry, the soldiers of the cavalry regiment of the Jiaodong Brigade started to charge again against the rain of bullets.The second wave of massacres rushed up on the dead bodies of the first wave. After all, the regular army of the local warlords was different from the unorganized and moraleless militia like the militia.Withstood the support firepower of the Linzi defenders, dropped dozens of corpses and arrived at the city again, and then the third wave of people also launched a charge. At the same time, the gunshots on the city seemed to be much quieter, and many people Think it's just an illusion.

But if they climbed to the top of the city, they would find that the defenders had already thrown away the flower machine guns in their hands, picked up a jar of vegetable oil on the bottom of the wall, and threw them down the city.There was a sudden clatter under the city, and the siege enemy soldiers were bruised and swollen by the thrown vegetable oil, but when they wiped the liquid on their faces, it was greasy and slippery, and there was a strong smell of oil. My heart shuddered.

Some reacted quickly and wanted to retreat, but it was too late. Dozens of torches drew beautiful arcs in the dark night sky, rolled and fell, and the moment they landed, there was a sea of ​​flames under the city wall of Linzi.The commander of the cavalry looked at the soldiers caught in the flames and felt dizzy for a while. He cursed the cunning of the city, but he didn't retreat because of the heavy losses. He couldn't afford to lose this battle, and he couldn't lose anyone.

After the Linzi garrison finished throwing the torches, they picked up the Hanyang made neatly piled up by the wall, and lay down on the wall pile.The city was illuminated like daylight by the fire, and the target was clearly seen. Several shots were fired, and the enemy troops blocked under the city were wiped out again.

The battle intensified, and the advantage of the Linzi defenders suddenly disappeared and gradually began to be suppressed by the enemy. The commander of the cavalry finally forced a wry smile on his face covered in sweat and gunpowder smoke. So many brothers did not die in vain. He watched One after another, the cavalrymen who climbed up to the top of the wall squeezed out a few words through their teeth.

"After the city is broken, anyone who resists will be killed without mercy, and no chicken or dog will be left behind!"

As soon as the words fell, following the sound of piercing through the air, a blast of air waves from a loud noise knocked the head of the cavalry forcefully under the horse, and gravel and mud splashed all over the horse.He got up from the ground in horror, and found that the soldiers in the center of the explosion site were bloody and torn to pieces.

This is a howitzer of more than [-] mm, such a string of information popped up in the head of the cavalry regiment.Without allowing him to think about it, the sound of piercing the sky slid again, and the shells flew over their heads and flew directly to the corner of the wall, where they exploded, and the rhythm of the siege immediately stalled.

A soldier fled from the rear in a state of embarrassment, "It's not a big deal, they actually attacked from behind, we, our rear team can't stand it anymore..."

The commander of the cavalry only felt a buzzing in his head. He didn't know whether it was the shock of the shell explosion or he was angry at the situation in front of him. He was so angry that he was on the verge of falling. The adjutant hurriedly supported him...

In Changle County, Liu Zhennian and his two concubines were inseparable, reluctant to part for a moment, and even threw the military newspaper delivered in the morning on the table, before they had time to open it.After a few trips to Wushan, he admired the two white bodies beside him contentedly and greedily, and suddenly saw the military newspaper on the table, and said with a row of heads: "Military affairs were almost delayed."

Liu Zhennian took the military newspaper, tore open the seal, and took out the documents inside. There was only a blank piece of paper with a few crosses on it.After reading a few lines, his face immediately changed drastically. He took out the Browning automatic pistol in the gun case, pulled the bolt, and fired two shots at the roof, and then cursed.

"Kill a thousand swords, kill Liu Guaizi, I will call you your ancestors!"

The two beautiful concubines had never seen Liu Zhennian lose his composure like this before, his face paled in fright, and he shrieked, hiding under a big quilt and shivering.

After a while, President Sha led someone in, and the two girls were happy, and screamed again in shock.Although the old guy was lewd, he was so startled by the gunshots that he didn't care to peek at the spring in the tent.

"Brigade Commander Liu, what's the matter?"

Immediately, he saw the documents on the table and copied them, but the more he looked at them, the more frightened he became.

"The whole army was wiped out? Didn't you say that Commander Liu had already drunk the horses in Linzi City? How, how could the whole army be wiped out?"

It turned out that the commander of the cavalry regiment failed to attack the city and was killed instead. He felt that Liu Zhennian would not spare him lightly when he returned to Changle, so he hurried away with the remnant of his troops. battle report.

This regiment of cavalry is Liu Zhennian's treasure, and Liu Guaizi is his cousin, so he handed it over to him with confidence. But what he never imagined was that this incompetent thing would inexplicably present his cavalry regiment as a treasure to him. buried.What made him even more intolerable was that after the defeat, this person left without saying goodbye.How could Liu Zhennian swallow this bad breath, secretly cruel, and ransacked that scum's house when he returned home, and kicked out his wife and children to feed the wild dogs.

If you are ruthless, you will be ruthless, but the immediate problem must be solved, and Wu Xiaoliang, who is burdening Linzi County, has become the top priority.He lost thousands of cavalry, equivalent to half of the combat power of the Jiaodong Brigade, and he wanted to recover, but he didn't know when he would have to wait.Therefore, wantonly plundering Linzi's materials and money after the city was broken became a plan for him to make up for the loss.

Liu Zhennian couldn't figure out why his most elite cavalry regiment was defeated by a group of militia formed by corruption in Linzi County.After thinking about it, the most reasonable explanation is Liu Guaizi's incompetence.He decided to personally lead the main force to point at Linzi, and the Jiaodong brigade set out for Changle in great force under the dissatisfaction and contempt of Chairman Sha.

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