The Republic of Heroes

Chapter 396 Prelude to Negotiation

Kenzawa Yoshikichi suffered from Saito, so he had to go to Fukuda Hikosuke.Fukuda Hikosuke was surprised when he heard that Saito was so calm and did not go to General Shina. Could it be that this arrogant guy has changed his nature?To be honest, Fukuda Hikosuke has nothing to do with these young officers. Their belligerence has reached the point where they can make people feel dizzy.Just like a mad dog, as long as you look for it, you will bite it to the death. He is worried that the empire will suffer from this kind of madness sooner or later.

But the power of the imperial country is booming, this kind of unreasonable worry is not humane, otherwise the colleagues will think that he has lost his mind and say such nonsense.However, although he does not agree with the militaristic madness, he still agrees that eating China is the general trend for the benefit of the imperial country.Therefore, we should just consider how to eat, should we gobble it up or chew it more elegantly?

Thinking of this, Fukuda couldn't help laughing. He was just the head of a lieutenant general and division of the Imperial Army. It was not his turn to think about such strategic things, and even if he thought about it, it would be of no use.What he did was to be the spear of the empire, wherever the emperor needed him to shoot, he would rush there without hesitation.Just like this battle of Jinan, it was after he gave an order that the imperial army used heavy artillery to almost blow up the city wall of Jinan to ruins. After the city was broken, thousands of Chinese soldiers and civilians were slaughtered by him.In Futian's view, this is very necessary. In front of the Imperial Army, any resistance will be punished, and only obedient citizens will receive preferential treatment.

Yoshikichi Kenzawa's chatter finally interrupted Hikosuke Fukuda's thoughts.

"General Fukuda must put strong military pressure on the Chinese people. In order for the negotiations to proceed smoothly, please ask the general..."

Fukuda Hikosuke made no secret of his dissatisfaction with the cabinet in front of Kenzawa Yoshikichi, frowning and said:

"What is Prime Minister Tanaka afraid of? Jinan has occupied it, so how can he withdraw his troops? Are the soldiers of the Imperial Army just like this?"

Yoshikichi Kenzawa has a very headache dealing with these military figures. These simple-minded guys only know how to fight wars. They never get to the difficulties of diplomacy and domestic politics, but they can't ignore his questions, so they have to take the trouble to explain them.

"The United States and Britain originally supported the imperial country's sending troops to Jinan in order to punish the southern Chinese government, but the army's hasty actions in Shandong made them feel anxious, so they strongly opposed it..."

Hikosuke Fukuda didn't think so, but he didn't want to continue arguing with Kenkichi Yoshizawa on this issue, but changed the topic.

"Minister, do you know the history of the person you are negotiating with?"

Yoshikichi Kenzawa didn't expect Hikosuke Fukuda to ask this question, and was stunned.

"What's the origin? It's just a small warlord who rose up in China and is now the chairman of Shandong Province."

"Your Excellency, Minister, only knows one thing, but not the other. Have you ever heard of the Suidong Vladivostok incident?"

Fangji Qianze frowned, and said hesitantly: "You, you mean the time when Miyake was captured and the naval battle was disastrously defeated?" The disastrous defeat of the Imperial Kingdom in Suidong was an unprecedented shame for the Imperial Kingdom. Due to the domestic and international situation at that time, it was finally lost In short, this has also become a question that everyone tries to avoid. He doesn't know what Fukuda Hikosuke's purpose is for mentioning this matter.

Fukuda Hikosuke Kenzawa Yoshikichi looked puzzled, and reminded: "Wu Xiaoliang who negotiated with you, he is that General China!"

"Is he General China?"

Kenzawa Yoshikichi couldn't help being moved. Although those few things became taboos in the imperial kingdom, this Chinese general who once defeated the imperial navy and army has become a legend in Japan. Save some face.

Leng Yu and He Siyuan didn't understand why Wu Xiaoliang let go of the provocative Japanese military officers so lightly. If they followed their method, they should be formally detained, and then the Japanese army in the city should be notified to protest strongly and condemn them, and use this as a negotiation The bargaining chip may have unexpected gains, and it is unknown.But the military decided that the two of them should not ask rashly, so they had to see it in their eyes and think it in their hearts, but never said it out.

After all, the young provincial chairman has already divided their work. Leng Xun is in charge of civil affairs, and He Siyuan is in charge of education, which are the parts they are best at.Regarding Wu Xiaoliang's employment, both of them hold a common point of view, that is, Wu Xiaoliang has a reputation for knowing how to employ people. There were many comments before, but he was too rigid externally and could not be flexible.Looking at it now, there is still a certain gap between Wu Xiaoliang himself and the rumors of the outside world. From what the two of them saw with their own eyes, this person is not only brave, but also resourceful, worthy of a great responsibility.

Seeing that the two had doubts, Wu Xiaoliang smiled and said the little trick he used on Saito.

"Now Saito is already a pawn in our hands that can be thrown at any time. As long as we use it properly, there may be unexpected gains!"

The two not only laughed when they heard this, the method was a bit despicable, but it was very effective.Unlike He Siyuan's disapproval, Leng Xun clearly expressed his views on this matter.

"The two countries are fighting each other, and it's life and death. As long as you can defeat the other side, it's a good way. If you stick to personal benefits and small virtues, you will harm the country. Chairman Wu is willing to sacrifice small virtues for the sake of righteousness. I admire you!"

The matter in Jinan cannot be delayed any longer, the negotiation must be resolved as soon as possible, Wu Xiaoliang has no time to wait any longer, he has already planned too many things to do in his heart, and every minute and every second is wasted for him They are all extremely extravagant, but they have to wait.Based on his estimation of Kenzawa Fangji, this person will come to his door soon.But the Japanese are by no means conscientious and want to withdraw their troops. They just can't face the pressure from the United States and Britain head-on, so they have to do it as a last resort.

I remember that in the previous life when Japan withdrew its troops, the Nanjing Nationalist Government even promised not to ask for compensation, but they couldn't even ask for a small apology. How sad it was for China, the soldiers and the people at that time.

What should Wu Xiaoliang do in this life?Just like in the previous life, give in in every possible way, no compensation, no apology?He asked himself that he couldn't do it.But does the current situation allow him to head-to-head with the Japanese army?The answer is obviously no. Lao Jiang of the Nanjing National Government threw this hot potato to himself, but Wu Xiaoliang never dared to treat it as a hot potato. He was determined to do everything possible to win the past life for China. unearned benefits.

Fangji Qianze finally compromised and agreed to set up the negotiation venue in a third-party venue, so he temporarily requisitioned the classroom of Shandong Normal School as the negotiation venue.This is a good sign. The Chinese government has to face domestic turbulent public opinion, and the Japanese government also has to face dual pressures from home and abroad. Whoever can survive to the end will be the ultimate winner.

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