I don't know when, the influential "Qilu Times" in Shandong Province began to vigorously report all the deeds of the Linzi Provincial Government, and other newspapers began to follow suit. Taking the opportunity of the Linzi Defense War to wipe out Liu Zhennian's brigade, they dug deeper s story.Soon some newspapers dug up the background of the little-known provincial chairman Wu Xiaoliang. This person was actually the General Wu who established the province in East Sui and recovered Outer Mongolia ten years ago.

For a while, public opinion in Shandong was in an uproar.Immediately afterwards, the "Qilu Times" published his interview records in the newspaper, talking about the policy in Shandong. , strengthen the country and enrich the people”! Shandong is currently under the trample of the Japanese army’s iron hooves, and there has never been anyone who dared to openly challenge the Japanese army.All of a sudden, the public opinion was silent. Some people secretly praised his courage, but he was reckless, and some even questioned his brashness and sensationalism.Over the years, have there been fewer people clamoring to expel foreign aggressors and restore China?In the end, it was not a melee between warlords, who dared not touch foreigners.

But these eight words thrown out by Wu Xiaoliang have virtually lit a guiding light for those passionate young people who have nowhere to serve their country.All of a sudden, Linzi became the most yearning place for aspiring young people in Shandong. After all, Wu Xiaoliang had real martial arts achievements in Northeast China and Outer Mongolia, which have been passed down from word to mouth for many years. Suidong Province is already a paradise in the impression of Guanli people today. Existence, these have become the best footnotes of his eight words.

In September, the sun was scorching like fire, and the autumn tiger made a lot of trouble.Zhu Wusheng was surprised to find that many young students from all over the province suddenly came to Linzi County within a few days. They asked all the way to the recruiting office and asked to join the army.The originally deserted recruitment office suddenly became lively. As more and more students signed up, the pre-prepared barracks were quickly exhausted. He had to ask people to temporarily build wooden houses in the barracks for the students to live in temporarily. for.But this kind of treatment is far from what the students imagined. After staying for a few days, some people became emotional.

At the beginning, the county magistrate Zhu used discipline to suppress the students to overcome their difficulties, and the accommodation problem will be resolved soon.But this kind of official reply made the students even more angry, thinking that corrupt officials deceived the provincial chairman and embezzled public funds for their own use.An impetuous emotion surged over the barracks, and this emotion was finally completely ignited when a dead mouse was eaten in the meal at lunch, and it was out of control.

County Magistrate Zhu was helpless, and ordered the guards to surround the general's battalion, and immediately asked Wu Xiaoliang for help, requesting that the gendarme be dispatched to suppress the riot.

Wu Xiaoliang smiled wryly after receiving Zhu Wusheng's report. The county magistrate Zhu is good at everything, but he is too picky. Let him be lenient and prepare a residence for 2000 people.But he was lucky, not only did the original plan of [-] not reach, but it was [-] less, which led to today's predicament.

"Nonsense! Isn't this pushing the students out of the barracks? It will also hurt the hearts of patriots. Hurry up and order people to withdraw the guards, tell them that I will go right away, and give them a satisfactory answer!"

Wu Xiaoliang hung up the phone mercilessly without waiting for Zhu Wusheng's answer. Li Zejun went to Dongying Port and was not around, so he had to take two guards and hurried into the jeep brought from Tianjin.

When Wu Xiaoliang arrived at the barracks outside the city, the commotion continued until all the guards shouted in unison that the provincial chairman was coming, and then gradually subsided.Students and soldiers, I believe that the legendary general who regained the northern frontier would never use dead rats to widen them. The culprits must be corrupt officials.

"Everyone has come here with a heart of serving the country, and it's me, Mr. Wu, who didn't treat me well!" As he spoke, he straightened his body and bowed deeply to everyone.

The students who were still aggrieved at first became embarrassed when they saw this.

"Chairman Wu, we came here to join the army to serve the country, not for the sake of pleasure. Today's incident is nothing more than suspicion of silverfish in the provincial government office. The students live in board houses. Naturally, there is nothing wrong with it, but with dead rats, and Moldy rice is enough, but it will kill people."

The speaker was obviously a classmate who took the lead, and his words were very polite, but when he stopped at Wu Xiaoliang No. [-] Middle School, he felt terrified.He turned to look at Zhu Wusheng and asked him to give a reasonable explanation.Zhu Wusheng is also baffled. There are dead rats in the meals, and moldy rice can be used as good rice. Where does this come from?He also eats military camp lunch at noon every day, which is the best new rice.

So, regardless of affecting his dignity, he questioned the leading student: "Is there any evidence? Once verified, he will be arrested and shot according to military law!"

The leading student didn't believe it, and tilted his head to look at Wu Xiaoliang who was at the side.Wu Xiaoliang nodded and said:

"As the county magistrate Zhu said, once the facts are verified, they will be dealt with immediately and severely, and there will be no tolerance!"

The leading student rushed back and waved, "Take out all the rice in the pot!"

Immediately, two student soldiers jointly took out a large iron pot. The rice in the pot was slightly yellowed. Wu Xiaoliang lowered his head to smell it, only to feel the smell of mold and rot.Afterwards, all the iron pots were lifted out, and it was true that every pot was full of moldy rice.

Wu Xiaoliang realized the seriousness of the problem, so he immediately expressed his opinion.

"Students, I would like to make two guarantees to everyone. The problem of the barracks will be resolved within one month. The moldy rice incident must be thoroughly investigated. All persons involved in the case, regardless of their relatives or relatives, will be severely convicted once they are found out! Also, from today, we will I will live in the board room with you until the new barracks are built."

There was a burst of applause among the student soldiers, and the tension in the confrontation eased. As soon as the students left, they surrounded Wu Xiaoliang, some asked for a handshake, some took out their notebooks and pens, and wanted to ask him for a word. , and someone asked loudly: "Chairman Wu, when are we going to fight the little devil? I am from Jinan, and my parents and younger siblings are still in Tai'an and can't go home..."

Wu Xiaoliang was responsive to the students' requests, and after shaking hands and inscribing, he replied with a smile: "Hurry up, the little devil is about to leave Jinan!"

As he remembered well, the Nanjing Nationalist Government will soon start negotiations with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the issue of the Jinan garrison. The Jinan Incident, which lasted for several months, finally ended with the withdrawal of Japanese troops.

That night, Wu Xiaoliang moved into the prefabricated barracks. The students were flattered and all their grievances were exhausted. Then they felt that Chairman Wu treated them so favorably.

Zhu Wusheng was worried and depressed to the extreme.The first time he presided over the recruitment, he messed things up, and even caused corruption scandals such as moldy rice and dead mice.Chairman Wu not only did not suspect that he was enriching his own pockets, but entrusted him with the task of investigating and punishing the black hands behind the scenes.So I could only secretly make up my mind, after the matter was satisfactorily resolved, I would take the blame and resign, and give everyone and myself an explanation.

While thinking wildly, a confidant knocked on the door and entered the house.

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