The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 379 After the war

Linzi's defense battle was a complete victory, the Jiaodong brigade was wiped out, and dozens of senior officers under the brigade commander Liu Zhennian and below were captured alive, which caused a reverse change in the views of the gentry, officials and people in the province towards Wu Xiaoliang.As early as when Wu Xiaoliang took office, most people were not optimistic about this polished governor who was born in Beiyang and had no soldiers and no power. What's more, the power in the province was entangled at that time. The Japanese occupied Jinan and refused to leave. Zhang Zongchang, who occupies Qingdao, is fighting openly and secretly. His role in Shandong Province should be extremely limited.

But Liu Zhennian, whose strength is not inferior to Zhang Zongchang, was so easily eaten by Wu Xiaoliang, the entire military and political circles in Shandong were stunned by this bloody scene, what kind of tricks did that Wu use to make Liu Zhennian who is not weak completely annihilated?Some people say that his former Beiyang troops went south to help a lot, and some people say that he defeated the Jiaodong brigade with only five hundred militia groups.There are different opinions, but it makes the truth of the whole incident even more confusing.

The outside world spread the rumors about this matter, but the person involved plunged into the fields and carried out land reform in full swing.Li Youting was extremely disapproving of Wu Xiaoliang's actions to continue to expand his achievements in the military. In his opinion, this is a good time to take the opportunity to expand his territory in Lubei.Even if they don't want to forge ahead and expand the results, Sun Baiguang, Liu Zhennian and others who are imprisoned in Linzi County should give an explanation, so what's the matter if they don't pay attention.

However, Wu Xiaoliang was running back and forth between villages, but it was extremely difficult to catch his figure, even if Li Youting hurried around, there was nothing he could do.What gave him a headache was still to come. There were a large number of people in Linzi County all of a sudden.

This time the victory was complete, and the reinforcements that played a decisive role were the 400 cavalry from Dongying. These were not ordinary cavalry, but genuine Mongolian cavalry. Along with these Mongolian cavalry, there were [-] infantrymen , These people are well-equipped, with a flower machine gun in their hands, a box cannon in their waists, dark gray military uniforms, and steel helmets. The excellent equipment is rare in the world.It was these [-] people who defeated the Jiaodong Brigade like a cripple and a rotten man, and captured Liu Zhennian alive.

It's just that the arrogant soldiers are hard to restrain, and several conflicts broke out with the military police of the provincial government guards. Li Youting was busy sweating, appeasing this one and the other.To be entangled in such trivial matters all day and unable to escape, the pain is unbearable.

The time has entered mid-August, and more than half a month has passed since the defense of Linzi. Wu Xiaoliang finally returned to Linzi. After Li Youting received the letter, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Let the Lord rule these arrogant soldiers. .Unexpectedly, these people who usually love to make troubles have become more behaved and honest. Li Youting cursed angrily after learning about this situation, these bandits are bullying the weak and fearing the hard.

Wu Xiaoliang and Zhu Wusheng personally supervised the land reform in each village in the past two weeks, and the barren land and other unowned fields were distributed to tenants.Another important part of the land reform was to punish the local tyrants and evil gentry who did not pay off, and to appease the enlightened gentry.Laocai, a landlord with many crimes and evil deeds, used thunderous means to be imprisoned, tried, ransacked his home, and divided his land.Several steps were closely linked, and the people of Linzi were very happy for a while, but the wealthy households with large tracts of land were on pins and needles, wishing to give away some of the land in their hands to avoid the aggressive gaze of Chairman Wu.

After half a month of visiting villages and households, Wu Xiaoliang felt a lot of emotion. He finally understood why there were unspoken rules in feudal dynasties that there were no prefectures and counties and no courts.Only as an official close to the people, can we truly understand and understand what the people want most when dealing with the people.The needs of the common people are far different from what he imagined. In his previous education, the biggest hope of a farmer in his life is to have one mu of land, two cows, and a wife and children on a kang.But in fact, their needs are much lower than these.

When Wu Xiaoliang mentioned this standard to a farmer’s family, the man waved his hands and shook his head, explaining with a little embarrassment: “Then I dare not think that the landlord lives like this, and we can have a piece of land without paying rent.” Kind of, even if only two points and three points are enough..."

In the end, he took the phrase "one mu of land, two cows, a wife and children on a kang head" as his most practical slogan for land reform in Linzi County. of farmers achieve this goal.

Because of Liu Zhuang's example, villagers from all villages rushed to join the peasant association.Immediately, the peasant association expanded rapidly in Linzi County and quickly became a political force that cannot be ignored in the county.

The peasant association and the land reform are on the right track. Next, he needs to consider how to deal with the problems of Sun Baiguang and Liu Zhennian.Among them, Liu Zhennian belongs to the foreign warlords, and the common people don't like this kind of people, even the local gentry don't like them. On the contrary, it is Sun Baiguang, a quasi-warlord who is originally a local gentry, but at the same time formed a local tyrant with private armed forces. , the trickiest.His grandson's family has been prosperous in Linzi County for decades, and the local forces are intertwined. Although they have been suppressed and become defeated roosters, their power will never stop secretly.

Therefore, Wu Xiaoliang set a tone for disposing of Sun Baiguang, that is, spare Sun Baiguang's life, suppress his prestige and influence locally, and then bring out other Sun family men to replace the prestige vacuum left by Sun Baiguang, so Under the pressure, as long as you grasp it properly, you can win the hearts of the gentry in Linzi City.

The public trial of Sun Baiguang was held in the small square in front of the provincial government. A loudspeaker was supported on a tall pole. Since this was not the first time Wu Xiaoliang had engaged in such a large-scale activity, some people were already concerned about this kind of large-scale activity. Strange devices for sound amplification are no surprise.

The temporary platform set up before the military parade has not been dismantled. On both sides of the platform, tall poles were used to prop up black banners, and seven white papers with one corner facing downwards were pasted, and the inscription "Sun Baiguang Public Trial Conference" was posted!The tweeter first made a noisy electric sound, and then the sound of music and singing sounded humming and chirping.The lively crowd suddenly turned into a phonograph. It is said that the thing that can let people sing is called a phonograph. Only in big Shanghai or families who have stayed abroad can there be such a thing. Now I saw this in front of the small square in front of the provincial capital. Strangely, many people click their tongues non-stop.

"Hey, this excitement is not in vain..."

"Look, look, isn't that Captain Sun?"

One of them pointed his finger at the table, and saw a middle-aged man with his hands folded behind his back being put on the table.

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